
Southern News reporter Zhou Songbo read biopharmaceutical professional, school is the last issue of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary diploma, such absurd things happen in Maoming City of integrated vocational and technical schools in 2013 biopharmaceutical professional courses of 27 graduates who .
Came to the door of vocational schools
Li Ming (a pseudonym) is one of the City of Xin'an, 2010 not admitted to high school, at home farming. In late July, the City of a comprehensive vocational technical school acceptance letter sent to his home suddenly, above, said he had been admitted to the school. "From this school had not reported; but the parents felt I was little, it should go to school to continue their studies," Li then school.
After several months of school two years of theoretical study and school arrangements for the factory internship, in July 2013, he and other students back to school to receive the profession's diploma, the school sent to you is found animal husbandry and veterinary certificate.
"This gap is too big, we can not accept." Li said, their class 27 students,http://www.haochi365.com/apps.php?q=diary&a=detail&did=608194&uid=19376,nike air max 2012, no one agreed to receive complete and professional counterparts diploma. We discuss the school saying,nike tn, but school leaders they have been Bierbuxian; the two sides deadlocked with, until now.
No diploma work can not be regularized
Previously,http://reverse-seo.net, some students in the class of their own to find some biological pharmaceutical practice. "Get a diploma can be regularized; but all were diploma to the card,http://bbs.hziebe.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=24328," said Wang Hua (a pseudonym) is now a pharmaceutical factory in Shenzhen to work, "the official workers 2600 yuan a month,http://onigdesign.com/error.html, and I can only get 1,500 yuan."
Wang said that 27 students in his class,http://0to1.info, because there is no diploma,air max pas cher, only to find some of the most independent and professional work of the school,http://jfy4ghtuertfy.bloguez.com, into the hotel to do some entertaining, do some general workers into the shoe, "school something for them to find a job that did not play a role. "
School: basically impossible to send counterpart diploma
Yesterday morning, the City comprehensive vocational and technical schools in 2013 biopharmaceutical professional teacher Zhang said in an interview,http://suzuki-afili-school.seesaa.net, according to her understanding, from graduation to the present, 27 students in the class, there is not a student to receive animal husbandry and veterinary school diploma . For some reason,http://club.caizhihui.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=25347, in the future, the school is basically impossible to give the students made their specialty biopharmaceutical professional diploma.
The school, a responsible person,nike air max, the school took the initiative to negotiate with the students too; but students are asking too much,mbt scarpe outlet, did not reach the final negotiations. The official did not disclose the school offers biopharmaceutical professional, gave the students a diploma in animal husbandry and veterinary send specific reason.
(Clues provided: Anonymous 200 yuan)
(Original title: Read biopharmaceutical receive a "vet" diploma)