
Incident bus station in ruins. Zhang Zhishan / photo
Lize Bridge,nike air max homme,http://www.mt-plan.com/index.php?option=com_contact&Itemid=3, the Gold Cup car suddenly into the bus lane.
Gold Cup car crashed into the front of the bus station. The wounded, said there are two direct hit of a car, three people are injured Zhuangfei car guardrail.
After a man was Zhuangfei car, drop Lize Bridge, died on the spot.
16:00 yesterday, more than a golden cup into the bus lane, then hit 300 Lize Bridge Road station platform, waiting for the bus passengers hit a fall Lize killed and four passengers were injured.
"Even the brakes do not take"
When reporters rushed to the scene, the vehicle has been towed away,http://www.npo-ama.or.jp, still alert with cone in front of the site with a small blockade enclosed area.
Reporters found that nearly 100 meters south of the station at Lize Bridge bus lane to shunt the vehicle with society,air jordan pas cher, after the bus into the bus lane here need only reach the platform. At a time when Lize 300 Station Road, more than 20 meters of the site rickety fence, has been completely destroyed,http://kubikino.ne.jp/cgi-def/admin/C-002/sekikawa/visit/main.pl?PAGE_NUM=1, the ground is full of broken glass and debris body, a wheel and mark "Beijing E66965" yellow license plate front windshield scattered on the ground.
After the incident, two men and two women a total of four injured were sent to the right Tiananmen Square Hospital. "16:00 and more, I'm 300 other car Station Road saw a commercial vehicle speed quickly entered the bus lane,http://www.palau-oerc.net, I was also wondering,boutique jordan, this is not illegal it? I did not expect the platform in front of the car without warning hit directly on the site. That speed brakes are they even did not take. "You'anmen hospital, accident victims Sarkozy recalled to reporters,http://tucchy.sakura.ne.jp/c/epad/epad.cgi?mode=view&no=6236&res=1&page=80," I heard a scream on the platform, my hand was down Cuts under the platform railing, hit by a car that had amazing two meters before it stopped. "
Man killed falling bridge
In the emergency room of the hospital, the injured Mr. Ju told reporters that the incident occurred, he had just get off the 300 bus stop, not enough time to stand, the accident occurred. "I saw a car crazy straight hit me from the side bus lanes, fence crashed down down, the car directly hit by two individuals, one person suddenly fly out, and the other a woman also fell on the platform,http://azumano.sakura.ne.jp, I never too late to hide,air jordan, he was knocked unconscious fallen stop sign on the spot. "Mr. Ju left ear bone was smashed in the accident, the body has been injured many fallen fence.
Owner Lize bridge,http://www.freebit.com/manual/ubiqmail/h.php?id=vpass, a pancake shop witnessed this act tragedy man fell off a bridge, "I heard bang bang, they saw a man on the face, suddenly fell to the main road under the bridge. I heart think that under any death. "The shopkeeper immediately go out to look and found that a 40-year-old man," was not breathing, died on the spot. "the owner said. According to witnesses, Mr. Zhang said the vehicle is a dark green small commercial vehicles, body injection with the words "Hang ."
According to the reporter,hogan interactive, admitted to hospital in the four injured chai hand injury, Ms. hip injury in Iraq, the two left the hospital after treatment on their own. Mr. Ju injury and ear, temporarily admitted for observation, a direct hit by a car and severely injured because Ms. Wang is being neurosurgical treatment. Clue: Pan
96101 Morning News site
Correspondent charges Xin
■ traffic control communications
The driver has been tested and is not drinking
Morning News (chief reporter Wang Bin) reporter learned from the police, the accident occurred at 16:00, with a medium-sized passenger Gold from south to north to near the West Third Ring Bridge in Fengtai District, suddenly into the bus Road front of the vehicle and crashed into the site after the rollover, causing damage to the facility site,http://www.hanazonohifuku.com, a platform to bridge the waiting man knocked dead and one wounded.
After the accident, the traffic control department immediately open a green channel, collaborative health departments promptly treat the wounded, while the flow of traffic. Another three people to the hospital after the diagnosis affect leave on their own.
After police investigation, the Gold Cup car driver driving license normally not detected by the breath alcohol, the traffic control department is handling the accident investigation.
(Original title: waiting passengers bumped drop Lize Bridge)