
Tomb tool-ho (Jiangning police for map) shovel and drill rod Express Reporter Tao Weizhou taken police to identify the scene with grave robbers, which they dug two Daodong (Jiangning police for map)
June 10 this year, closed version 19 Express reported Jiangning police arrested five thieves live, a place to keep the Eastern Han Dynasty tombs news. As the investigation deepens, the Express yesterday from Jiangning police that the Tomb gangs have six people arrested, three others are still absconding carrying parts of relics being. Through the police investigation, a gradually emerges from the Tomb of Jurong, a farmer organization "troupes", members of the group are active in Jurong area farmers and hawkers, their motive is simple, see "Kam Po" program Kande Yan heat, you would want to dig a few valuable artifacts flourishes. After identification of the cultural relics department, the gang in just one week in a row the 10 tomb robbing. And make heritage experts are alarmed that they robbing the place, buried in the ground by a large group of ancient tombs, estimated the number at more than 100 tombs.
□ Express reporter Tao Weizhou correspondent Jiang Gongxuan
Tomb furious
Third acre of land was dug eight pit
In early April, a villager Tangshan, Nanjing West Village street stormed onto the peak Jiangning Public Security Bureau police station, "do not know what wicked in my tea ground digging, I was in total third of an acre They even dug eight pit. "
Police to the Nanjing West Village and found each to have emerged in the pit, there are dozens. These pits are 1.5 m -2 m square, shades, some four or five meters deep, pit position focused on the village side of a small hill called extensive mountain. In the next pit,tiffany milano, police also found a lot of fragments of porcelain, with a pattern of brick. "It could be grave robbers dug Daodong." Police made a preliminary judgment.
However, the villagers have heard that there is no tomb nearby. Subsequently, the police brought the Nanjing Museum and archaeological experts for identification. "After the expert point of view, and found these pits are dug grave robbers Daodong, but from the scene point of view, they should have not succeeded." On its peak Pu Jieshao police station, the experts also said that from the various porcelain left the scene tablets, the brick and other objects of view, this should be a Eastern Han Dynasty tombs, and a large range, the number of tombs beneath should be no less.
Police wit
The grave robbers arrested horns Daodong
April 17 during the day, police found the tea ground and there were two new pits, and not the same as before, about two meters square,timberland scarpe outlet, but only less than 2 meters deep, it has been able to clearly see both sides of the pit folder Muzhuan soil layer. "This is not finished Daodong should be dug, the group must also be" waiting for the police to prepare the evening again.
23:00 more, the security police came again with three wide mountain tea ground, much will be there to see the tea light. "They really come." Police burst of excitement, ready to do the arrest. However, some police approached only to find the fire in the shadowy five people are holding shovel digging. "5 to 4, they have shovels." Police think it is not the storm, only to outsmart.
Police did not arouse his suspicions, hiding in the dark observation. Digging for a while, two thieves down to the pit. Chance! Police immediately shouted: "Stop, do not move, police ......" At the same time, he let the other three security to thieves throw stones. 5 thieves a look at this parade, I do not know how many police came, quickly dropped tools and fled, two of whom were police pushed to the Daodong look inside. Since Daodong has dug three or four meters deep,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, four thieves climbed in Daodong also climb up, only without a fight. While the other one ran out a few steps and then ran back, just fall into the hands of the police.
After review, which is of grave robbers Zhenjiang Jurong five people, led by the Pan. According to the account, they've come on the peak, continuous dry for a week, although the probe to have a tomb, but did not dig anything.
Avoid arrest
Afraid to sleep at home for neighbors
After further investigation the police found that the Tomb gang a total of 14 people. Pan was arrested that night, and two associates in the side of the lookout, saw Pan, who was arrested they fled in panic. "This duo told the news to the others, the next day they scattered and fled."
Jiangning police one of the thieves absconded wearing surname was online pursuit. In July, Zhenjiang police news came Daimou work somewhere in Zhenjiang. After some persuasion police, Daimou Zhenjiang police to surrender, while still hiding in the field informed the peak brother to the police station to surrender.
August 22, news came Jurong respect, there are three grave robbers fled back to the Jurong, stem from their own living. Police investigators immediately rushed to Jurong, the three people arrested. These three people are Shandong people, two of them for the Lee brothers. According to their account as well as a fellow Wang, also associates. August 25, the police find out the Wang Jurong temporary residence,tiffany outlet, but go after they found that Wang was not at home. Wang's son Wang police to start the work, the final Wang told police his father next door neighbor. Originally, Wang fear of police caught in the hide out for a while, did not dare to come back to live in the house, but to live in the next door neighbor.
So far, the Tomb of the gang have been arrested seven people, four people were detained. Pu its Huajie Shao, currently there are three people fled in their hands there are two pieces of pottery bottle, is a crime in Jurong dug from the tomb. After experts found that a short period of one week the gang robbing the 10 tombs, has been arrested for the crime of excavation of ancient tombs.
Tomb story
Reality version of "Ghost Blows"
According to China's "Criminal Law" stipulates that the crime committed excavation of ancient tombs, more than three years in prison and fined repeatedly excavation of ancient tombs will be sentenced to ten years imprisonment, life imprisonment, a fine or forfeiture property. Such a heavy crime, why take the risk of grave robbers it? Police investigation found that the Tomb of the gang members do not understand the law,http://vegalta7.s156.xrea.com/aska/aska.cgi/news/nationworld/world/modules/mod_mp3_files/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=169&itemid=65&layout=default%253Ebvnd, but they are doing the dream of overnight riches.
After reading "Kam Po"
He resumed business
Pan over 30 years old, it is Jurong farmers, the Tomb gang is his organization. He told reporters that his tomb began in 2008, along with others was still dry. "Is the handle of effort." Pan said, Jurong tombs more civil looters public, he usually at home farming, leisure Tomb with people out.
"I did two years did not feel Tomb get any money." Pan said that he had been dug in Jurong bronze mirrors, pottery, etc., but because they do not know what's what, all fire sale. "I have a bronze mirror, we sold two hundred dollars, some of the pots to sell a few hundred dollars,http://www.kamijoh-seikeigeka.com/cgi-bin/bbs.cgi, the most expensive it sold 8,000 yuan." Pan said, sometimes a carton of cigarettes can change a Han Dynasty pottery from his hand cans.
But earlier this year, Pan began to return to prostitution. "The key is watching TV," Kam-Po "and other columns." Pan said,http://www.xuebanet.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=272898, in a show, he saw a man holding a previously dug his bronze mirrors exactly the same so that expert valuation,http://www13.plala.or.jp/gakuki3/cgi_bin/aska/aska.cgi, actually Up to 40 million. "How do I 200 yuan to sell it?" Panmou feel antiques market here.
Vegetable, knife hand
Mahjong files in
Bring together "troupes"
Of course, the Tomb also find some help,tn requin pas cher, Panmou start looking on the side.
Pan frequented a mahjong file, know a lot of fair-weather friends. Speaking tomb Panmou intentionally or unintentionally, and bragging can get rich. Many people Panmou hit it off. Soon, Panmou find more than a dozen helper, put the Tomb of the "troupes."
Said to be "troupes" is not an exaggeration, in addition to Pan, the others are basically out of effort. Lee brothers, Dai and Wang are Shandong brothers who farms in Jurong business, Lee's brother butcher butcher, Wang Jurong package in the ground to grow vegetables, vegetables. Pan said that if they go to helping gravediggers, no matter can be dug baby, all day by 200 yuan standard meter wages, if dug treasures there commission.
Every Panmou optimistic tombs position, then call the Lee brothers and others, that they dig. However, because Panmou dug several times without stealing the baby,http://hubal.bialystok.pl, only to the Lee brothers, who once paid wages. Police, arrested the day of April 17, the Lee brothers, who do not give money because Panmou, so not to excavate the site to participate.
Drill rod, shovel
You will see feng shui
We will use ground-penetrating drill rod
By the end of March this year, Pan Jiangning heard on the peak of a hill with a wide tomb. Then in early April, it took a few associates went to check out the location. They quietly slipped wide mountain tea ground, climbed the highest mountain in Canton.
Pan looked about,, looked at a place on the southern slope of smiled and nodded. "There is the best feng shui, the bottom should have something."
To the designated place, drill rod Panmou will expand, slowly digging into the soil, depth of three or four meters. Then, turn Panmou drill rod drawn out from the earth. The drill rod is threaded, bring to the ground soil. At the end of the drill rod, some were gray mellow soil. "The body will decay after the soil near the tomb was gray, following a burial." A group of people and smiled. After that, they explore a few places, well marked. Night call it a spade a gravedigger others.
Pan said he just learned some fur. "In the home Jurong, active in a number Tomb molecules, they are proficient in feng shui, superb craftsmanship, where the tomb, at the terrain you can see it, and be able to know through exploration drill rod era tombs and so on."
This is a large-scale Han Tombs
"This is a large tomb group, there has been very intensive on the East Han mountainside." Nanjing Museum researcher Wang Gao said, there is no record on the tombs literature.
In fact, the peak of Tangshan stolen tomb not the first time. One expert recalled that the beginning of this century, there would have been the tomb of identity theft occurred. "I remember that was stolen two tombs, is relatively large, the Eastern Han Dynasty. Should be the Tombs of the Nobles, grade is not bad."
The tomb is stolen, make a big tombs exposed. A to field exploration of the archaeological team, said this year in April, May, July, he had went to the field were investigated. Site Daodong more beyond imagination, the scene turned out to see the tomb bricks, tombs and even some top coupons are exposed. Stolen tomb "physique" is not great, are small and medium East Han Dynasty. The tomb has a variety of puzzle method, some pit style, some Guzhuan assembled together.
Experts said the current tombs have been stolen mountain project, ready to do focused,http://bbs.witpos.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=193621, detailed exploration, and see how many seats the East Han Dynasty? Meanwhile,nike air max 2012, on the part of the tomb of stolen archaeological exploration to uncover the secrets of the mountains of the Eastern Han tomb. Express reporter Hu Yumei
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