
(Reporter Zhu willow flute) evening of August 20, Guizhou Province Kaiyang Yunkai the square, a man firing into the air and beat four Mizar one in three of the students, claiming Kaiyang County Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation battalion. Yesterday, Kaiyang County Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation battalion Yang Zhongping said that the batterer is definitely not the night shots himself. Kaiyang County Public Security Bureau responded, firing batterer Department of the county Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade as members of the Gang.
Criminal Investigation captain denies beating shots
Yesterday,http://www.aypmall.com/news/html/?49710.html, Guizhou Kaiyang County Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation battalion Yang Zhongping to respond on the matter. said about around at 20:00 on August 20 to at 8:00 on the 21st,http://tucchy.sakura.ne.jp/c/epad2/epad.cgi?mode=view&no=2916&res=1&page=20, he has been resting at home, and did not go out, it is impossible to show up around 0:10 in Kaiyang Yunkai square shots hit.
Yang Zhongping wife Ms Wong this statement was confirmed. Ms Wong said that around at 20:00 on August 20, her husband came home from the Public Security Bureau. Ms. Wong then go out with her two daughters, at around 20:30 to return home, she saw her husband in the house watching TV. Until 8:00 the next day,http://usooxx.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=894267, when Ms. Huang left home to see her husband still sleeping.
Yesterday, Kaiyang County Public Security Bureau sent a letter entitled "On the Criminal Investigation Bureau to clarify my captain Yang Zhongping situation" to the newspaper, said the investigation by the Public Security Bureau Kaiyang,http://caijicare.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=553547, that on August 20 at 6 pm after work,tn requin pas cher, go to visit relatives,http://kesennuma-yeg.com/diary/diary.cgi, and then go home and rest after dinner,scarpe hogan interactive, to about getting up at 8:00 on the 21st, the above there colleagues, neighbors,louboutin homme,http://krtshz.com.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1543818, his wife and daughter, who confirmed.
Mizar police investigation
Kaiyang County Public Security Bureau chief Li Lands and supervision room, said police after an investigation ruled out hit shots, saying shots batterer Department of the Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade Another member Ren Gang.
Like Zhang said that the current council has ordered to be beaten just any students and their families an apology, and to recover just as with any firearms, stop their exercise of their functions.
In addition, the local propaganda department issued Xinhua informed that at 1:38 on August 21, Kaiyang County Public Security Bureau received the PUC directive: "One of the masses reported: Criminal Investigation captain Square shot wound in Yunkai After the man,mbt scarpe, police do not deal with, investigate. "County Public Security Bureau leadership attaches great importance to the instruction Lands and supervision bureau immediately launched an investigation room. About two in the morning that day,http://www.hayasoft.com/crybaby/cgi-bin/diary2/apeboard_plus.cgi?msgnum=68&command=read_message/,louboutin soldes, political oversight room an investigation team to investigate.
The investigation, that night, Kaiyang County Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Police Ren Gang take his wife and children back home, passing the square, with four language conflict occurs, to protect the safety of his wife and children, firing into the air, the two of them to instigate the two ears and kicked, 0:51 Ren Gang county bureau command center to report firing situation.
Lands and supervision room Like Zhang said that the current case is still under investigation,http://www.swiss-list.com, all walks of life will be informed of the findings.