
Mother little girl standing garbage car garbage truck ride to send their daughters to school,
"Morning, 7:20. A garbage truck slowly moved forward, the car a little girl in red dress is very eye-catching. Treadmill woman leaning forward back forward, stepping carefully twist twist car girl expression is very quiet, the body in the garbage, and no sense of nausea disdain, so feel comfortable straight in his chariot, like a red rose. "
Children's Day eve,, the Ninghai local Wenfeng forum, users "Little Women" issued by a post attracted the attention of many users.
Dialogue Posted
"Touched by the girl's pure peace"
Users post "Little Women" is a teacher Ninghai Experimental Primary School, surnamed Yuan. Yesterday, the reporter contacted her.
Yuan Laoshi told reporters in early May, she was in his way to work saw the mother and daughter. At that time, she passed Ninghai Road weather, I saw a mother is bent pedal, hands the little girl carrying a small bag.
After his mother cleaned roadside trash, the garbage poured into the trash in the car, the girl face calm, sensible and then sideways.
"See this scene,, was feeling a little sour." Yuan teacher immediately took the bag of camera, secretly photographed the mother and daughter.
"Now comparisons between students phenomenon seems to be getting filled up, some kindergarten children do not sit still crying father's low-end cars, to take other people's children to the father of Audi, BMW and other luxury cars. And this little girl out of pure performance peaceful people moved. "Yuan teacher said.
Dialogue party
Take garbage truck can save 80 yuan per month
Contact reporter was removed on a photo of the mother,louboutin outlet.
She called , Gansu people, beginning in 2007 with a daughter and her husband to Ninghai work.
At present, the Jinqiao Lian Yue Hui district couples are cleaner, the fourth-grade daughter, a little girl in the photo is her daughter, 8 years old, reading kindergarteners.
Jinqiao Lian 4:00 to get up every day, after finished cleaning the district's health,nike shox, you have to hurry to get home, take care of two daughters get up, eat breakfast.
Daughter from Grade 2 to Grade 4, the youngest daughter from preschool to Kindergarten,chaussures nike air max pas cher, a full two years time, regardless of seasons, wind and rain, the couple are used garbage trucks, pick-up daughter from school.
This year, the couple busy,, called his own daughter to school by bus. She will have to set foot on 10 minutes, after the little girl to school, go back to the cell cleaning. Sometimes the weather is too cold in winter, it will daughter wrapped up with a coat.
Two years ago, Jinqiao Lian did not let her sat the bus, "the one to safety,, and secondly, I shuttle is also convenient." After school, the couple and then two daughters home with their garbage handlebar.
The couple's monthly wages add up to 1,,600 yuan,louboutin prezzi, in addition to daily expenses, no savings. Jinqiao Lian calculations: If two daughters took the bus to school day for 4 dollars a week is 20 yuan, 80 yuan a month have.
Face unique car, the girl said it does not matter
"I often speak to her daughter, a man to be content, though your parents can not afford to drive you to school, but at least you can let you have books to read, and even some children did not have to learn on." told reporters that " It is in this environment to grow up, two daughters are particularly sensible, never had a complaint. eldest daughter's academic performance has been good in the class has been the top few. "
Sometimes on the road, Jinqiao Lian also run into some of her daughter's classmates, individual students will use the strange eyes looked at this unique "car."
"I have asked her, it will not feel wronged, but two daughters say does not matter, the most important thing is to study hard." Sensible daughter let Jinqiao Lian are greatly pleased.
"I could save the province, my children never spending money,, many are wearing old clothes sent to district residents." Speaking of which, Jinqiao Lian feel very sorry for the two children.
Now, Jinqiao Lian family of four living in a dorm Sanitation Department,, every night,jordan homme, her husband two children with homework tutoring will, a person can be considered enjoyable.
Jinqiao Lian told reporters last year when the score husband to take the exam, but because you want to study at home and two brothers, the eldest son he had to give up the opportunity to work outside the university, "as long as two daughters good grades, we will for they have been read on. "
User: heart has been washed
Friends "audience": moved! Let me think of a child my father pulled his hand upon the handlebars piggy city to sell, I was sitting with piggy cart, go to the city to see.
Friends "through time and space": the heart is very shocking! Whether rich or poor, a child should be very pure, undeserved secular implicate! A sensible little girl in red cheering small beauty of a woman broadcaster strong top!
Netizen "Ilex": we should respect migrant workers, they are not particularly easy. See a picture reminiscent of a child's life.
Netizen "circumflex": Gongchesiyong be considered, and only this "Gongjusiyong" too sad people up.
User "soft text": very moved very poignant scene, best to let the children now love comparisons, and let them wash a spiritual subject.