
The man still in the rescue,louboutin scarpe. The scene in the second floor.
Huizhou newspaper news (reporter Qin Zhongyang photo coverage) yesterday morning, Huizhou City outlet street offices occurred a tragedy of human relations: A man suspected of killing his wife and son before committing suicide, now the man is still in hospital.
Middle-aged man suspected of killing his wife and children at midnight
2:00 yesterday, more than a two-story building is located in City outlet Hui Yao Subdistrict Office house in the old village,, suddenly heard screams. Before long,louboutin soldes, the police rushed to the scene and found three people in the second floor bedroom, lying in a pool of blood,nike tn pas cher chine, which is a couple two adults, a child is their four-year-old son. 120 ambulance arrived and found his wife and child had died,, a man in critical condition.
Neighbors said,, the family from Jiangxi, a man surnamed Liu, about 40 years old, a woman surnamed Wu, the three seventeen or eighteen,hogan interactive donna,, they are here to open a small furniture factory, has seven or eight years. A four people,, has two sons,, 13-year-old son, 4-year-old son. And the eldest son of the narrative from the scene, it is clear this is a man committed suicide after killing his wife and children.
Why men do not understand the tragedy of manufacturing
According to the woman's uncle Wu introduced his midnight 2:00 niece suddenly received more phone eldest son, arrived on the scene around 3:00.
Son said, that night he slept on the first floor, my parents and brother on the second floor, middle of the night 2:00 and more, he suddenly heard the ring upstairs, went upstairs and saw his brother lying in bed, mom and dad lying on the floor on blood everywhere, he scared the workers immediately wake up downstairs, but call his uncle, hit 110.
Wu said that after a niece came from Jiangxi Province-City outlet run this small plant,,tiffany outlet, never left to do is the most common office equipment, primarily chairs, invited two workers, rented this building ordinary houses do plant , name at all.
He said, usually heard two loud losing money due to play mahjong, but no big problem, can not figure out why he suddenly kills wife and son. Now nephew-in-law cut the wrists artery, his face cut several knives. The case is under further investigation.
(Stringing people: Mr. Xie; Bonus: $ 150)
Yao house in the old village scene, police blocked the yard. This is an old two-storey building, there is a large courtyard in front of buildings, inside and outside the yard there are two gates,, the right office chair decorated with a lot of finished or semi-finished products, build a temporary house on the left as a workshop. Liu family lived on the second floor, first floor and yard used to wrap a chair, the scene in the second floor room.
 (Edit: SN034)