
A 29-year-old youths were long tables harassment of female colleagues and suffered a sexual assault, had to find a lawyer in the firm activists reported no fruit. Reporters learned from the Beijing Broadcasting dimensional days of legal services, the woman Wang Li (pseudonym) to institute criminal prosecution in a court in Chaoyang,http://www.8liuxing.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, and ask for the spirit of giving compensation.
■ Event:
By female colleagues "rape" plus harassment
29-year-old Wang Li is an ordinary employee of an institution in Beijing. Wang Li said his unit late last year to this entry, quickly recognized the female colleagues on the table Xiaohua Xiaohua 4 years younger than she, likes to wear men's clothing, outgoing and lively. It soon became good friends.
But slowly,scarpe louboutin, Wang Li Xiaohua began to find their own feelings is not normal, but also with a kind of talked the feeling of love. Wang Li therefore wanted to pull away from each other,http://maillists.freead.com.au/cgi-bin/mojo.cgi, slowly left out the other side.
Wang Li Xiaohua feel left out on their own, even in front of the face of Wang Li is crying. On the evening of August 23 this year, Wang Li Xiaohua suddenly to call,http://www.wpinu.co.jp, he said he bored,hogan interactive, Wang Li's residence to go looking for her, living alone Wang Li agreed. At home on the couch Wang Li, Wang Li Xiaohua stand will hold down with your fingers to Wang Li had a "rape."
Wang Li did not immediately alarm, she had Xiaohua discuss that, but the other side send text messages,hogan interactive uomo,http://www.e-popop.com, said:. "I go to bed with you simply because you are a large majority not had a boyfriend," Let Wang Li did not think that there is Xiaohua fixed girlfriend, which I heard about it after the jealous, who find Xiaohua unit curse Street.
According to Wang Li's lawyers contend Lo speaking, after Wang Li also told the police for help, but the police has not this be placed on file.
■ Police:
Sexual assault among female forensics difficult
Reporter yesterday learned from the police,nike pas cher, Wang Li encountered similar cases are rare. Because of the Penal Code clearly defines the rapist only for men, but the object can only raped women and, therefore, can only be prosecuted on charges of intentional injury behavior accountable.
Police responsible person, according to the filing intentional injury, the victim will be carried out in cases of injury report, and issued at least a minor injury above injury assessment. After the parties did not immediately report the incident, injury assessment test out the possibility of more serious consequences not large, this is usually only on the parties criticism and education.
■ lawyers:
Processing homosexual "rape" legal blank
Currently, Wang Li's lawyer, Beijing Broadcasting dimensional days of legal services director Lu contention is for the prosecution to collect evidence. "Currently, Wang Li ongoing physical and mental forensic addition,http://www.585658.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=94642, Wang Li cell phone text messages can prove the existence of a large number of sexual assault." Lo said dispute.
However, Lu said dispute, Wang Li's case is difficult to follow, "rape" to sue each other,http://0to1.info, more realistic approach is to sue each other harm,http://www.berry-blue.com,nike air jordan, injury to claim compensation from both physical and mental harm.
According to industry, legal experts say,http://m.hmtcn.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=237748, China's criminal law for same-sex sexual assault, there is no provision for the rape. (Text / reporter Liu temper)