
Chen Ying-wide high-definition video surveillance captured the true face of one of the suspects identified the suspect site,http://bbs.3dp-times.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=603160&fromuid=104395
Chongqing Evening News Chen Ying whole milk in XiuShanXian a wholesale grocery store when the warehouse keeper, relatives and friends often received his milk delivered, all envy,http://accdev.tsware.jp,louboutin pas cher, "or your company benefits good!"
Friends and relatives know where they milk Chen are stolen.
Chongqing Evening News chief reporter Xiaxiang Zhou correspondent Wuzhao Xia photo coverage
Often with milk home
Chen Ying full 23 years, doing the job last year,air max pas cher chine, every day is an inventory of goods in and out, to prevent leakage and other warehouses. Chen boss to pay him a monthly salary of 2,000 yuan, but also often send some approaching the shelf life of milk to him.
Kindly boss did not win his loyalty. Chen often use the identity of the librarian, the false number of losses,christian louboutin pas cher, and these "losses" were he secretly back home.
"He never lacked milk to drink,http://www.cecyteo.edu.mx/site/index.php, often received his friends and relatives to send the milk." Neighbors introduction, Chen Ying full name of the milk are issued by the company benefits.
"We certainly would envy, and said he found a good job." Neighbors said,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, in fact, they doubted, "the company every day, so you send welfare, is the boss is doing charity?"
1800 less milk
Boss Chen introduced April 28, when he was at the end of a routine inventory and found that the number of milk a warehouse does not, check into the shipping bill, confirm 1800, 10 million yuan worth of milk was missing. He reported to the police.
At this point, he remembered one episode: In April,http://www.casebook.jp, the surrounding provinces Xiushan county some agents had called him, was detected in the low-priced sales of milk.
Police investigation found that the Treasury door without any damage, no monitoring of the Treasury,http://www.fufumen.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, but there are some near the camera, because the pixels are not high, it is dark, did not shoot the suspect to the theft of the main characteristics of milk.
Treasury periphery suspects before the camera, deliberately obscured the face, police suspect this judge may be familiar with the environment of the house.
But clever thieves, or have missed time. Police See farther away from the Treasury to monitor found that the suspects had blocked the head and face, this is fully exposed to high-definition monitor. This man is the custody of another warehouse full of librarians Chen Ying.
Combining visits to milk sales counties surrounding provinces, Chen Ying congruent police identified three people suspected of a major crime, so the three people arrested.
Seven into the warehouse to steal milk
Chen Ying full account,http://blog.rcc.jp, Chen Guofu, Liu Lang and his work at the Ministry of wholesale know, two resigned last year.
2012 Spring Festival, Liu Lang also invited Chen Ying wholesale department to work together to steal the whole milk. Under Chen Ying full cooperation,http://zhuoxianke.yeyou.eu/article.php?type=blog&cid=3&itemid=356798, the two will steal more than 30 pieces of milk to the price of each sold below the market price of 2-5 yuan, the income of 1,000 yuan fence.
After the first succeeded, they find profitable, found Chen Guofu crime together. To facilitate the crime, Liu Lang door with the key to the warehouse.
In April 2013, three 6 theft of milk, sold Songtao County, Guizhou and Hunan Huayuan County township, retained a portion for their own consumption or to give as gifts. 6 crime, each share of nearly 3 million.
He knows how to take care of people
Often give us the milkman
Chen Ying is a whole 90. A surname Ran relatives told the Chongqing Evening News reporter, "they said section 90 young frivolous, do not know how to take care of people caring for people, but this guy, in our eyes very polite, very caring people know, or how he would always give Friend milkman it? "
Ran Xiansheng says they do not believe these are Chen Ying milk benefits the whole company, but can not think of a steal. "We thought that he was afraid we do not accept, said that the unit was issued,nike air max homme, no money, so we have no reason to refuse. If you know that milk is stolen, will certainly be discouraged."
Ran Xiansheng said, is willing to compensate the loss of relatives and friends of Mr. Chen, "We do not want Mr. Chen did not hold,louboutin milano, but I hope Mr. Chen was able to forgive him, came out also hired him to let the children have the opportunity to redeem oneself."
Mr. Chen said he was willing to give all former employees Correction chance, after he rehabilitation and return to work is not impossible.
(Text three suspects were all a pseudonym)
(Original title: The 90 regular guy to someone milkman)