
Yesterday, the 81-year-old grandmother asked in detail about jobs Cui told reporters subject to recruiters
Coincided with the peak of the holiday job, yesterday morning, the reporter held in Xi'an talent market comprehensive recruitment Festival first found a job extremely strong team, there is a 80-year-old.
Introverted old grandson said helped to find work
Yesterday's job fair, 54 household units provide jobs 1180. According to statistics, more than 3200 people in attendance yesterday,nike air max 90 pas cher, reached a preliminary employment intention proportion at 42%.
Recruitment site,nike pas cher, one pair of white-haired old man, in a crowded job search crowd, quite conspicuous. 81-year-old grandmother and 87-year-old Cui wife Ma grandfather to grandson came to the recruitment site looking for work. In front of each recruiting booth, two elderly will carefully review each saw involve computers in job recruitment, will be pushed in front of their advice, and then to sell their 23-year-old grandson, after leaving the employer's phone number,, address .
Cui said the grandmother, grandson, very good, in 2012 graduated from Xi'an, a private college,, have expertise in the computer, is a little introverted personality. After graduation, looking for three working, but working time is not too long, is currently unemployed.
Cui said the grandmother, their home away from hiring will be relatively close,, so we came to see her grandchildren.
A unit responsible for the recruitment of Mr. Zhang Cui said the grandmother, her children, should find their own work. Cui grandmother left, Mr. Zhang told reporters bluntly, encountered such a situation, they generally do not recruit. See old grandson job,, Wang Xi'an University of Arts students said, looking at all distressed, job proposal thing or themselves.
Why the elderly are frequent job-site "avatars"
In recent years, the job fair, has seen parents help their children to find a job, but compared with previous years, this year's two job fairs, the reporter saw the elderly to help the younger generation getting older job seekers.
Xi'an staffing service center staff analysis, the elderly for their children to find a job, there are three cases, one is just graduated not want to work, stay home, and parents anxious, carrying their children to give them the job market looking for work; s two is to find a job after repeatedly rebuffed, unwilling to find work; the third is the children working in the field,, parents want their children to come back to work,chaussures louboutin, inquire in advance about.
Why most sales jobs but do not want to go
In the recruitment site yesterday, many job seekers, recruiters and job remains the difficult problem of matching party, although many employers say they wage growth, but job seekers compared with salary requirements, and some gaps.
Job Title 54 household units, the maximum demand for sales positions, most units have sales positions. Reporters found that many job seekers do not want to dry sales. Mr. He graduated two years, said good sales although high wages, but the risk is too great,chaussure nike homme, high mobility, and need a lot of connections,chaussure louboutin pas cher femme, he wanted to find a stable job. In the job site, Ms Ho said, before her work in Beijing,, and later at home with the child two years, is now ready to come to find work, she had to do is travel,, and now want to switch to get a job administration. Another hearing yesterday, the Minister of Xi'an talent market Marketing Xu Bo said that in February, in addition to this job fair yesterday, but they will hold six job fairs will be held on March 13 games in different sectors of job fairs, job seekers according to their own needs to go,, free admission. The reporter Zhouyan Tao
(Original title: octogenarian old couple grandson crutches to find a job (Figure))
 (Edit: SN054)