
Luo police intercepted on the highway, but he just refused to help police at the beginning. (Correspondent for map)
The man, help him contact his family Jiangmen traffic police found on highway in Enping
Express News correspondent correspondent Jane Li Hongyun Li Liang reported that 15-year-old students to work outside the home,http://www.baseball-reference.com/games/standings.cgi,louboutin femme, 13 years never home, recent work and get wages in Guangzhou,http://www.actipages.net, working young people from Bama Luo decided to walk along the highway 900 kilometers home. April 14, when he went to walk more than 200 kilometers Well usually, be rescued Jiangmen high-speed traffic police squadron of the Third Brigade Second, the police help him contact his family, April 15, the family reunion in Enping, Luo with mother Come back home.
Walking 200 kilometers by the traffic police rescue
Jiangmen City,http://point.infoseek.co.jp, three high-speed traffic police brigade squadron Sen told reporters yesterday, April 14 afternoon, he led the Association in Kaiyang Highway Patrol, in Enping Shahu section and found a young man walking on the highway shoulder,http://cmkj88.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=295501, spirit a little tired, the body clothes are tattered.
Sen said that when the man stopped to ask him to stop, the man does not care for him, but said:. "Do not rush me, I did not do bad things, just along the highway I had no money to go home."
Through the exchange, the man knot slowly opened. He said he called Luo, Bama man, 15 years old to work in Guangdong, it has been 13 years. He is not married, has never contacted the family, never went back home.
Luo said that last year he was working at a construction site in Guangzhou,http://www.as-if.jp, because the boss "go guys," he did not get a year's wages. No money, life distress, he wanted to home, like family,http://markt.vaart.nl/cgi-bin/vaart/markt/classifieds.cgi, and decided to walk home along the highway.
From Guangzhou to Bama Yao Autonomous County is about 900 km. April 13,jordan pas cher,http://151.shyiqi.org/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=715686, Luo from Guangzhou, the 14th went Enping Shahu town until noon was the police found on the highway. At this point, Luo had gone about 200 kilometers.
Police help, the family eventually reunited
Through the exchange, Sen Luo feel sane,louboutin outlet italia, so open to grace the city police will Luomou toll Administration placement. Because Luomou lost identity,scarpe nike air max, Sen and help him contact relatives. Bama in helping the police, the police contacted Luo's mother.
Since then, Luo's mother from Bama overnight ride to Enping. 15 am, Luo and 10 years did not meet the family reunion, the family cried.
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 (Edit: SN091)