
Yesterday,louboutin, the Guangdong High Court for concern,http://moodle.ndna.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1,air max, "Shenzhen, Hiroaki extubation murder case" make a final ruling, the prosecution dismissed the protest,scarpe nike air max, maintaining the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court to three years imprisonment,http://hikumano.hama-med.ac.jp, suspended for three years verdict. & Nbsp; & nbsp;
Extubation husband wife death
9 February 2009 about 8:00 pm, Shenzhen, Wuhan woman marrying to Hu Jing,http://www.city.uozu.toyama.jp/mmagemergency/mmagMlApp.aspx, collapsed at home in Shenzhen, the Shenzhen City Hospital ICU ward inpatient treatment period has been unconscious, heartbeat, blood pressure, by the ventilator maintain breathing. Around at 15:00 on February 16, Wen Yu Zhang to the ward to visit him when Hu Jing breathing tube, blood pressure monitoring tubes and other medical devices unplugged, stop treatment and give up the treatment, 4 pm Hu Jing death. Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court on December 9, 2010 sentenced the defendant of intentional murder text Hiroaki 3 years imprisonment,http://app.wmzhan.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=36585, suspended for three years.
Procuratorate that "sentencing abnormal light"
After the verdicts, the Shenzhen City Procuratorate that "sentencing abnormal light," protest against the first instance verdict filed three grounds. One finds that the case is "less serious" is wrong; second,http://www.yiliangren.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,nike air max femme, the defendant is found out, "wife" extubation motive is wrong; Third, although the accused have surrendered,http://www.worley.com, active compensation for economic losses and other circumstances,nike air max 95, but for probation poor social effects.
Guangdong High Court upheld the view that the implementation of the text Hiroaki impulse extubation behavior,http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/make-your-own-website-mobile-web-design-builder-digital-item-/181281492980?/shockwave/download/download.cgi, subjective vicious and harmful to society are small, are "less serious." Hiroaki later case can voluntarily surrender and confessed to the crime,http://www.xn--fiqs8sssir8u.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=399276, should be recognized as surrender, can be mitigated punishment according to law. Text Hiroaki Department of a first offense, a good attitude, full compensation for close relatives of the victims suffered economic losses, with repentance, can be given a lighter punishment according to the law, for the text Hiroaki probation does not further harm to society. Reason prosecutors protest the revision is sought can not be established, it shall not be accepted.
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