
A petty case raises a pile involving more than a dozen provinces and cities nationwide network of gambling case, the Qingdao Municipal Public Security Bureau police detachment and Jimo PUC Internet police brigade coordination in the Ministry,, (Shandong) Provincial Public Security Bureau under the command , and various provinces and cities in close coordination with the public security organs, and ultimately destroyed the value of several hundred million dollars this case large network of gambling gang and arrested 22 criminal members. Yesterday, (Qingdao) City Internet police detachment police briefed reporters on the case, the suspect Zhao, now 10 main suspects were arrested, handed over the prosecution prosecution.
Cases playback received stolen guy pull voir
In March last year, due to the acquisition of stolen goods Jimo guy was arrested, during the trial of the suspects claimed to original life is very good, and later contacted by a friend to a gambling site called "China town". Several Internet "test the water", the guy can not get away, back and forth on the site lost more than 20 million, but unfortunately could not quit gambling addiction, and gradually turned to crime. In order to be given a lighter punishment,nike air max pas cher, he provided information to the police, "China City" gambling sites.
This seemingly insignificant clues and attracted the attention of the police, after preliminary verification found that the suspects involved in gambling, "China City" gambling sites, involving more than a dozen provinces and cities nationwide, many Candu, a huge amount Candu . Since the jurisdiction of the obstacles, the city Public Security goalkeeper case escalation to the Ministry, last May 16, the Municipal Public Security Bureau, according to the Ministry's instructions, set up ad hoc headquarters, from Internet police detachment, Jimo Council and other units dispatched elite police set up a "5? 16" task force launched a comprehensive tackling of the case investigation.
Went to Hainan to find gambling den
Receiving reports from two months to set up a task force, Internet police detachment on the basic circumstances of the case conducted a preliminary investigation, found that with the case of more than 500 gambling account using a false identity more than 100 open bank accounts,, which online banking transaction information logged on display in Sanya, Hainan, a large number of gambling funds are remitted to this account, thus causing the panel's attention. Police believe that the gambling den is likely in Hainan, was immediately dispatched a task force south of Hainan, Sanya, Hainan network with the assistance of the police department started investigation.
Task force gradually locked a major suspect, 32-year-old Harbin Zhao and around Zhao investigate further. The court will soon have a new progress, police found Zhao and his associates in Zhongshan City, Guangdong set up another dens. The ad hoc command decided, broken down into smaller groups of four teams to Zhao comes to Sanya City, Hainan Province, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, Shanghai, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province to carry out a full investigation to find out the status of gambling site operators, involved, involved banks accounts and gambling money flows,, etc., to obtain evidence. Meanwhile, investigations are also underway in Qingdao in.
Golf arrested principal
"5? 16" cases involving personnel dispersed throughout the country, to avoid or escape involved gambling money transfer, the ad hoc headquarters decided to close the net in Sanya, Hainan, Guangdong Zhongshan, Nanchang, Shanghai and Qingdao five to take action to close the net at the same time, to ensure the All suspects were caught. Last year at 16:00 on May 31, earned by gambling "a lot of money," the suspect Zhao appeared in Sanya,nike air max outlet, a golf course, this time has mastered the whereabouts of Zhao police had laid an ambush in the stadium, a appearances, "waiting for a long time," the police quickly stepped forward to their control. At the same time, the command issued operational instructions, the five arrest group also attack, the Zhang, the surname Wang and other 22 major suspects were arrested and brought to justice, no one falls through, involved more than 2,,nike tn pas cher,000 million account funds have been successfully frozen and seizure of property involved two vehicles for two, and a number of drugs a computer.
Rent construction site outside the server attract several hundred million dollars
Zhao after the arrest to the police account, he had originally specialized in college network technology, then went to Japan to study, work, years even though did not earn any money, but learned a lot of gambling sites offer the ability and experience. In 2007, Zhao lease the server from outside and buy a set of online gambling program, build up their own gambling sites,ralph lauren homme pas cher, while taking advantage of search engine functionality hype their own websites, and soon people join online gambling.
With the growing reputation of the site, the Internet gambling more and more people every day,, since 2009, Zhao has opened gambling sites in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, Sanya City, Hainan Province, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, through the distributor network development , agents, together with Zhang, Jin Moumou surname Wang et al., the use of Landlords, Stud, blackjack and Texas Hold'em four kinds of games that appeal to staff Internet gambling activities. Before the incident, who join the site to participate in gambling all over the country more than ten provinces, 20 agent in charge of the initiative to contact the local gambling business with him.
To make the site more attractive, Zhao hands duties, some maintain the normal operation of the site, some responsible people to accompany clients came online gambling increase the popularity, but the site also has a dedicated customer service staff, responsible for the customer exchange chips or redeem chips into cash transfers. The site was destroyed from the establishment to the public security organs, a total of nearly 900 million yuan gambling capital inflows, export sites.
Buy another person's identity has suffered "Stealing from Thieves"
"He's very cunning in the course of carrying site, never use your own identity with the site set up any accounts related." According to the network responsible for the city police cracked the case of police officers and that in order to hide their own, Zhao bought more than 100 online individual identity information and bank accounts to receive money for gambling gambling personnel. Subsequently, Zhao to offer online shopping as a cover to get a trusted third party payment platform, when each users to participate in online gambling chips purchased must pass through support
Fu Bao, etc., by a third party payment platform transfer to Zhao used a false identity to apply for the account.
Zhao said that because identity information are purchased, and relates to illegal activities, it is sometimes the case was "Stealing from Thieves," they can not police accountability. It is reported that some personal information to Zhao after the sale, if it is found the money into the account,, the bank immediately to report the loss within the freezing of accounts and then re-subscribe, the money taken away,, for the loss of three to four Zhao ten thousand yuan of gambling money.
Banker "pumping" Forever profit
According to Zhao confessed that after he opened the website, every person involved in gambling as long as the winnings, which they will extract 10-20% of the commission,, but also from the people lost gambling money involved in gambling, but the site can be background anyone see the cards, winning or losing is completely controlled by them, so if your site does not only profit loss. After starting from the opening of the site, Zhao has bought two villas in Hainan, and many apartments also have a Mercedes and Infiniti sedan car, only to be frozen by the police as many as 20 million yuan of funds.
"He runs the site almost to the crazy situation." The police, Zhao rest day, only 4-5 hours, except for the occasional out playing golf and entertainment,tiffany roma, almost all the time staring at their own websites. Meanwhile, Zhao feel the nest is located in a place easy to find, it has prepared a retreat in Guangdong province, was arrested before being transferred assets and hands. More crazy is that Zhao even considered gambling site opened to the Philippines, so that their business entirely. "Legalization." (Shandong Xinhua Channel / Qingdao Morning Post on along? Liu Haiqing Wu Xiaoguang)
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