
Qiu police officers on the spot in a coma after the incident, five hours after waking. taken his son's violent resistance to law XingJu. photo
Information Times (reporter Tong Dan) both father and son in the east on the road cyclists were stopped traffic wardens,nike pas cher, the two sides in conflict, who heard the police were heavily punched,nike squalo, lost a tooth on the spot, and the spot coma, five hours after waking. Yesterday afternoon, the father and son on suspicion of violent resistance to law and XingJu.
Coordinators: the rider was blocked on beatings
Yesterday, the traffic wardens Chen recalled in an interview with reporters, said 9 o'clock yesterday morning, he saw the father and son Yang each riding a bicycle along the route south to north into Yuexiu Dongfeng Road. "According to regulations, bicycles can only be implemented in the east on the road can not ride, then stepped forward to stop." Wardens Chen said, the other not only do not listen to advice, instead of acrimony, "father and son live a violent reaction,, the two together Father raincoat caught my head, after two hard-fought together for a while. " -Duty police officer Qiu near Yuexiu police brigade immediately rushed to the scene to stop, but, also suffered a fist.
Witnessed police officers: police rushed to Yang positive hoop neck
Yuexiu brigade police officers yesterday morning Chen Hao Yin Road on duty, 9:03, Dongfeng brigade radio call saying the road traffic was hit. "I rushed to the scene and saw positive with his elbow tightly hoop Qiu officer's neck." Chen said police,air max tn pas cher,, he shouted, "let go, let go fast," and then there are five or six police rushed to the scene, About seventy-eight minutes later, police said Qiu dizziness, ataxia, then fainted.
Party Police: no manipulated
Afternoon, the reporter in Guangzhou First People's Hospital saw lying on the bed Qiu police officers. "It still feels pain and vomiting." Qiu said police doctor. According to the site to doctors, police officer Qiu facial soft tissue contusion,, left thumb joint disorder, accompanied by slight brain damage. Qiu officer coma five hours, until 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon consciousness gradually clear,, teeth knocked one.
Yesterday afternoon, Qiu police officers are taking note, sane, but it is very weak, talk loud enough. He recalls,, rushed to the scene found two positive and coordinators scuffle he stepped forward to stop when the other side has also been a punch, the most important of a punch in the left side of the face near the location of the temple. He insisted he was not abusive to the scene after the father and son, but also did not manipulated.
Sons parties: the coordinators first hands
Yesterday afternoon, the reporter saw police station in the Yuexiu District Datang perpetrators son Yangmou Qing and Yang Mouwei. Father Yang Mouqing 52 years old,, looks Bangdayaoyuan burly, 24-year-old son Xiao Yang, lean look gentle. Yang Mouqing argued,hogan rebel, is the first hands-coordinators, and came to the police "tried to mediate not like to." So just beat the traffic police, often because usually exercise, so too heavy shots.
Reporters learned that the incident was video surveillance blind spots, no surveillance video reduction event. Reporters learned from the Yuexiu District Datang police station, beaten by the police because of the father and son is also suspected of violent resistance to law,, both XingJu.
Dialogue beating his son
Reporter: What about the incident?
Yang Mouqing: My son and his wife riding a bicycle on the road in the east, the street wardens to see we catch up, push my son's car, but also to force my son pulled down from the bike.
Reporter: Then you came to the traffic police, is how to deal with?
Yang Mouqing: After a little there will be a traffic police rushed to the field, but he is not coming and tried to mediate, apart from anything else on the fork lived my son's neck, and then again pinched my neck (in this case a little emotional Yang Mouqing excitement). More than anger that I made a move to fight the police.
Reporter: Do you sell heavy police knew the injury was playing it?
Yang Mouqing: I usually exercise regularly, who saw his son being bullied,hogan rebel, thought the consequences could have very heavy shot.
A quarter of violent resistance to law detained 18 people
Sons incidents and occurred yesterday is not the case. City Traffic Police department statistics, in order to discourage violent police carrying out public duties in cases in the first quarter (January to March) there were 27, there are 18 people involved were to be detained according to the law, in which 11 people were to be legally administrative detention; seven people were sentenced to criminal detention according to the law, the police will be held accountable for their criminal liability according to law. According to reports,, in which 27 cases of violence to obstruct traffic police enforcement, there are 13 people was the driver "five car" illegal vehicles, the other 14 parties are accidents or road traffic law violator.
Police said the police on duty to perform official duties according to law shall be protected by law, the parties should actively cooperate with the law. In case of doubt, the parties concerned may be made to the public security organ for administrative reconsideration, appeal or complaint to be addressed directly to the people's court to draw the legal means to litigation; any vexatious, malicious obstruct and even violence to obstruct the police carrying out public duties of illegal people, are will be punished by law, the police will be punished under the law.