BEIJING, August 28 Liuzhou Electric (Mongolia Ming Ming Chun Wan Peng) reporter from Liuzhou,nike air max baratas, Guangxi traffic police department,, after eight days of continuous investigation, police in at 6:00 on August 28 arrested the traffic eligible accident causing death after the escape Xuan a suspect, which was driving in the accident after the Honda car burned to the police investigating this case has brought difficulty.
At 23:35 on August 20 Xu, a motorcycle is traveling a long way in Liuzhou Liu Gang Liu Beiqu northeast door vehicle lane road, was suddenly hit by a car from behind, Honda after accident the car did not stop,, just slow down a little and then go straight to the escape velocity.
After the accident, witnesses call alarm calls and 120 emergency calls. After emergency medical personnel arrived, the motorcycle driver due to his injuries,nike air max 90 outlet, died on the spot after rescuing invalid. Since the vehicle speed is too fast, the witness did not write down the license plate number.
Liuzhou police department immediately launched an investigation of the accident, after viewing the surveillance video of the accident after the car hit the motorcycle did not stop,ralph lauren pas cher, but before go straight, after traveling along a long road to Liuzhou Liu refuel long pond After the station turn left to the direction of escape Pandan Avenue.
Through on-site police motorcycle collided with a car accident left behind the rearview mirror, to determine the car accident 1994 - - 1995 production of Honda brand dark cars. August 24, Liuzhou police department called incident handling, control, Vehicle, publicity and other 40 professional police officers, to continue analysis of the merits of the case played a major traffic accident escape,, vows murder must be solved. At the same time the traffic police department issued a notice to the public collect clues, hope insiders can provide timely clues to the public security organs to solve the case,, Liuzhou confidential police informants, were proven,, and rewarded 5,000 yuan.
August 27, the police suspect the incident to obtain identity information through technical means, and Reward. August 28 in the morning at 1:00 on the 28th, Liuzhou handle traffic accident led eight police captain divided into three groups to Liuzhou Liucheng chase the day 6:00, Liucheng Xian Township huangjiacun friend's house sleeping when the suspect Xuan a captured.
Police informed that preliminary examination after the accident Xuan was driving a Honda car burned, then fled to Shenzhen hiding, only recently creep back Liucheng. Police arrested the same day,air max 90 pas cher, along with justice also involved in Tibetan cars,, burning cars,, hiding associates who.
It is reported that traffic hit and run causing death, has violated the "People's Republic of China Criminal Law", "People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety Law,," according to the law,louboutin outlet milano, the crime of hit and run traffic accident more severe punishments. Traffic accident after the escape, and has traffic crime, and will be more than three years --7 years imprisonment criminal penalties. If death caused by escape, more than seven years in jail will be subject to.
(Original title: Guangxi cracked hit and run case suspect vehicle causing death after burn)
 (Edit: SN053)