
West City Reading news (reporter Zhao Jin Yi right army) two months ago,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, Dachuan region Dazhou a Robber burglary eligible for 7000 yuan in cash, when it squandered income theft. Two months later (August 5 morning 6 am),prezzi scarpe louboutin, the two men prepare theft stolen again,chaussures nike air max pas cher, climb up the balcony on the 4th floor of a building houses, ready to steal. Unexpectedly, the owner because the doors and windows locked, the thief did not eat for 3 days because of extremely weak, on the "whirring" to sleep on the balcony,http://www.24jq.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, was arrested by police. Yesterday, the man has been Dalcheon district police have arrested the local Procuratorate report.
Dachuan District police station, according to Jin Yi, wood, when the man was brought back to the police station,hogan interactive, he claimed in a hurry because the home,nike air max femme,http://pogalgraph.px2.jp/cgi-bin/diary/diary.cgi, he was walking back home from the field,http://www.990ys.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=12818, has not eaten for three days. Police then bubble bowl of instant noodles for the three men, the men breath eat three bowls of noodles. The man said he was tired because of hurry, wanted to find a place to sleep,http://ceo.johobuilders.co.jp,air jordan 6 pas cher, and climbed down a ladder to the fourth floor, on the 4th floor and fell asleep. Police believe the man's interpretation doubts.
Police preliminary judging, the two men before the theft suspects, then the trial of the man. Jin Yi said that before two theft cases occurred in the town are due downstairs after thieves set up a ladder to climb on the 4th floor smooth cement flower window, into the house to steal.
Eventually, in the face of irrefutable evidence of many, the man truthfully confessed their crimes,http://www.metropolitanosfc.com, and this is the result of three days to explain not eat, climb upstairs floor, the exhaustion too,http://www.gxss.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=133420, ready to climb down the ladder along, he The leg has to lose control, the decision on the balcony Gongmou home waiting dawn,http://ww.futrcommunications.com, waiting for an opportunity to escape, only to fall asleep captured.
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