
A small constant of biological parents. Small constant from the age of 7 will record their school fees and daily expenses in detail. Picture left is her primary school fees receipts.
17 years ago, a baby girl was born,http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=23&page=2, 22 days later, she was in someone's home foster parents. Four years ago, parents stopped paying support payments, coupled with no birth certificates and accounts, honors 13-year-old girl was forced to drop out of school. A year ago, the girl because of greater pressure lead to schizophrenia,http://www.ems-tools.jp, foster families can not afford the cost of treatment, she can only rest at home. Today, this has been in foster care for 17 years girls hoping to appear to give her biological parents for help.
Newborn baby girl to a strange foster home
November 12, 1993,nike air max, Xu red Nanchang woman in Guangzhou Baiyun District Hospital gave birth to her daughter a small constant, the child's father is red then boyfriend Xu Huang Mouchang (allegedly Hong Kong). At that time the two have not married, but a small constant is their second child. The year before, he ushered in the first daughter Vonnie.
And the fate of her sister,http://www.xz-hr.com/?action-viewnews-itemid-251, like small constant born shortly after they were sent to parents unfamiliar foster family. That it failed to raise two children, according to Gu Xiaoxin Gong aunt put his fellow Deng Yulian Kaiping introduced to yellow, Xu two. Then came and Xu Deng Yulian red rental in shayong south, the only born 22 days of a small constant wonderful reflection of his own home.
and agreed to pay 500 yuan as a small constant care of children living and paid monthly, the milk money paid by . Since Deng Yulian become small constant call "Deng aunt", with taking care of her ever since. For the identity of the foster parents of the child, Deng aunt said, but I heard this Hong Kong over, do not know the specific circumstances.
When a small constant full moon, Xu red with her daughter and Deng aunt Baiyun District Hospital hepatitis B vaccine, leaving the nurse requires Xu red "pay 2000 yuan handle child's birth certificate." Xu Hong replied, "Next time do" will be left in a hurry.
Deng aunt then learned that Huang, Xu they did not apply for a birth certificate and a small permanent household registration formalities. But because it is the people of the family, Deng aunt not too much to ask.
Girls like reading academic achievers
Under Deng aunt's care, small constant grew up, in addition to rare and parents meet outside, her life and the other girls no different. By 1996,louboutin homme, Huangmou Chang Heng's the little sister Vonnie also be brought to him to raise Deng aunt.
Deng aunt said Vonnie naughty, do not love reading, often in trouble at school, did not finish the first grade drop out to go home. For this reason, a small constant before you get the chance to go to school, tuition each semester thousand yuan Deng aunt to advance. Huang Mouchang commitments back to Guangzhou, then the money to Deng aunt. This life continued until 2006. Starting this year, Huang Mouchang no longer pay her living expenses and tuition to Deng aunt. Deng aunt has retained a small fee receipts constant primary period.
In contrast with her sister, naturally shy small constant like reading,http://mingtaichengsi.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=12539, with outstanding results. But the absence of a birth certificate and proof of residence, when private schools enroll only a small rise in early. In 2007, a small constant Zehnder Bankers Trust entered junior high school reading, they need more than 5,000 yuan a year tuition. Deng old aunt account in Guangdong Kaiping, no pension and medical insurance and other benefits, only four to borrow money from relatives and friends for a small constant reading. In the meantime, a small constant Vonnie sister ran away from home because of unruly gone.
In 2008, he went to Guangzhou and small constant met side, he gave her 150 yuan pocket money, and let his daughter take along a 500 yuan to Deng aunt.
Since then, Father Huang Mouchang no audio.
Mental problems under pressure
He graduated early in 2009, ranking second in the class admitted to the private small constant achievement of the South China Sea Chinese middle school teachers. Because there is no account, a small constant only choose private schools again, but the high tuition allows Deng aunt could not afford. In desperation Deng aunt had to make small constant dropouts, sensible start looking around for a small permanent part-time workers, young age bear kids my age can not imagine the pressure.
Last February, Deng aunt's son to a small constant, introduced a fast-food restaurant waiter work. However, only 11 working days, a small constant suddenly resigned to return home. That is, from this point on, the family was feeling a small constant of nature has changed.
"She always someone out there to talk, laugh, sometimes at home Flurry."
Deng aunt always remember, March 2, 2010, the day in the evening from the kitchen and pick up a small constant suddenly come to Kanxiang Deng aunt, the family rushed to the emergency department to the Zhongshan Hospital. Hospital diagnosis is a small constant suffering from schizophrenia. Since then, Deng aunt with a small constant embarked on a difficult road to medical treatment. They went to a mental hospital Fangcun, the Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital psychiatric consultation, but a few thousand dollars a month cost of treatment greatly exceeded the affordability of Deng aunt, a small constant only intermittently see a doctor, by taking medication to control the disease.
According to Deng aunt said, a small constant month after the illness, Xu red went to Guangzhou to visit her daughter,nike pas cher, after leaving a few hundred dollars to walk away. Deng aunt repeatedly call the yellow, Xu two men left the phone, have failed to find them himself.
Deng aunt provided to reporters and Xu Huang Mouchang red phone number. The reporter called Huang Mouchang the phone, answer the phone who is a woman, hear the reporter expression "Looking Huangmou Chang 'intentions, the other party did not say anything, a few seconds after the phone was hung up. And Xu red phone has not been able to turn on, a number were transferred to voice mail,scarpe christian louboutin, another number is not registered for use.
■ dilemma
Books 10 years old can not rescue the soul
"In April, a one yuan to buy rubber; two pencil 1 yuan; two pairs of slippers 7 yuan, five yuan pajamas." It is hard to imagine a 10-year-old girl spending bill next month handwritten notes. 10 years old, for other children or a baby in the arms of their parents age. But for a small constant is large to pay tuition, to buy a small stationery,, every opening to the "home" money will be deeply engraved in her heart a trace.
She knows each of his own money on the accounts of parents owed in the future to repay.
Start small, small constant and the family knew she was not the same as other children, take care of their parents instead of Deng aunt is raising her only temporary. "She has always been very quiet in the house, the way we speak and communicate with very little." Deng aunt's grandson Jill (a pseudonym) said that, as peers, he can understand the feelings of a small constant. The house itself has three children, under one roof with the Department, they enjoy the love of their parents, when only a small constant eye can see. So small to large, small constant at home are extremely introverted. However, the school is a small constant outstanding students,http://www.trekbbs.com/forumdisplay.cgi, and for many years served as class leader. Like the inner and outer contrast, the growth of the year for a child,http://otdo.aa.tufs.ac.jp/index.cgi, the heart can imagine the pressure.
However, all of the unfortunate but not terminated, excellent results failed to bring a small constant study and smooth growth path. Lack of domicile, to the high cost of making small constant can only drop out of school. She does not know who is going to tell it for her unfair treatment, while the birth she gave up her biological parents; side but unable to continue raising her foster family. In this case, she chose to remain silent to face all the problems.
Faced with this complex society, a small constant trying to use their ability to make money, but the reality is not as simple as she imagined. To send a single, clerks, waiters and so try not to let her get the desired final result, and after the last job failed, her spirit completely collapsed. No one knows what causes such a result, we only hope that this life experience ups and downs of the girl in the most need support, you can always get her dearest parents' help.
■ dialogue
"Do not remember."
When a reporter visited the South, a small constant sitting in the living room watching TV, her hands resting on the back of his knees, trembling slightly. Reporters tried to talk to her, but only to give a short answer part of the question from her mouth, more often it is silent. Hang small eyes staring at the TV screen, then blink once every few seconds. When talking, the girl's throat for several seconds to squirm, mouth to spit out the words.
South are: Do you want my parents?
Small constant: think.
South are: Deng aunt how you like?
Small constant: Good.
South are: you want to study?
Small constant: think.
South are: What job later?
Small constant: Clerk.
South are: small to matter much what makes you most happy?
Small constant: do not remember.
South are: What do parents want? What words to say to them?
Small constant: They want to come back and help me cure the disease, good accounts.
■ policy
Account birth parents do need to come forward
Yesterday afternoon, for the case of a small constant currently facing,http://etheatrix01.eplus2.jp, the Southern reporter went to the relevant departments to understand the possibilities of its handling of household registration. Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau Hu Zhengchu relevant staff told reporters the South, the situation is like this, the girl's foster parents are required to apply for adoption certificate Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, the qualifications obtained legally adopted, the adoptive parents can bring their account of this, identity certificate, marriage certificate, adoption certificate and other evidence, the Public Security Bureau to submit household registration application for its household sector area of residence, for girls handle Guangzhou hukou.
Subsequently, the Southern Reporter adoption Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau to do further consultation, a staff member surnamed Zhuang said, according to "Adoption" requirement, to send parents have special difficulties, unable to raise a child,nike air max femme, you must go to the local account for the location of the county Civil Affairs Bureau for more than relevant evidence, after which the adoptive parents need to bring these supporting information to Guangzhou Civil Affairs Bureau to apply for adoption certificate.
Written: Southern Reporter Chen Wan Zhang Lipu as intern Wang Yanshe Movies: Southern Reporter Sunjun Bin
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