
Video loading, please wait ... AutoPlay & nbsp; play Pengci diving play Yuhang street gang gang play new tricks Pengci Pengci drunk driving drivers extortion gang play forward and backward old wounds install new injury Pingping said, as Pengci, two fingers are deformed smashed a gang member. Pingping nightmare escaped with courage,, hope the sun can shine into her future.
Guizhou with a little accent, dark, very thin, but it looks better than their peers seem to be many mature ...... This is a reporter yesterday saw Pingping (a pseudonym) first impression. If she does not say that you may not think that this in another month the girl was over 14 years of age, is a memory with a gray "Pengci Girl": deceived into Pengci gang fled provinces and cities, is After the forced cut the finger, making fake accidents fell continuously from speeding electric car ...... Recently, Pingping in Lu'an "play" after the last Pengci accident, courage went into the vice squad, opened a touch Secret porcelain groups.
Injured girl walked into the vice squad
The story begins shortly take place in the streets of Lu'an bizarre accidents start. The accident happened at August 17, people Mr. Gao riding a tricycle, to visit the mill Foziling Tam Road and the intersection, in order to avoid a car, an electric car with a scratch occurs. Due to very slight scratch, he did not realize the accident occurred. After riding a few tens of meters, he was a car to catch up, the driver "enthusiastic" to remind him injured people.
Mr. Gao U-turn back to the accident scene, is really to see an electric car back on the road, two young men and a woman sitting on the roadside,, girl holding his right hand, looked painful. Realize someone is injured, the police hurried to Mr. Gao. Luan was dealing with accidents traffic police brigade police told reporters that they rushed to the scene to conduct a survey to collect personal information Mr. Gao and two "hit" of young people,air max, then called, to the ambulance, the injured in the accident girl picked up. After Mr. Gao learned that the girl's finger was "hit" fracture, ready compensation.
However, at this moment, things appear a sharp turn, the injured girl peers out of the man, quietly walked into the vice squad, which opened inside a Pengci groups.
The Intouchables leave home
"I was born in 2000, his hometown in Guizhou Tongren mountains. I dropped out of school for two years and a half, to the home I remember most clearly is working very tired, very few people like me." Guizhou slight accent, dark, thin , it looks better than many of their peers to mature tone Pingping said gently.
August 26 morning, that reporters bring snacks and a few juvenile literature books, the Pingping eyes immediately brightened, his face smiling bloom, revealed this at this age should be a glimmer of innocence brilliant. Pingping to reporters about his strayed Pengci gangs,, body suffered mutilation,, forced participation Pengci heart to their senses and come forward to report the process.
Speaking of his experience,, Pingping was extremely quiet, reporters almost see her mood swings. She told reporters a little uneasily: "We must keep uncle tell the truth." "Ah" She nodded heavily!.
"I have a sister above, the following brother, I was not sure why, grandparents, parents like them, do not like me." Pingping said her sister brother can sleep late, and she go to school every day except, it must come down to earth to follow adult work, "ten years old when her father how much I have to back to back, it will not be scolded beaten back, the ground can not go home to live not finish." She was a little pathos to say that grandparents do not pain she might be disgusted she was a girl, only grandparents like her, treat her better,, but the grandparents had died.
Leisurely day so live, Pingping grew up in one day. Day two and a half ago, in Ningbo, Zhejiang working parents suddenly let her sixth grade to go to school in Ningbo. This is away from home, complete reversal of the trajectory of her life.
Internet cafes shelter staggered friend
Pingping said, was to Ningbo she knew, in fact, lied to her mom and dad's. Ningbo arrived the next day, she was sent to a small factory producing lighter work. Working days of Pingping this age child, it is too much, "definitely tired! Do farm work in the home did not so tired." After the dry months, the mother listened to the advice of others, letting her resignation, switched to another small factory, can jump a few days and did not do ...... "My middle there are younger workers, but they made money enough to spend'll find parents. My parents paid all wages earned. "" Mom and Dad ask you this, cry you? "a reporter asked. The Pingping still calm replied: "early habits, do not cry." Pingping said, what to eat is not bitter, but my parents the next move, so she is somewhat unbearable. She said that during the work, mom and dad actually introduced her to a "boyfriend", later met, she did not like, "are forty years old, with my parents about the same age, is a working, I heard that also owe a debt ass. "Since the parents could not agree, Pingping in street cafe,scarpe nike air max, just as she did not know how to do in the future, the two" friends "appeared.
Finger wrapped towel Bash
Pingping said that when she was living the cafe, there are two female friends often play together. Later, they introduced Pingping met two "handsome." In the exchanges, Pingping know, these two men are bully, nicknamed "black and white Shuangsha."
They know Pingping money, said to her, there is a need to work the road will be able to earn money, and asked her if she wants to participate,louboutin femme, "they are talking about can make money, do not tell me to do something, I do not know. Then they introduced me to a called third brother (a pseudonym) of people. "She said the third brother soon took her to Hubei, took her to a place called Po brother (a pseudonym), and said to follow him mix .
"Huanggang in Hubei on a treasure brother's car, they took me to a hotel, called me the next day told them to do." Pingping said, when she confusedly,, I do not know what will happen next The only idea that can make money, eat rice.
However, what happened the next morning, I am afraid that Pingping life are difficult to forget.
"The next morning, they called me to the bathroom, said handle knock. I do not know what to do, do not know fear." "They put my left little finger with a towel wrapped about, pressed on the table, then a person holding a knife to cut a brick head resting on his left little finger, then let a big brick Bash knife ...... I think the next knock first finger has been broken, and then knock it,, I cried, hurts like! "Pingping said, because of fear of these people, she tears in his eyes, but did not dare cry.
That day,nike air max femme, Pingping said her finger discrepancies in the actual pain, swollen Lao Gao, but she is still strong Renzhaojutong, followed by "treasure brother" they went out the first "work." To Pingping, "cheer", "treasure brother" also promised that if the school has become, in the future Well done, you can give her a commission. Reporter Hu Pei,tiffany milano, Douzu Jun
 (Edit: SN098)