
Vicious crimes involving emotion
Factory "Little Three" is becoming damage to Wando family workers, causing emotional criminal cases not to be underestimated. Yesterday, the Dongguan Intermediate People's Court announced the emotion crimes investigation report, 2010 City Intermediate People's Court to hear such cases on a total of 57, accounting for 417 cases of hospital criminal court of 13%. The vast majority caused one death in the Court hearing the emotional criminal cases.
Last Dongguan Intermediate People's Court announced the emotional crime survey data in 2007,air max outlet online, the report cited data that the case in 2006 involving a total emotional causes of crime 22, 22 cases resulting in 22 deaths. Four years, the number of vicious crimes involving emotion in Court hearing increased by nearly 2-fold, most of the people involved are young workers to Dongguan. Why the vicious crimes involving emotion appeared more concentrated in this group?
Extramarital affairs often induced murder
Research Report: one of the legal concept of emotional derailment case weak, lacking the necessary sense of responsibility and ethics,http://www.healthcarehall.com/viewnews-48035.shtml, especially young workers, have not formed a proper view of love, is easy because of a momentary excitement and people cohabit, even with married men and women occurred extramarital affairs.
The injured party affair, often simply selecting criminal means to sustain their marriage, so neither save their marriage, kept himself as a prisoner of war, marvel.
One night the end of April 2010, the husband wife Hwang Jiangmou inadvertently read phone information, found his wife and Liang Guan ambiguous messages, husband suspected his wife was having an affair secretly. In fact, his wife and 19-year-old Hwang is indeed workers trabecular affair,http://corpus.leeds.ac.uk, Hwang often carrying her husband about the trabecular to home.
Hwang and her husband gave birth to two daughters, parked in the home to look after their parents, she and her husband work in the same town of Dongguan Changan Xin'an community factories.
May 13 morning, Hwang again the trabecular about to the house, I would like to take Jiangmou work overtime through the night "Loushuifuqi" life. In the afternoon, Hwang phoned her husband to confirm whether he was working overtime at night. Several calls Jiangmou suspicion aroused, he asked his wife what happened. Wife calmly say,http://www.infocrystal.com/alink/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=620/, in the evening to cook fish head soup, if he does not work overtime, on the way home to buy two tofu. Jiangmou lied on the phone to work until dawn.
This allows several telephone Jiangmou heart undulating, after work, he quietly to the market to buy two pieces of tofu and a folding knife. He thought that if his own paranoia, eat a meal that night head soup, if his wife having an affair at home, and that he should take lessons from her lover and wife derailment.
18:40 Xu, Jiangmou returned to rental, found the door locked, calls his wife's phone no one answered. Then Jiangmou wife received a text message:. "I am at the Marriott department,http://wjproducts.seesaa.net, you come to find me," she Jiangmou reply: "That's how the door is locked in the house?" After a while,http://windzors.com, a new number of text messages sent to the river's phone: "I am yellow ×× colleagues, I feel very bad sleep in your house, at the Marriott yellow ×× department, she let you in the past to find her." Jiangmou stood by the door and said loudly, if the people inside do not open the door, he will let the security team came banging on the door.
19 am, Hwang opened the door, into the room after Jiangmou slapped her across the face, then got into a fight and trabecular. Jiangmou angrily pulled out a folding knife toward the trabecular abdomen stabbed. Jiangmou was about to stab his wife, Jiang grabbed the hand of his wife Hwang crying for mercy,chaussure nike tn pas cher, saying look at parts of Shangrao daughter her life. Jiangmou relented and stopped hand, the two deadlocked at the door, crying out loud. Principal tenant reported seeing Jiangmou was arrested police, trabecular to the hospital died.
Sponsored by sentence of a court case the judge also revealed "Little Three" trabecular other details, the trial, the trabecular mother came home from Dongguan, she told Li Lili, his son, who had been happy to tell her mother on the phone, in Dongguan I met a girl, the New Year to bring her home. The details revealed trabecular may not know Hwang is a married woman.
Emotional emptiness birth factory "Little Three"
Research Report: 2010 57 emotional crime cases,chaussure louboutin pas cher, nearly 35% of the cases involving "third party", "third party" in case the parties are migrant workers, "third party" is becoming emotional criminal cases destructive elements. Lili Li analysis, more workers in a "third party," the fundamental reason is that the parties to seek emotional comfort.
Many party affair after feeling unable to properly self-psychological adjustment, killed one of the feelings are irresponsible. Harm when administered to a long-term love frustration accumulated up to a certain amount in a particular environment, and impulsively killed or injured people.
In another "third party" cases, workers in Dongguan of know the woman is married, have sex several times after, to live with her fantasy. April 2008 to August period, Mou Song with married cohabitation month run in Zhuhai,http://ubasawa.cosplay-japan.net, after Hemou to end this fruitless feelings. Song catch Zhangmutou workers. Hemou Humou husband discovered was wearing a green hat.
In the same year on September 9 in the morning, Hu about Song, Hemou face to face to resolve emotional conflicts. After a long talk, Song feel frustrated, repeatedly asked Hemou give him one last meal, it is no longer entangled.
Afternoon, Song Mou rental house as about to eat. Hemou when cooking in the hands of her husband wrote a few words, a move seen by Song, a sudden and devastating jealousy, later determined to kill Hemou suicide.
After Hu downstairs to buy vinegar, Song took the opportunity locked the door, took out a knife from the kitchen and stabbed HeMou. Just do not trust his wife down the stairs of Hu and Song in a room, and turn back to the house. After his wife found a dangerous, constantly called her husband name, Song jealousy thicker, brandished a knife and cut what crazy. Hu watched his wife was cut badly mutilated lover.
After Hemou no longer move, Song despair bent to die, he continued to cut his neck with a knife, took a beer bottle smashed himself in the head. After hearing the news of the police knocked down the door and found Hemou died on the spot, Song survived.
View unequal trigger emotional crisis
Research Report: Many migrant workers to Dongguan after receiving the city's new ideas, new things, which makes workers with their spouses or lovers who thought the subtle changes. Ideal feelings and harsh reality in contrast, when the other half can not keep thinking the situation, thought still closed, I felt no "common language", and then more easily lead to extramarital affairs, faithless.
Last year, a man in the home when the teacher came to Dongguan to work to find a girlfriend, because the man there is an obstacle in the event of a sexual relationship, his girlfriend laughed at his impotence, and proposed to break up. Man begging invalid, that the girlfriend in the fast-paced world of high school in Dongguan bad, fury, stabbing his girlfriend.
Weak social security comprehensive management, indirectly, emotional entanglements case provides crime areas. The report shows that 57 cases of emotional happening place mostly rented houses, small hotels and factory dormitory, these places are mostly weak local security precautions, and easier for the defendant and the victim alone, illegal cohabitation or cohabitation provide places, and then it It became the place of the incident. These security weaknesses place before the incident not normally concern to the community, not enough attention to the relevant departments.
■ judge said the case:
Li Lili female judge in 2005 entered the Dongguan Intermediate People's Court criminal court,air max femme pas cher, is responsible for major criminal cases. Lili Li analysis, mainly due to a "third party" involved in another family is based on feelings between husband and wife shallow, marital relationship is not solid; In addition, long-term migrant couples are not together, the lack of a sense of responsibility; dry factory environment so that foreign workers temporarily to seek emotional comfort These factors make a "third party" take advantage of.
This is demonstrated Some of them have a family, children, but live together as husband and wife and others; some lacked the necessary emotional foundation, only the pursuit of momentary stimulation cohabitation; some get involved in another family, willing to "Article three ", the constraints and the case law of this lack of self-restraint, a lot of people could easily happen on account of faithless dispute,http://koutakuji.youchien.to/cgi/bbs12/yybbs.cgi?pagShopajc</a>, when it is not properly treated and processed, often become the fuse of the incident.
Many emotional criminal cases, the defendant and the other mostly fellow relationship, or even both parents very close relationship, but most of the cases the perpetrators are male. Lili Li analysis, compared to men are more impulsive to take drastic action, there is a special phenomenon that most male offenders would commit suicide after killing the woman.
Research report, migrant workers psychological stress and mental health problems are more prominent than other social groups, they are in the body under stress, fatigue, the psychological load close to the limit, if there is any external stimuli, hit (eg cheated boss deduction of wages, beatings or emotional problem disputes,http://www.katena-net.com, etc.) may occur at any psychological crisis.
More than about half of the migrant workers represent only stand alone or to relatives and friends for help in the event of psychological problems.
Lili Li suggested that companies could be invited to tour the hospital on a regular basis to conduct business talks, to seize the opportunity if proper guidance, it is possible a return to reason, out of the emotional trough,air jordan soldes, the defendant in the case was the lack of such psychological care.
Enterprises should not only humane care for employees, relevant government departments should make a difference. The relevant department shall establish an intervention mechanism on aspects of marriage, strengthen good mental hygiene migrant workers outreach and counseling work, prevention and reduction of mental illness and mental health problems.
also suggested that women's federations, trade unions and other units of the Communist Youth League, and free psychological counseling agencies should establish the nature of social assistance, timely resolve these migrant workers psychological barriers, so that they learn to manage their emotions, learn mental relaxation, to control their own behavior, learn to "empathy" to avoid a dead end, with a smooth, healthy attitude to work or live.
Edition the author Nanfang Daily reporter Maxi Sheng
Bright intern correspondent Wang Xia Yuhao