
BEIJING,nike jordan femme, November 21 Jingmen Power (Wuqi Yong Li Yu Liu Weijia) that "heaven a diamond bachelor", Jingmen public Liu eyebrows. However, she never dreamed this condition is very good,http://www.f-plan.co.jp/no-tie/bbs/light.cgi,chaussures nike pas cher, "Municipal Committee director" was actually a liar, cheat Liu 105,http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=136&page=1,000 yuan. Ultimately,louboutin soldes, the man was guilty of fraud by Dongbao District Prosecutor's indictment, was sentenced to three months imprisonment and fined 50,http://acupuncture.jp,000 yuan; 75,000 yuan ordered restitution.
April 2013, Sharon met online a surname into a man, the person claiming Jingmen Municipal Committee, director of the Department,bottes louboutin, in Jingmen city has two suites. Two in the chat,http://syrup.mints.ne.jp/diary/diary.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=5/, as a revealing Interested Ms. Liu.
After a period of time to understand, to a proposed marriage with Sharon,http://pipiham.pos.to/minidiary/apeboard_plus.cgi/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=10/, and expressed a desire to transfer to the two houses Liu name. Since the housing transfer required to pay more than 10 million transfer fee,chaussures louboutin, Sharon from the field back to Jingmen. Into a band Qukan Fang Liu,http://www.bic-bed.jp, Liu was satisfied, the next day it will be handed over to a 105,http://www.ma.ccnw.ne.jp/deai/asobi/bbs2/joyful.cgi,000 yuan. Soon, Liu found that cheated,http://www.guate360.com, then alarm.
In September 2013, he was arrested as a public security organ. Into an account of his real name is Wang, 47 years old, which would like to transfer to the house is also a friend of Liu.
After the incident, Wang Miss Xiang Liu restitution of $ 30,000, made understanding.
Dongbao District Prosecutor's Office sponsored the trial prosecutor that Wang illegal possession for the purpose of fraud, other people's property, a huge amount, his behavior constituted fraud. The court then made the above decision. (End)
(Original title: liar fake "Municipal Committee director" of fraud 100 000 jailed)
Edit: SN146