
December 5, listen to people talking about the father thing Liu Hongwei,louboutin chaussures, Liu Li Momo Spring sitting in the corner crying. This was crying because his father's death, perhaps because he thought the future helpless when Henan Chinese Commercial News reporter Yang Donghua / filmed map / Fang Yifu
Henan Business Daily reported on successive deaths of migrant workers Liu Hongwei, has aroused widespread concern
For the death of Liu Hongwei, Zhengzhou sent two lawyers to the civil authorities, "information disclosure application"
There are a lot of people concerned about Liu Hongwei 10-year-old son's future yesterday, Dengfeng City Daily reporter said Charity Call
Shaolin Temple abbot Shi Yongxin
Liu Hongwei son to take to school
Henan Chinese Commercial News reporter Wang Xiangqian
Qiu Jin Lee intern
In recent days, the Henan Business Daily on the "death of migrant workers in Zhengzhou, Liu Hongwei under the overpass," a series of reports regarding the, aroused strong concern.
Many people and friends, rescue station in Zhengzhou avoidance and indifference in the face of the matter when expressed strong indignation.
Meanwhile, 10-year-old son, Liu Hongwei future, but also to a lot of people deeply worried.
Fortunately, things eventually progress yesterday.
Read Henan Daily reported
Shi to pick up their kids
Shaolin Salesian School to learn, live
Migrant workers Liu Hongwei, who died in the cold Zhengzhou overpass. He left behind,http://laokuke.com/news/html/?27187.html, helpless and lonely 60-year-old father of 10-year-old child.
Past few days, a few of the old helpless.
At the time the village man worried about their future, good news came from the Shaolin Temple.
Yesterday morning, Dengfeng City Charity Federation executive vice president to Henan Business Daily reporter called: "Shaolin Temple abbot Shi Yongxin see Henan Daily reported on migrant workers Liu Hongwei, and that his children Liu Spring Festival is very poor, We are hoping to pick up their kids to learn Shaolin Salesian School, life. "
Shenqiao Zhen said that Shaolin Salesian School not only responsible for the child's life, but also the willingness to school children, to all types of school, "Salesian School in good condition, as well as busing children to school, and do not charge any fees."
Yesterday afternoon, party secretary Liu Hongwei home Peiguang Min call reporters, said:. "Children and the elderly have agreed to go to Shaolin Salesian School life, first for his family thank you."
How much tragedy also occurred, these "responsible person" Cai Ganxin?
Liu Hongwei is received rescue shelter rescue?
December 5, an interview with reporters, Zhengzhou Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau organizations to promote responsible person replied, "what happened before does not make sense to say, did not mean much."
Saying this is the Director of Publicity Department of Zhengzhou Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau organized essay incense.
Yesterday, Pham Van Hong's words on the Internet cause hot.
"Silent shadows": How much tragedy also occurred, these "responsible person" Cai Ganxin you? No one's life is more cheap,http://meguru.jp/cgi-bin/joyful/joyful.cgi, it is strongly recommended that a thorough investigation. If things did not make sense in the past, what we study history? If the last thing did not make sense, you also get money to buy yesterday's stuff to do today?
8 @ Fung Cheung Road: hard government concept of change is evident. Not "serve the people" thinking,http://cosspa.net, please make way for it!
Mr. Han people: the face of migrant workers Liu Hongwei's death, the Civil Administration declared the group responsible person can actually say "what happened before does not make sense to say the" words, chilling, angry.
"Zhang Pengcheng": implementation of accountability, accountability of relevant officials, the withdrawal of the withdrawal, the free-free. Not a deterrent, but also a steady stream of such incidents occur.
Receive "information disclosure application", 15 working days to reply
For Liu Hongwei's death, the two lawyers Zhengzhou Zhengzhou Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau had sent "information disclosure application." Upon request, the unit should be responding to these issues in 15 working days:
1. Is rescue shelter staff visited the scene? Why did not find it necessary to help the migrant workers?
2. The rescue shelter rescue many people every year? By rescue personnel include several categories? Relief stations in their daily work and found objects in need of help through what channels?
3. rescue shelter used each year about how much bailout money? Share of total financial rescue shelter ratio?
4. rescue shelter rescue in the event of the existence of this dereliction of duty?
5. What "winter relief work emergency plan" contents?
6. In response to the matter, how the Civil Administration findings?
December 5 afternoon, reporters repeatedly call the rescue shelter Master Xie Wei and deputy secretary in charge of propaganda Liang Xin love of mobile phones,air jordan site officiel, no one answered.
Yesterday, the Henan Chinese Commercial News reporters Zai Cilian and Ji Zhengzhou Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau organized propaganda department asked to respond to situations, where a person in charge of Wang Duo said,http://www.free-info-site.com, "Aid to have to ask Zhengzhou City rescue shelter."
Subsequently, the reporter finally called Liang Xin love of mobile phones. She said it had received "information disclosure application", they will be based on "People's Republic of China Government Information Disclosure Ordinance" and "Zhengzhou Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, Government Information Disclosure Guide" provides 15 working days to reply.
Most users think
"Relevant government departments rescue aid ineffective"
Liu Hongwei migrant workers lie more than 20 days at the overpass death,http://gzhsa.org.cn/?action-viewcomment-itemid-9, he was rescue? Zhengzhou Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs has been avoided, and that "to say what happened before does not make sense, it did not mean much."
For Liu Hongwei's death, the reader is how to see? Yesterday,http://www.travelan.biz/cgi-bin/search.cgi, the Henan Business Daily Sina official microblogging and have done a large river network special survey, the majority of users believe that ineffective assistance of relevant government departments. The results are as follows:
They said
Find work to do, treat people good boss
December 3, Henan Business Daily reporter Zheng Bian Road overpass in an interview with Sun Guoqing and other migrant workers live. Migrant workers, he, with only 100 dollars, "good luck can hold more than a few days, bad luck can only go home."
Yesterday, the reporter again contacted the Sun Guoqing. He said the Daily reports helped bridge migrant workers busy "these days, every day people come to see the quilt, there are people sent us to drink, eat,scarpe hogan uomo, it was money down the left. Really thank them and thank you. "
Sun Guoqing said that his good luck,http://jishanba.com/thread-662331-1-1.html, four in the morning to find a living,,louboutin outlet milano, to transform a hotel toilet. 100 dollars a day, but also control a meal. These days, because the people sent a thick quilt, not cold at night he slept under the overpass, 7:30 in the morning to the hotel to work, "the boss is good to see a few of us really work,hogan outlet online, but also invited us to eat in the cafeteria a meal of it. "