
Fishermen from Wujiang caught mullet,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=102&page=",tiffany outlet.
Jinqianzaixian News October 18,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=83&page="il, Dejiang County Baoxiang a fisherman caught a strange fish weighing 16.5 kg of color from the Wujiang river. By fisheries experts, this Hawaii is a "mermaid Asia," said the national animal protection - mullet, in Guizhou Wujiang River Basin,http://www.enochnj.org/pagegen.cgi,chaussures louboutin, which was first discovered.
11:40 the same day, Dejiang County Baoxiang long warburg 35-year-old fisherman Qin Hua Tuo dock at the Wujiang River ginkgo out fishing,http://www.52shuitou.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1606870, incidental catch a strange fish. Fish fish was dark yellow, from the fish to the fish on both sides have the same width of a dark red "ribbon", particularly fish around the eyes, almost all red, like a colored fish.
After weighing and measuring, the fish weight 16.5 kg,hogan outlet milano, height 1.28 m. This rare color fish quickly attracted many villagers came to watch, we both said never seen such a strange fish. Local hit fishermen fish for decades felt strange, I have said never seen such a fish. Subsequently,http://www.vietnavi.com, Qin Hua Xiangde River County fishery sector report, fishery officers rushed to the scene. By fisheries experts,http://www.k-macs.ne.jp/~anb/cgi-bin/nicky.cgi, the fish is to enjoy the "Asian Mermaid," said the mullet, a national animal protection.
According to the German River County Fisheries Service fisheries personnel, the discovery has created a miracle Ukrainian rivers and fish resources,http://www.trianglelacrosse.com/cgi-bin/forum/forum.cgi, it is rare, is a major event in the history of the fishery resources in Guizhou. Such a big sucker may result in recent years the national implementation of the Wujiang River fishing policy and environmental protection for this species to fill the gaps in Guizhou province for decades without mullet growth, with high scientific value,louboutin pas cher, to grasp mullet biology Characteristics establish a scientific basis.
Currently,http://www.idyllarbor.com/research/search.cgi,gioielli tiffany, the county fisheries sector has taken protective measures against the fish.
High should clear the reporter Kouqi Wei photo coverage