
Lawyers believe Yanguang Yong kill his ex-wife because of economic violence,http://www.osumi.or.jp
Electrical engineer Yan Guangyong of families living together kill his ex-wife, the first trial was sentenced to life imprisonment, and compensation for relatives of the deceased more than 10,000 yuan. Engineer voluntary community contributions for the compensation of 10,http://www.tonio.or.jp,chaussure louboutin pas cher,000 Yuan requested the court lenient sentence. Yesterday, residents on behalf of Deng Ping, who will contribute to the High Court.
"Pay the wages card also pay the cost of living"
According to the City Court found that Yan Guangyong early in 1995 and the ex-wife Hu divorce. Two for children's growth,http://smilesmile.s9.xrea.com/bbs/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=50/, in 2000 and cohabitation together, but has not run remarry procedures. Last October 6 at 8 pm, Yan and Hu because of family financial problems playing catch disputes. Catch hit, Yan Hu jammed neck, Hu for this suffocation.
According to Yan explained that he not only wages card to Hu,http://www.health8.com/cgi-bin/yybbs/yybbs.cgi, also housing transfer to her. But Hu also let him pay living expenses, or let him leave the house. The night before the incident,tiffany italia, on for this quarrel.
6 o'clock the next day, he was Hu wake,tiffany outlet, shouting to pay living expenses. "Wage cards are to you, how can they have money to pay?" Yan said he had said this, Hu came to kick him. Finally rolled fight each other, the card around her neck.
Lawyers said it was economic trouble violence
City Court believes that should know the consequences card neck will be dead. Therefore, their actions constitute intentional homicide. Although Yan was arrested hit the scene, but there is no sufficient evidence to prove his ex-wife first hands-on form,http://hubal.bialystok.pl, it can not be found dead at fault. To this end, the hospital of First Instance sentenced them to life imprisonment,http://www.onoff-net.com, and 1.1 million yuan compensation for relatives of the deceased.
After the verdict, the criminal part appeal. Currently the second trial is pending.
Yan's second trial lawyer said Yan Guangyong not only turned over wages card, passbook family over 90,http://carp.net,000 yuan is also full of names of the dead. Yan also deceased claim his house free of charge transfer to the name of the deceased. Due to transfer produced a few thousand dollars transfer fee,http://www.all-5.com/baby-gdetective/clinic/talk/talkbbs.cgi, the deceased's family has also requested to the Yen. Everything is the fault of economic violence.
Voluntary contributions for compensation on behalf of the neighborhood
Panpei 1 million yuan,hogan interactive, Yan Guangyong recognition payments, but he did nothing. June 9, Chongqing phosphate fertilizer plant community some residents to Yan spontaneous donations.
Suzu help neighborhood committee, said he Yanguang Yong better understanding. Yan specializes in electrical equipment maintenance, has been rated as an electrical engineer factory, good performance, usually speak all whisper, for fear of offending people, never with colleagues over the red face. Although the wrong color, but should give him a chance of rehabilitation.
Yesterday,nike air max pas cher, the High Court to give money to retirees Deng Ping, said she and Yan old neighbor, to be zhigenzhidi Yan. Yan had often free for residents to repair appliances, popular. "Are shortness of breath was something wrong. Too bad."
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