
Beijing News (Reporter Fanchun Xu Xu Lu Yang) 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Fengtai District, Puan North 6th district downstairs, a 4-month-old boy fell out of the stroller, was trailing taxi grinding mill head, sending doctors after she died. At present, the police in the investigation.
At 8 pm, Puan north in the district on the 6th downstairs, still left wheel outlined India, blood can still be seen.
One witness said the same day at 5 pm, are seeing the right side about 10 meters from the front gate of the road, a woman cried into tears, lying next to a baby boy, brain hemorrhage.
Area residents said the incident occurred the woman was pushing stroller walking on the road, coming from behind to avoid a taxi,http://www.healthcarehall.com/viewnews-47884.shtml,nike jordan,http://www.ma.ccnw.ne.jp/deai/asobi/bbs2/joyful.cgi, ready to be carried to the stroller on the sidewalk next to "lift up the right side of the two wheels,louboutin femme, left wheels have not yet lifted,http://www.rockclimbing.com, tilted the stroller, the child fall out. "
But the child's family said a taxi hit a stroller, causing the child fell to the ground.
"I get a taxi to stop quickly, he seemed not to hear, rolling past." Last night, when asked by police,http://www.joy.hi-ho.ne.jp/cgi-bin/user/kkkkk/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=2210&page=2, the mother said.
"After the taxi driver got off very nervous, said there did not see the child." Eyewitnesses, the taxi driver lived in Puan North district, the incident has been very slow driving speed.
After the incident, the baby was taken to Beijing Children's Hospital last night, 7:40 Xu, Beijing Children's Hospital baby death certificate issued by the police 999 emergency and the remains will be sent to the forensic autopsy.
Children's aunt introduced, the baby's parents are from Hubei, there is a more than 10-year-old son, currently in Hubei home school.
"I'm afraid son alone, only to this child." The child's aunt,http://inetauto.ru, said little of the Lunar New Year (January 16), the children at home in Hubei birth by Caesarean section.
In the aunt's eyes, this four-month-old boy is very smart, and sometimes when you do not listen, just take 'Da Pipi ", then scare him, so that he could not immediately trouble.
■ risks
Residential sidewalk was diverted car
After the incident, district residents talk, if not for parking on the sidewalk is more,http://repository.osakafu-u.ac.jp, the mother can push the stroller down the sidewalk, "this tragedy would not have happened."
"The mother carried the stroller on the sidewalk just parked car, may lead to steady the mother did not look up." Area residents said.
Last night,basket nike pas cher, reporters in Puan north in the district found that security had locked on the sidewalk, parking lot of vehicles. Reporters on the residential parking problems trying to contact community property, but as of press time did not contact.
At 7:00 pm, only four months old Jill (a pseudonym) lying on a gurney Beijing Children's Hospital Medical rescue chamber, has passed away, a piece of blue cloth covered his little body less than half a meter.
When the police came to inspect the remains, he opened a blue cloth, you can see how Jill yellow block blood on the clothes,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=94&page=",scarpe louboutin outlet, head swollen signs at the forehead and nose and lip with blood.
"Jill did not see the sun for several days." Jill aunt said, there is a small park in the district of North Puan before the accident Jill mother pushing a stroller with Jill to the sun, I did not expect trouble ,http://www.24jq.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, "the boy said no no."
"After being rolled, he has not crying,nike mercurial, no crying." Last night, the face of his son's sudden departure, his mother Jill limp in the arms of relatives. Beijing News reporter Fanchun Xu Xu Lu Yang
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