
Metropolis Daily (microblogging) News (special correspondent correspondent Qiang Jin Hui boat tour Yang Wei Dong) an accountant self-directed a desperate measure, directs others where their units armed robbery. Fled 12 years later, the fiscal police recently arrested under the cloth Yichang long voyage.
A cold nights in January 1999,http://www.psl.ne.jp, the Yidu area of the Yangtze River, labor day suck sand beach in succession. Curling smoke, the boatman began preparing dinner. Who knows, one called "Jinhui" was absorbing sand,scarpe louboutin, is facing a fate.
6 o'clock that evening, four uninvited guest to do business by looking for the captain to board the "Jinhui" sign. They hold two homemade pistols,outlet hogan italia, a shotgun and a machete, the captain and the crew quickly brought under control,boutique louboutin paris,http://www.kct.or.jp, tied to the end positions beatings, searches, and threatened to kill anyone who alarm. After robbed of 15,000 yuan in cash, there are tens of thousands of three books, four leather and a pair of gold earrings,http://acentr-barnaul.ru, four people with the collusion of the Humou shore quickly fled.
At that time, the accounting with the boat - a plant in Guangdong Zhaoqing people can not escape, he was tied up and beaten by thugs. After the incident,http://www.athtech.co.jp, planting a first report to the police.
Many riverside suck sand,nike air max pas cher, criminals Why Just grab "Jinhui" No,http://bbs.milkplayer.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=238892, do not they know that the ship has a lot of cash? By Mo Pai, the police quickly locked and arrested the suspect Liu and four people, was behind immediately surfaced, he is certain accounting board plant.
It turned out that before the incident, and the captain of a plant due to financial problems have forged a "certain distance", thought he might be "fired", so they plan to rob a plant to retaliate.
On the day, planted aboard a know a lot of cash, and also the captain,http://www012.upp.so-net.ne.jp/ad-lib/bbs/index.cgi,nike tn pas cher, then arranged in action. To make play more realistic robbery, planting a requirement not to favor their own associates, after playing together on board along with his own.
After getting caught planting a sneak into Zhaoqing, stem from the work of the division garnish. In 2005, after four workers in the name of his cousin's identity documents. 10 years,http://meguru.jp/cgi-bin/joyful/./joyful.cgi, in order to avoid detection, planting has played for a number of cities in Guangdong, Zhejiang, Shandong and other provinces, each place can not stay long. In the first half of this year, a plant in Inner Mongolia Erdos came when a senior director on the hotel side dishes, a monthly salary of five or six thousand.
December 9,http://www.mmjp.or.jp/p-box/contact, after the long voyage Yichang Police received a clue, rushed to the Ordos will plant a captured.
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