Tianfang Liang family lived in such a beautiful place. Mother waited looked lovely, could not help but burst into tears, crying now waited followed. In order to cure his sister, never to hold back. "Brother, you can not kneel!" Ding Jianzhong just kneel down, Tianfang Liang pulled on one of his
Henan 4-year-old girl suffering from leukemia, blood relatives in urgent need of matching, exposed the adoptee's life experience; Guizhou tracing father, finally found the girl's biological father - together to save her adoptive father
⊙ core tips
February 26 at noon, Ding Jianzhong suddenly kneeling in front , "Brother, I thank you on behalf of her daughter waited!" Seeing the situation, a loss of hastily pulled one of his, both this year just are 42-year-old man, for their "common" daughter waited suffering from leukemia and cry.
Ding Jianzhong waited father from Henan Yiyang, the biological father, who lives in Guizhou Sinan Tianfang Liang. Waited for the treatment of leukemia, Ding Jianzhong Guizhou travel long distances to find the biological father waited; and that his own daughter suffering from leukemia, Tianfang Liang expressed the willingness to do whatever it takes for treatment.
Waited for treatment, the newspaper and the "Luoyang Evening News" two linkage, Henan and Guizhou doctors nurses work together, to build up a bridge of love rescue. With the help of many caring people down, waited in the adoptive family's home and the father of two people, soul and blood Guizhou, Henan, Guizhou and Henan staged across the world the truth.
Persistent cold daughter
"Bolt from the blue!" When the hospital diagnosed her daughter suffering from leukemia waited moment, Ding Jianzhong couple almost collapsed in the past. They still do not believe this is true, because waited so very cute little girl, previously little sick, this time suffering from this incurable disease how it? Waited took blood samples, Ding Jianzhong and his wife came to the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, the doctor told him sure laboratory:. "Is indeed acute leukemia."
Day, Ding Jianzhong and his wife Zheng freshman Affiliated cried, overwhelmed.
Yiyang County, Henan Province, Ding Jianzhong, who lives in a remote mountain village to farming for a living, one year, only a few thousand dollars of income. He had a 18-year-old son, Ding Ruihua, in addition to a 4-year-old daughter waited half. From last year, Ding Ruihua migrant workers, leaving home and waited in a couple.
Her son went out, but a lively daughter company, Ding Jianzhong couple does not feel lonely. Although young, but considerate waited each meal, always rushing to clean up the dishes at home.
June 2010 day, waited as usual clever to help parents clean up the dishes, but she had just put away dishes, called headache, Ding Jianzhong thought she had a cold, and immediately took her to a nearby clinic for treatment, after eating After drug injections, waited good cold. But not long after, I waited and cold, Ding Jianzhong couple and timely with her treatment. Since then, there have been repeated waited cold symptoms, then the doctor has not found her abnormal condition, thought that she was weak resistance.
December 25, 2010, waited reappears cold, but this time different from the past, sustained high fever unrelenting Ding Jianzhong urgency. After he waited four days to the township clinic treatment, fever still not returned. As the local medical condition is relatively backward, the local doctor recommends Ding Jianzhong daughter to the county hospital for tests. Holding his daughter out from the clinic, he felt her body was weak a lot. Originally stick to their suddenly pulled Ding Jianzhong waited to walk hand: "Dad, back to me!" Ding Jianzhong one knew waited a serious condition, and then hug her tightly in his arms, hurried to the county hospital in time.
Leukemia treatment costs amazing
Yiyang County People's Hospital to do a preliminary examination waited, not confirmed, immediately suggested they send waited to Luoyang large hospital. January 1,ciondolo tiffany, 2011, Ding Jianzhong and his wife waited with nonstop rushed to the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Science and Technology, after the hospital diagnosed suffering from leukemia waited,, worried hospital misdiagnosed, they again waited on blood samples taken First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University laboratory, the result of acute leukemia.
The news for Ding Jianzhong,air max, is tantamount to bolt from the blue. His family did not have much money, who work after learning her sister suffering from leukemia, will he just go out to work more than ten thousand dollars a year to accumulate under took out, "Dad, you take the matter to my sister first treatment it! "
Son of sensible to let Ding Jianzhong very self-blame, but the family is no money, only waited pluralism of chemotherapy with the million.
High cost of chemotherapy soon run out of the money, Ding Jianzhong had twenty thousand yuan borrowed from relatives and friends, will soon run out. Four million for the cost of treatment of leukemia, is tantamount to drop in the bucket.
"To save waited, palliative chemotherapy, waited only way to save is to do a bone marrow transplant." Looked lovely waited, hospital doctor told Hu Meng Ding Jianzhong.
Hu Meng told him that light can not go to the root cause of chemotherapy, as well as possible future recurrence, relapse once will be more difficult. To cure, the only way is to do a bone marrow transplant. Normally, bone marrow from two sources: First, the "China Bone Marrow Bank", the second is to donate blood kin; the former matching success rate is only one hundred thousandth of the cost is not less than 50 million; the latter matching success the high rate if the cell brother and sister,basket nike pas cher, matching success rate of about 75 percent, spend only about half of the former.
"Daughter" Blood typing revealed tortuous life experience
Waited for a case, the doctor suggested, collecting Ding Jianzhong couple and brother waited and waited blood sample to blood typing, after matching the success, it can be a bone marrow transplant. And as the brother of and waited matching success rate of about 75%, in this case, the opportunity to save waited greatly increased. The doctor said,, now is a bone marrow transplant in clinical accurately should be called "peripheral blood stem cell transplantation," not extract someone else's "marrow" transplant. Now "bone marrow donation" is not a "marrow" and "blood" is not much difference, will not cause much harm to the donor.
This seemingly little things matter, but stumped Ding Jianzhong. He said something to the people present were surprised,, then, "I waited not our real daughter!"
Originally, in 2006, when his son was 14 years old have their own home, watching other people's girls, Ding Jianzhong and his wife are looking forward to have a daughter. After one of his comrades learned Guizhou, called to tell him that his relatives and picked up an abandoned baby. June of that year, Ding Jianzhong immediately rushed to Hong Xiang Sinan County, Guizhou village, watching looks very lovely "abandoned", Ding Jianzhong listening carefully picked up abandoned that family talk, "the baby is ten days ago picked up on the roadside, was only born two or three days the way, not out of the umbilical cord, surrounded by a pack of milk,, a bottle, as well as 180 dollars. In addition, the baby's name, date of birth and parents,, address and other information Yigai not. "
Ding Jianzhong still remember: "baby big eyes, very bright, do not cry, saw I liked, so I will be less than a month this girl a wonderful reflection of Henan."
This is Ding Jianzhong adopted baby girl, is now suffering from leukemia daughter waited.
Ding Jianzhong waited in a wonderful reflection of the first year, he and Sinan send their children to him that family contacted two or three times, wanted to find out the exact date of birth of the baby, but households that did not inquire about women infant's birth parents. After the two sides cut off contact.
No information had waited parents, and now looking for her family certainly as needle in a haystack.
How to find the child's biological parents to let her relatives come complete with a bone marrow transplant, Ding Jianzhong put their hopes in the year Sinan village goes to waited out the "abandonment of proof" telephone numbers remain on paper, which The only clue is to find their loved ones waited.
Then abandoned the only proof tracing clues
Can find relatives waited, waited a key save. In late January of this year, Ding Jianzhong waited do everything possible to start tracing. According to the year left the phone number, he calls in the past year to send their children to him to find that family, he pleaded on the phone: "! Anyway, please try to help people look for it, otherwise the child no hope."
Other repeatedly refused, he again for help. Ding Jianzhong not remember crying on the phone begging each other many times, but in the end, this family was very sympathetic to what happened to him, and promised to help in any case will try to find someone. But half a month later, the other party is still heard from since.
Perhaps God is love touched, perhaps there is love there will be a miracle.
February 20 morning, Ding Jianzhong couple desperate to accompany her daughter to play in the hospital, that his daughter be happy to spend the last months of her life. But on this day, a strange phone sent him a message: find birth parents waited up!
This life-saving message, let Ding Jianzhong see the hope of life, sudden surprises make rapid heartbeat, and even feel a bit confused, but he has left immediately in accordance with SMS phone number played in the past. The other is a man, full of Guizhou, then let Ding Jianzhong do not know what he was saying, and Ding Jianzhong Henan dialect, and the other did not understand.
Telephone really not going to play, and Ding Jianzhong on the front of the phone call: "Brother, I hung up the phone and immediately send text messages to you!"
Then after the two exchange some messages, finally that clear the whole matter.
"My name is , 42 years old. When the situation was to send children, and cry.
The child was born, we mouth tears filling her eyes with her daughter goodbye, I thought if people can come to a good family, nice ah. Since then, we have not asked to be the child's message. "
"The child was born in June 10, 2006 chenshi, he's clean, not a little birthmark had poor family, just put a packet of powdered milk and a milk bottle, and 180 dollars, date of birth, etc. No additional information. Is not the When you adopt the same situation? "
"Wanmoxiangdao, God let us know where the children are now brothers, your children spend a great price, thank you for the grace of adoption."
"Some of the kids safe? Yes, in the hospital? You have to carefully observe whether the child has improved, real words tell brother. No matter what, we will make every effort to cooperate."
The man claiming to be Tianfang Liang, Ding Jianzhong began very intensively to send text messages.
In Ding Jianzhong heart, now the most important thing is to save waited, as Tianfang Liang are they? It will take waited? Ding Jianzhong not considered. "As long as they donate 'life-saving blood', to save the child's life, we are willing Zaguomaitie! Even if he took the child, but also the line!" Ding Jianzhong said, tears brimming.
Social well-intentioned people have suffered moved Helping Hand
In order to allow waited after a bone marrow transplant as soon as possible, the newspaper learned that misfortune waited quickly together "Luoyang Evening News," Yu Qian two places to build a bridge of love, Ding Jianzhong and preparatory arrangements to meet. While two medical staff contact the family blood samples were collected on the field, then back to Luoyang and waited blood test matching.
Learn waited after life experience, River Division YiFuYuan party secretary Zhang Xinyao very mixed feelings, he said: "The experience waited too bumpy, very easy to find birth parents, birth parents if waited willing to donate 'life-saving blood 'So we have a responsibility to the hospital, the obligation to pay the greatest efforts to successfully undergo the transplant waited pave the way. "He immediately decided by the River Division YiFuYuan investment, and sent waited doctor Hu Meng Fei Ding Jianzhong its father go to Guizhou.
February 24, the newspaper contacted the Sinan County People's Hospital, the hospital head of the Office waited that situation, said:. "The doctor's duty is to save lives, we are willing to do our part to save waited" The same day,hogan outlet, the hospital pumping faction responsible, high professional quality of nurses on call once a consent Tianfang Liang immediately after blood sample collection, were sent to Henan matching tests.
February 25, came from Henan Ding Jianzhong, a pedestrian in Guiyang at the plane, the newspaper rushed to the car to take them to Sinan. That night, after nearly eight hours of hard work, arrived in Da Sinan county. On the way, Ding Jianzhong received a message, say under their own helplessness, I waited every day for praying that waited able to overcome the disease. However, the message he sent to Ding Jianzhong, revealed that he had been reluctant to let people know that the child had dropped something. This is to participate in the people's hearts love rescue operations overshadowed, if Tianfang Liang therefore deliberately avoid or refuses to cooperate, then waited for thousands of miles away this young life is forever regret leaving.
February 26, after nearly four hours from the county bumpy, we arrived at the meeting place and that good at 12:18. But one asked, and did not name field of the local people, Ding Jianzhong anxious,, busy Tianfang Liang dial phone. appointment with reporters on the phone, 15:00, in time to meet the agreed place. After then dial his phone, turned out to be unable to connect. Ding Jianzhong immediately call had to help him contact Tianfang Liang of that family, phone or no answer,hogan outlet online, or be disconnected. This is how it is being tricked or Tianfang Liang chickened out? Xinxuan everyone up.
Trinidad tracing adoptive father once hugged each other and tears
Waiting process, Ding Jianzhong very agitated, he walked in the street, sweat fly. Reporters accompanying doctor, who has failed, Sinan County People's Hospital nurses sent to the local music Cincin continue acquaintance asked, whether villagers in the village would therefore refuse to save his own children, hoping to understand the local population, from early discerned.
Just when everyone wistfully occasion, a motorcycle carrying a sling middle-aged man came to the side of Ding Jianzhong. He took the initiative to talk to each other and Ding Jianzhong, a Henan accent, the man on the abnormal excitement, suddenly hugged Ding Jianzhong, Ding Jianzhong also a tacit agreement to hold this man, two tears flash. This middle-aged man is none other than everyone awaited Tianfang Liang.
It turned out that everyone is worried when he did not appear, Tianfang Liang positive came to the agreed place. Just because the phone forgot to charge, and therefore can not be contacted, so that we have concerns. Fearing the road has been delayed, he put back up for about two hours. "If I do not come on time, it is very bad faith." Tianfang Liang Ding Jianzhong imagination and had very different Sinan is a very simple man.
That her daughter suffering from leukemia these days, Tianfang Liang restless at home. His heart always like the pressure a stone, has ten days did not sleep well. Every night, dropped his daughter four years ago that scene, moments flashed in his mind.
It was late at night June 10, 2006 and Tian Fangliang holding his wife at 9:00 that day just born daughter, came to a family called the people what ovo neighboring village. This girl is Tianfang Liang home fourth child, had very poor families simply can not support this daughter, she was able to bounce back and worry about the village know,, so he decided to take a child to the point of affluent people.
While the child was born, but Tian Fangliang feel this is a well behaved daughter. In his arms, the child cry no trouble. He tears the baby to the door where Oge House, the powdered milk and baby milk bottle on the side, and then from his pocket only 180 dollars stuffed in his arms. He lives in Hong Xiang ovo side of the road, his family was well off. After and other Ho sleep, the child on the door of any home, and then stand away from children less than five meters away, quietly watching her. From early morning until late at night, he waited with the child nearly seven hours, the Day will come, Ho hear someone get up, he was deep shallow kick and ran home, hooded tears.
Tianfang Liang's wife, newborn daughter that sent people back, crying in the yard for a whole two weeks. "I was helpless, I have three children, the family poverty, it could not afford her, so I hope she can come to a good home." Recalled the circumstances, Tian Fangliang this looks a strong man, a Ku Cheng Lei Rener .
For four years, Tianfang Liang has been quietly inquire about the child's whereabouts. But what ovo family took the child, the child in turn forwarded to others, less than a month, the children were transferred to five or six families, finally went to the Henan Ding Jianzhong hold.
Coincidentally, at that time, the village attestation when leaving the fourth of what home phone. Prior to this, the fourth of Tianfang Liang used to go home to find out what had whereabouts of her daughter. Therefore, when Ding Jianzhong waited calling about birth parents, the fourth of family guessed what was in all likelihood 's daughter, therefore, Ding Jianzhong worth begging, he put the phone to the Ding Jianzhong .
Just received the news, Tianfang Liang is a surprise, because being separated more than four years, and she was aware of the whereabouts of the child, but when he heard a child suffering from leukemia, he was shocked: "Is God, let the children suffering from leukemia can we recognize his son? "
From that day on, Tian Fangliang sleep. His only after 0:00 every night to sleep, stumbled to the dawn he was thinking about the distant sick child. "I am sorry for her, but I really can not do anything." Tianfang Liang said.
February 26 morning, Ding Jianzhong had come to hear Sinan, Tianfang Liang felt very touched.
He rode a motorcycle early in the morning to go to a clinic than ten kilometers away inquire about the situation of leukemia, where doctors told him that only he can save waited up. Just out of the hospital, Ding Jianzhong received a phone call then immediately came to meet him.
Qian Yu teamed four blood samples sent to Henan
Wujiang River is a tributary of Tianfang Liang doorstep, but a beautiful environment does not allow his family rich.
February 26 13:45 pm, in front of a somewhat run-down wooden house, in front of lead the way to stop a motorcycle, said:. "Home of the"
14-year-old second daughter Tianfang Liang Tian Ju, 12-year-old son Tian Xiaoguang playing at home. May rarely see a stranger, they shyly dare not speak. Tianfang Liang told us that 17-year-old son changs school in Xu Nanba live reading, the wife is the mother of a journey waited gone to work. February 23, his wife went to work in Guangdong.
While his wife to go on the day, he already knows the children suffering from leukemia, but he did not have the heart to tell his wife. Because then the child on the people outside, grief-stricken wife, if you know the news, it is undoubtedly the salt the wound. "When she went, I did not tell her distant daughter suffering from leukemia, and I was afraid she had psychological burden, where she operate machinery, and take the word of God will be safe." Tianfang Liang while greeting everyone into the room while quietly explained.
Into the room, the only appliances to see is an old TV. "The family is too poor, narrow and chaotic, so you laughed." Tianfang Liang rubbing his hands, I am sorry to say.
Ding Jianzhong to whole family with gifts specially prepared: tobacco, milk, bags, dolls, pens and the like. These things he spent 400 yuan of money. "I'm not rich in Luoyang countryside, now waited to see a doctor and is spending the money, but my first home 'to recognize the pro', you have to take my mind." Declining farm families face, Ding Jianzhong said.
About waited thing, Tian Fangliang not want to be neighbors know. In order to "speak easy", the Ding Jianzhong received a small bamboo grove outside the home side. When you hear Tianfang Liang agreed to let the doctor gave the family collection of blood samples,, Ding Jianzhong kneel in front of a :! "Brother Yeah, I thank you very much on behalf of children" Tianfang Liang suddenly been made at a loss. "Kneeling can not, must not kneel, you get up!" He hurriedly pulled up all of a sudden Ding Jianzhong, "Do you do misunderstand, Columbia is the child's biological father, did not have reason not to save the child's life! After we are two brothers, Because we have a daughter together. "One is the biological father waited, one father, a pull between the knees, cried together, the presence of other people moved to tears.
"My people are poor, do not have culture, you say I do not know who 'blood typing', 'transplants', I want to save the child and Maude (no) way, the heart is very ashamed."
"This morning, I went to some other place in hospitals specialized advice, the doctor told me clearly, waited only biological parents, especially compatriots brothers and sisters get only save lives, but transplant only 50-100 ml of blood is enough I was all prepared to seize the time to inform you of Guizhou, did not think you have arrived all the way, which I'm so excited. "Having such words, then dig pit of the stomach, Tianfang Liang burst into tears.
"I do not have the money, how much how much blood will be drawn." Then, again brought home to the people, on the table in his family's stove, which he began to blood, followed by the youngest son and two daughters Tian Ju later, to the family of three people finished collecting blood samples, to Luoyang to reporters, said, waited to see the video.
The whole family gathered around the "Luoyang Evening News" reporter to bring laptop side, waited intently watching every move. Video, in order to avoid chemotherapy hair loss, has shaved his head waited on holding a small book and began to read: "chick chicken squeak grumble, Duck Duck Ga Gaga, puppy dog bark Wang ...... "
I watched, Tianfang Liang hard noses and tears, he said that if a blood sample pairing is successful, it must go and see her. Ding Jianzhong hold his hand and said: "!. Good daughter after the disease, even if you want to take back, I am willing to not take back, when children get married, it must be connected to your past, we are one family."
Such hands and Guizhou clenched hand from Henan full five minutes. Tianfang Liang think about what, suddenly stood on the stove, put a few pieces of bacon hanging under the roof, wrapped and handed Ding Jianzhong, let him put a little meat to bring Luoyang waited.
In the afternoon 18:30, Ding Jianzhong and Tianfang Liang parting.
"Brothers, the future no matter who and waited matching is successful, I will try to hard to make him (her) to Luoyang, with waited for transplant."
"Brother, have you this sentence I was completely at ease, so in the future waited disease is cured, I will take her to the Guizhou recognize the pro!"