

Although such cases have a strong hidden, gang organization is relatively tight, but "gamblers head,nike air max 90 homme, beat the dealer, destroy the gang," the new tactics adopted by the police has become their nemesis.

According to the county People's Procuratorate charged that in early September last year, the process of a suspect Lee hired more than 70 people, in the field of gambling dens Xishui Xiang Nai territory tap, shout chant, lead the way, sentry, etc., hire a driver Driving shuttle staff and went gambling and gambling gamblers gamble to profit from the tap. In mid-September the same year, a certain way in order to set up the same way in Xishui Xiang Nai village Nantianmen casino, solicitation Zhou, Gumou more than 70 people into the casino gambling he opened was arrested by police officers, site collection of gambling money 347,355 Yuan. Have been identified,http://www.orthopaedicweblinks.com/cgi-bin/owl/search.cgi, the casino tap Yuli 30,000 yuan. After the incident, the police Candu more than 60 illegal workers given the punishment of administrative detention and impose a fine.

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Reporter Dugao Fu


Recently, the county People's Court that the suspect process of a 7 people for profit,http://liufu1488.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=2719&do=blog&quickforward=1&id=369206, open gambling establishments, organizing others to gambling,http://www.addyourvoice.co/activity/p/843584/, to profit from the tap behavior has violated the criminal law, then made the decision.

Dong Tao said the county police chief, was found in the detection, investigation of this group of gamblers strong sense of anti-selected urban areas away from the field, take a shuttle bus gamblers,http://bs6398.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=25142, multiple sentry based cards,basket nike air max pas cher, frequent replacement of the casino site, etc. gambling. In gambling,jordan pas cher, the gang also be charged per day per million manner 300-500 yuan loan-sharking. For gambling and other criminal activities, the police have maintained a high pressure situation, since last year, has been destroyed gambling group 5, more than 200 people were treated for their involvement in gambling public security organs.




Yesterday,http://sarasa.coron.jp/bbs/joyful.cgi,nike air max 90 pas cher, reporters learned from the Xishui County People's Procuratorate, Chongqing gang of gamblers to seek illegal interests, the gamblers gathered to Xishui open field inside gambling dens, take a shuttle bus gamblers, multiple sentry based cards, frequent replacement of the casino site etc. gambling obtain high returns. County People's Court sentenced a certain way, Lee and other celebrities 3 7 years imprisonment ranging from six months, and were fined 50,boots louboutin,http://bbs.tt919.com/read.php?tid-392479-fpage-2.html/read.php?tid-392479-fpage-2.html/post.php?fid=252?fid=252,000 to 10,000 yuan.







Little Luo mother and asked: "How much your monthly salary "


Then I do everything for divorce custody of the boy, no match for the family man,http://www.balibali.com/cgi-bin/bbs/petit.cgi?;, can not just give up custody of their (small Luo father family) will not let me see his son, I had to sneak to the school to see him.




Qiu mother has just finished, small Luo angrily pointing his mother,http://www.234104.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1454, his mother's name to address him curse: "Qiu Moumou, you read of these high-sounding words are not written in your own words these are the fart, you never dedication dutifully raise me, you do not motherhood. "


Qiu mother said: "These are not related to you, is your grandparents house." Son suddenly raised his voice, said:. "See, you have no maternal instinct, no humanity."

Mother and son long conflict



"You have heard, she said she earn much and I would not mind." Little Luo very angry, then asked: " Do you have two homes."

Little Luo think mother miserly, human weak, did not try to raise their own responsibility, "only to 30 dollars per month for living expenses, more than a decade to pay only 1,000 yuan, enough for what 2002 After mediation He was forced to raise the cost of living to 250 yuan per month in 2005, and then on the court mediation, and only then the cost of living and then transferred to 600 yuan. "

Qiu mother do not want to say, at the insistence of the judges, said:. "Over 2000, I earn more to do with you, I have to support the elderly."


Mother: I have a clear conscience

I do not support him to go abroad, according to his own situation, no national university graduate, went to Japan to study very hard, he had read a review in Japan first class nature of the school, must take a test to enter college, he chose this path too narrow, not lines of their own, it will be very hard.

Sitting plaintiff gallery son surnamed Luo, handsome appearance. His parents divorced when big four months, the court will award their father, because his father is no fixed income, small Luo has followed grandparents live.






I suggest that he finish college and then go out in the country,magasin louboutin paris, more appropriate,nike sito ufficiale, more rational. Japanese direction you want to engage in work,http://cgi.kansenki.net/bbs/kansenkibbs.cgi, do not have to study abroad in the country can still learn Japanese, working in this area.


Son: You do not have motherhood,http://moodle.ndna.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1, no humanity

Now, my son is already 18 years or older adults, the body without disabilities, are fully independent living, and do not need to raise the mother's son, and can not afford, why go abroad His son to study well, domestic universities have been dropped out, go abroad how to read well.

But this time his son's performance on the court, completely broke my mother's heart fur, "I did not expect to put my son to court, but did not think his son could be so naive, ungrateful, too sad." Qiu mother clutching his chest sadly, these grievances are not one or two days, mother-child relationship has always been good.

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Small Luo said, according to relevant laws and regulations, children in the absence of independent living situation, parents should try to support obligations, including the unfinished school children.


"Thanks to grandparents raising my pension that point, the mother did not do their duty." Little Luo a belly full of grievances.

As a mother I have dutifully raising her son, I have a clear conscience, as required by the court, the monthly alimony I have come up with, in addition, my son will come to our unit for dinner, I find a tutor to his son make up homework and so on.

Little Luo's mother surnamed Qiu, 51 years old, and yesterday the trial, she came ten minutes later, looked at his son, walked slowly sat down on the opposite side of the dock son slowly out pleadings, wear glasses, intermittently read out:

Qiu mother silence for a moment, paused for a long time, said: "I paid for him, do not intend to get nothing in return, as long as he can be gone well, I'm happy." & Nbsp; trainee reporter Wu Haijie correspondent Sifa

Hearing this, Qiu mother did not speak, just shook his head.

Small Luo said, the mother is fully able to afford this cost themselves raised, dropped out of college because they do not like the original software technology professional, to Japanese professional interest, only to drop out of the initiative. "My Japanese did well in an exam, my score was the first province, the country's fourth."

"My dream is to study abroad,http://bbs.2twan.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=566251, to read, my mother did not support me."


After court, Qiu mother told reporters: university in the country, I support him, although he grown up, also according to the monthly living expenses of 600 yuan, other aspects have been supporting him and gave him to buy a laptop or something.

Yesterday morning, Xihu District People's Court,nike free run, the mother and son to court: 21 year-old son wanted to study abroad, to the mother to discuss study and living expenses until he completed studies can live an independent life.




Qiu mother said she had been taken into account before the child is still small, their marriage broke harm to his son, his son is the victim, out of guilt, her son was very patient.




"There is no communication, no dealings will be no feelings, and they quarrel repeatedly,nike officiel,http://www.npo-ama.or.jp, lost count of his son's cold, heartless, I was numb, the court said so many harsh words, I had lost confidence in him, and has been unable to mediate this conflict, I have lost hope. "

Last February, a small Luo dropped out of college, he plans to go to study in Japan in April this year. Studying time 5--6 years, it is expected to cost 250,000 yuan. To this end, the requirements of small Luo mother 90,000 yuan of tuition burden he needed to study, living expenses 2000 yuan per month until he was able to live independently, in addition, not before falling to supplement the cost of living 3,000 yuan.

Mother: Way too difficult to study


Son: Mother entirely support obligations


Candidate picture,http://itunes-how.seesaa.net.
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Second is a number of HR sheets are recognized in the history of the most ridiculous resume. It was a remake of FIG resume in the "rewards and punishments at school" column, the students actually filled out "during the school get Master 'Another bottle' award many times", had attracted net surfers uploaded All users ridiculous, was said to be a spoof, it was suspected to be the Master of the marketing plan, more public and therefore launched a discussion on the topic of job employment of university students.
Followed by a tombstone photo, the tomb signature "Lu force", the inscription "Now I finally have my own house." This picture seems to withstand scrutiny from the truth,http://www.ftcartoon.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=63028, but the network will concern just unveiled, the focus of netizens hot huge irony is that the picture itself on the topic of social Rate and demolition current.
Outside the top three,http://www.moriichi-net.co.jp, the upward trend of violent cattle Xi'an toll road - it was once true story hit the newspapers. Say it is an approximately 40-year-old women in the streets of Xi'an hailed fees scene. When passing reporters capture,nike air force, take a towel the woman's head, upper body was wearing a white corset, met the owners do not give money or even climb the roof, dancing spittle flying, extreme courage and behavior .
The visibility in the online world is no less than "small" sharp brother, who also have no doubt that the top five. Selected what he goes oblique Diao cigarettes, a mix and match dress handsome iconic photograph, had been friends goods as "melancholy eyes, sigh Hu ballast child, almost a miracle of God with, there is the messy hair ,nike chaussures,http://ohh.sisos.co.jp/cgi-bin/openhh/search.cgi, we are deeply fascinated me "...... to beggars identity known Brother Sharp has now faded out of public view, and lived a normal life. Netizens bless him, while still in their own way to express nostalgia for the legend of the famous photo of his election to the Annual clouds the picture, perhaps out of this meaning of it.
Reporters saw, in addition to these five pictures ahead on the list, the other candidates are also pictures netizens multiple clicks. Wherein the group known as "cottage commodity large collection of" real-life class record, Bo Kang Shuai instant noodles, dairy and other Iraqi columns people can not admire those who make the talented; novelty category, such as "high-speed motorcycle on Dili ",http://reposit.lib.kumamoto-u.ac.jp,nike air max pas cher, the picture of a man riding a motorcycle, pedal at another driving a motorcycle also being on the highway driving decisions based on the picture of great impact; marvelous class as someone begging woman confession, the words" husband upstairs vase hit two years ago has been in a coma, the existing pregnant in the body, "and so on, can not help but laugh under perusal; it is worth mentioning that there are some students writing papers, only his words" required after the following replies visible " teacher endorsement of a big "zero", but do not know if scoring can be considered "reply", the teacher is seen to do so was "landlord" Hiding the contents of it? Zhang Lei


June 23, 8-year-old Xiaobin (a pseudonym) took the civil complaint, he only knew a few names above, the indictment did not get to know what is meant by it brought to the dock. Map / reporter Jiang Limei
Sued by his mother, 8-year-olds can not read the indictment
Get a stake mother remarried three years ago to his son, now sue to recover; his father was an oral agreement,hogan outlet online,http://r-cube.ritsumei.ac.jp, said equity is presented as an alimony
Newspaper reporter intern to Derek Wan Lijun Changsha reported & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; holds this paper, 8-year-old Xiaobin (a pseudonym) read with curiosity, but word on a page, in addition to recognize several names In addition, he did not understand the meaning of these words. Children can not understand that this is the mother delivered the indictment to the court.
June 8, Daddy Long subpoenaed Mr. Xiaobin Yuelu District Court, the accused is that he was only 8 years old son Xiaobin, but the plaintiff is the child's biological mother She has.
It turned out that three years ago, has been with Mr. Long divorced She has, will be presented under the name of Pegasus shares to his son Xiaobin village. In June this year, it sued to Yuelu District Court for the revocation of the gift behavior recover equity gains. This makes it difficult to accept Mr. Long.
Mother sued & nbsp; & nbsp; encounter financial difficulties,,air jordan soldes,http://bbs.zangdipg.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=104204, to reclaim equity
Mr. Long is the village of Ma Yuelu District villagers. Mr. Long in 2002 and She has married two years later, his son Xiaobin was born. After marriage, the two had a heated argument, in December 2006, the Yuelu district court divorce mediation. Xiaobin custody by Mr. Long, married and moved to Taiwan.
In recent years,http://bbs.you47.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=779,air max 90, it has lived in Taiwan, and they have a son, and occasionally returned to Changsha. In June this year, it has a paper petition, the 8-year-old son Xiaobin court. She has said in the complaint,http://demo.web300.cn/free8/Review.asp?NewsID=627, he then better economic conditions, and hoping to exercise visitation rights Xiaobin normal, then in 2010 in his hometown, She has decided to grant the shares in their own name Xiaobin.
February 2, 2010, She wrote two instruments, a "gift book," said Pegasus village cooperative association of stock warrants will be held to give her Xiaobin, all shares matters are referred Xiaobin process, I shall but ask her. Another "power of attorney" said Ma village seven groups own all the money and contacts Xiaobin entrusted to handle, almost but ask.
She has said in the complaint, since the shares gave Xiaobin, Xiaobin difficult to see them again, you can not enjoy visitation rights. Moreover, She has the name of warrants in Pegasus village nearly two years of earnings, is not entirely legal representatives of Mr. Xiaobin dragon sign. She has said he did not work, the current major economic difficulties, life is difficult to maintain.
Thus,http://www.xl1200x.net, the son Xiaobin She has taken to court, called for the repeal of the acts presented by the plaintiffs have an interest in the equity.
Father response & nbsp; & nbsp; children not to get to know the meaning of indictment
For this lawsuit, Mr. Long unacceptable. Mr. Long said, before the divorce, he had a verbal agreement with Ms. Farrow, She do not pay child support, alimony shares as a gift to his son.
In 2010, Mr. Long heard that the village has a dividend, She household in the village, but people in the field, the money was withheld. Later, She has a fax to a "marriage certificate", Xiaobin began to enjoy dividends.
Mr. Long said that in 2007 and 2008, this part of the shares generate dividend for 1300 yuan; beginning in 2009,http://happy-marron.com/cgi/diary/nicky/nicky.cgi, dividends have risen four-year period was divided into 23,300 yuan. Currently, Pegasus village is to liquidate assets, Xiaobin recipient of the shares may generate revenue of more than 80,000 yuan.
Mr. Long said,http://www.botejia.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=6738, Xiaobin dividend is in addition to a cousin in the village to work on behalf of the collar, the other by Mr. Long and Mr. Long mother I receive. As for the shares not renamed, Mr. Long said it was the village provides equity can gift or inheritance, but not renamed.
"This lawsuit is too great harm to the child, the child of divorce has been hurt once. He only knew a few names on the complaint, indictment did not get to know what it meant, it brought to the dock." Dragon Mr. said he hoped to personally negotiate with Ms. Luo, but can not contact her.
June 23 morning, the reporter tried to contact She has been back to Changsha. She said she had just returned, got a lot of things to deal with, and other processed further contact with reporters. Lawyers say the case is expected in early July hearing.
[Lawyers point of view]
Property to the minor children contain moral obligation
Hunan million and joint law firm lawyers believe Li Jian, according to "Contract Law" Article 186 stipulates that the donor before the transfer of the donated property rights can revoke the gift. Grant contract has welfare, moral obligatory nature of disaster relief, poverty and other social or the donation contract is notarized, the preceding paragraph shall not apply. Party to the case before the long journey of the donated property minor children, including a moral obligation and legal responsibility, it is very difficult now want to revoke the gift. Li Jian, also emphasized, in this case the defendant in fact enjoy the right to ask for alimony counterclaim, it is recommended that the plaintiff based on the rule of law and emotional factors to try and resolve that dispute the defendant guardian.
Behind the case is a controversial legal issues
The defendant attorney Zhao said, according to "Contract Law", in both cases the donation contract is irrevocable, one is notarized, one is a relief, social welfare donation contract, the nature of moral obligation of poverty alleviation. Case of the donation contract was signed in the context of divorce, to some extent, it belongs to the gift contract bears some obligation.
Zhao believes that behind the case is a matter of legal issues, which is a gift contract dispute,air jordan pas cher, "Contract Law" the relevant provisions on the donation contract,scarpe nike, but the "Contract Law" on the principle of equity only some provisions of Article and the provisions of the "Agreement concerning the status of marriage, adoption, guardianship, etc., applicable provisions of other laws." "Company Law" the relevant provisions for equity, but equity stake in the company is not the recipient of the defendant, but the collective property of the village, "the law is not directly applicable in this case, to see how the court decision."
 (Edit: SN053)


Cangzhou newspaper (Reporter Generation clear) December 3 morning, Xian MCH sudden power nearly five hours, a newborn baby in incubator subsequent cold symptoms accompanied by breathing difficulties, at 12 May 5 am killed. After December 10, this newspaper reported the incident, Xian county government attaches great importance to instruct the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Bureau investigation. December 11,air max online, Xian Xian County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Bureau for the responsible person MCH were processed, the hospital vice president in charge dismissed.
After the newspaper published reports, Xian county government immediately instructed the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Bureau, the county health bureau reported on the situation involved an in-depth investigation, and actively communicate with the deceased. December 10 afternoon, Xian MCH and family members to agree on financial compensation, the families awarded 120,http://www.pokolenie-lex.com,000 yuan.
Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Bureau investigation by Xian County,http://www.ko-mens.tv/news/search.cgi, the southern half of the county area of maternal and child health institutions at Xian in at 2:07 on December 3 sudden power outage, 6:34 utilize backup power generation, power 4 hours 27 minutes. In this regard, Xian Xian County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Bureau of Maternal and Child Health Hospital personnel were the responsibility of reversing the investigation, December 11, Xian County Commission for Discipline Inspection of the MCH Electrical give a serious warning, vice president in charge give a serious warning and Free to their duties,http://www.joy.hi-ho.ne.jp/cgi-bin/user/kkkkk/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=2210&page=2, give Dean warning.
The event attracted widespread attention in the multi-media and friends,louboutin pas cher,http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/read.cgi, friends said, the hospital is inevitable power outage,nike air max 97, but around the clock to provide medical services for medical institutions, emergency power supply system configuration is the most basic conditions, in the event of an emergency situation ,http://www.koka-ia.jp, should ensure that the first time to restore power supply. "Doctor benevolence,jordan pour femme,http://www.minimax-ei.com/sitio/index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=57185, hope that the hospital can be to reflect,http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=64&page=2, do not let this kind of tragedy staged." One user said.
Reporters learned that Xian County Health Department has instructed the county government set up a steering group, is currently being carried out special inspections of the county medical institutions.
(Original title: Baby,http://www13.plala.or.jp/white_roots/gwbbs/gwbbs.cgi,scarpe hogan, "freezing" incubator case outcome)
 (Edit: SN047)


December 5, listen to people talking about the father thing Liu Hongwei,louboutin chaussures, Liu Li Momo Spring sitting in the corner crying. This was crying because his father's death, perhaps because he thought the future helpless when Henan Chinese Commercial News reporter Yang Donghua / filmed map / Fang Yifu
Henan Business Daily reported on successive deaths of migrant workers Liu Hongwei, has aroused widespread concern
For the death of Liu Hongwei, Zhengzhou sent two lawyers to the civil authorities, "information disclosure application"
There are a lot of people concerned about Liu Hongwei 10-year-old son's future yesterday, Dengfeng City Daily reporter said Charity Call
Shaolin Temple abbot Shi Yongxin
Liu Hongwei son to take to school
Henan Chinese Commercial News reporter Wang Xiangqian
Qiu Jin Lee intern
In recent days, the Henan Business Daily on the "death of migrant workers in Zhengzhou, Liu Hongwei under the overpass," a series of reports regarding the, aroused strong concern.
Many people and friends, rescue station in Zhengzhou avoidance and indifference in the face of the matter when expressed strong indignation.
Meanwhile, 10-year-old son, Liu Hongwei future, but also to a lot of people deeply worried.
Fortunately, things eventually progress yesterday.
Read Henan Daily reported
Shi to pick up their kids
Shaolin Salesian School to learn, live
Migrant workers Liu Hongwei, who died in the cold Zhengzhou overpass. He left behind,http://laokuke.com/news/html/?27187.html, helpless and lonely 60-year-old father of 10-year-old child.
Past few days, a few of the old helpless.
At the time the village man worried about their future, good news came from the Shaolin Temple.
Yesterday morning, Dengfeng City Charity Federation executive vice president to Henan Business Daily reporter called: "Shaolin Temple abbot Shi Yongxin see Henan Daily reported on migrant workers Liu Hongwei, and that his children Liu Spring Festival is very poor, We are hoping to pick up their kids to learn Shaolin Salesian School, life. "
Shenqiao Zhen said that Shaolin Salesian School not only responsible for the child's life, but also the willingness to school children, to all types of school, "Salesian School in good condition, as well as busing children to school, and do not charge any fees."
Yesterday afternoon, party secretary Liu Hongwei home Peiguang Min call reporters, said:. "Children and the elderly have agreed to go to Shaolin Salesian School life, first for his family thank you."
How much tragedy also occurred, these "responsible person" Cai Ganxin?
Liu Hongwei is received rescue shelter rescue?
December 5, an interview with reporters, Zhengzhou Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau organizations to promote responsible person replied, "what happened before does not make sense to say, did not mean much."
Saying this is the Director of Publicity Department of Zhengzhou Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau organized essay incense.
Yesterday, Pham Van Hong's words on the Internet cause hot.
"Silent shadows": How much tragedy also occurred, these "responsible person" Cai Ganxin you? No one's life is more cheap,http://meguru.jp/cgi-bin/joyful/joyful.cgi, it is strongly recommended that a thorough investigation. If things did not make sense in the past, what we study history? If the last thing did not make sense, you also get money to buy yesterday's stuff to do today?
8 @ Fung Cheung Road: hard government concept of change is evident. Not "serve the people" thinking,http://cosspa.net, please make way for it!
Mr. Han people: the face of migrant workers Liu Hongwei's death, the Civil Administration declared the group responsible person can actually say "what happened before does not make sense to say the" words, chilling, angry.
"Zhang Pengcheng": implementation of accountability, accountability of relevant officials, the withdrawal of the withdrawal, the free-free. Not a deterrent, but also a steady stream of such incidents occur.
Receive "information disclosure application", 15 working days to reply
For Liu Hongwei's death, the two lawyers Zhengzhou Zhengzhou Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau had sent "information disclosure application." Upon request, the unit should be responding to these issues in 15 working days:
1. Is rescue shelter staff visited the scene? Why did not find it necessary to help the migrant workers?
2. The rescue shelter rescue many people every year? By rescue personnel include several categories? Relief stations in their daily work and found objects in need of help through what channels?
3. rescue shelter used each year about how much bailout money? Share of total financial rescue shelter ratio?
4. rescue shelter rescue in the event of the existence of this dereliction of duty?
5. What "winter relief work emergency plan" contents?
6. In response to the matter, how the Civil Administration findings?
December 5 afternoon, reporters repeatedly call the rescue shelter Master Xie Wei and deputy secretary in charge of propaganda Liang Xin love of mobile phones,air jordan site officiel, no one answered.
Yesterday, the Henan Chinese Commercial News reporters Zai Cilian and Ji Zhengzhou Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau organized propaganda department asked to respond to situations, where a person in charge of Wang Duo said,http://www.free-info-site.com, "Aid to have to ask Zhengzhou City rescue shelter."
Subsequently, the reporter finally called Liang Xin love of mobile phones. She said it had received "information disclosure application", they will be based on "People's Republic of China Government Information Disclosure Ordinance" and "Zhengzhou Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, Government Information Disclosure Guide" provides 15 working days to reply.
Most users think
"Relevant government departments rescue aid ineffective"
Liu Hongwei migrant workers lie more than 20 days at the overpass death,http://gzhsa.org.cn/?action-viewcomment-itemid-9, he was rescue? Zhengzhou Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs has been avoided, and that "to say what happened before does not make sense, it did not mean much."
For Liu Hongwei's death, the reader is how to see? Yesterday,http://www.travelan.biz/cgi-bin/search.cgi, the Henan Business Daily Sina official microblogging and have done a large river network special survey, the majority of users believe that ineffective assistance of relevant government departments. The results are as follows:
They said
Find work to do, treat people good boss
December 3, Henan Business Daily reporter Zheng Bian Road overpass in an interview with Sun Guoqing and other migrant workers live. Migrant workers, he, with only 100 dollars, "good luck can hold more than a few days, bad luck can only go home."
Yesterday, the reporter again contacted the Sun Guoqing. He said the Daily reports helped bridge migrant workers busy "these days, every day people come to see the quilt, there are people sent us to drink, eat,scarpe hogan uomo, it was money down the left. Really thank them and thank you. "
Sun Guoqing said that his good luck,http://jishanba.com/thread-662331-1-1.html, four in the morning to find a living,,louboutin outlet milano, to transform a hotel toilet. 100 dollars a day, but also control a meal. These days, because the people sent a thick quilt, not cold at night he slept under the overpass, 7:30 in the morning to the hotel to work, "the boss is good to see a few of us really work,hogan outlet online, but also invited us to eat in the cafeteria a meal of it. "


Mother little girl standing garbage car garbage truck ride to send their daughters to school,http://www.8liuxing.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=
"Morning, 7:20. A garbage truck slowly moved forward, the car a little girl in red dress is very eye-catching. Treadmill woman leaning forward back forward, stepping carefully twist twist car girl expression is very quiet, the body in the garbage, and no sense of nausea disdain, so feel comfortable straight in his chariot, like a red rose. "
Children's Day eve,http://periscopewebvideo.com/user/53864/fbconnect, the Ninghai local Wenfeng forum, users "Little Women" issued by a post attracted the attention of many users.
Dialogue Posted
"Touched by the girl's pure peace"
Users post "Little Women" is a teacher Ninghai Experimental Primary School, surnamed Yuan. Yesterday, the reporter contacted her.
Yuan Laoshi told reporters in early May, she was in his way to work saw the mother and daughter. At that time, she passed Ninghai Road weather, I saw a mother is bent pedal, hands the little girl carrying a small bag.
After his mother cleaned roadside trash, the garbage poured into the trash in the car, the girl face calm, sensible and then sideways.
"See this scene,http://tsuruo.jp/cgi-def/admin/C-002/after/visit/main.pl?PAGE_NUM=1, was feeling a little sour." Yuan teacher immediately took the bag of camera, secretly photographed the mother and daughter.
"Now comparisons between students phenomenon seems to be getting filled up, some kindergarten children do not sit still crying father's low-end cars, to take other people's children to the father of Audi, BMW and other luxury cars. And this little girl out of pure performance peaceful people moved. "Yuan teacher said.
Dialogue party
Take garbage truck can save 80 yuan per month
Contact reporter was removed on a photo of the mother,louboutin outlet.
She called , Gansu people, beginning in 2007 with a daughter and her husband to Ninghai work.
At present, the Jinqiao Lian Yue Hui district couples are cleaner, the fourth-grade daughter, a little girl in the photo is her daughter, 8 years old, reading kindergarteners.
Jinqiao Lian 4:00 to get up every day, after finished cleaning the district's health,nike shox, you have to hurry to get home, take care of two daughters get up, eat breakfast.
Daughter from Grade 2 to Grade 4, the youngest daughter from preschool to Kindergarten,chaussures nike air max pas cher, a full two years time, regardless of seasons, wind and rain, the couple are used garbage trucks, pick-up daughter from school.
This year, the couple busy,http://www.elcochina.net/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=291605, called his own daughter to school by bus. She will have to set foot on 10 minutes, after the little girl to school, go back to the cell cleaning. Sometimes the weather is too cold in winter, it will daughter wrapped up with a coat.
Two years ago, Jinqiao Lian did not let her sat the bus, "the one to safety,http://www.sessya-no-nageturi.com, and secondly, I shuttle is also convenient." After school, the couple and then two daughters home with their garbage handlebar.
The couple's monthly wages add up to 1,http://fanxingdian.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=38804,600 yuan,louboutin prezzi, in addition to daily expenses, no savings. Jinqiao Lian calculations: If two daughters took the bus to school day for 4 dollars a week is 20 yuan, 80 yuan a month have.
Face unique car, the girl said it does not matter
"I often speak to her daughter, a man to be content, though your parents can not afford to drive you to school, but at least you can let you have books to read, and even some children did not have to learn on." told reporters that " It is in this environment to grow up, two daughters are particularly sensible, never had a complaint. eldest daughter's academic performance has been good in the class has been the top few. "
Sometimes on the road, Jinqiao Lian also run into some of her daughter's classmates, individual students will use the strange eyes looked at this unique "car."
"I have asked her, it will not feel wronged, but two daughters say does not matter, the most important thing is to study hard." Sensible daughter let Jinqiao Lian are greatly pleased.
"I could save the province, my children never spending money,, many are wearing old clothes sent to district residents." Speaking of which, Jinqiao Lian feel very sorry for the two children.
Now, Jinqiao Lian family of four living in a dorm Sanitation Department,http://237.newfine.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, every night,jordan homme, her husband two children with homework tutoring will, a person can be considered enjoyable.
Jinqiao Lian told reporters last year when the score husband to take the exam, but because you want to study at home and two brothers, the eldest son he had to give up the opportunity to work outside the university, "as long as two daughters good grades, we will for they have been read on. "
User: heart has been washed
Friends "audience": moved! Let me think of a child my father pulled his hand upon the handlebars piggy city to sell, I was sitting with piggy cart, go to the city to see.
Friends "through time and space": the heart is very shocking! Whether rich or poor, a child should be very pure, undeserved secular implicate! A sensible little girl in red cheering small beauty of a woman broadcaster strong top!
Netizen "Ilex": we should respect migrant workers, they are not particularly easy. See a picture reminiscent of a child's life.
Netizen "circumflex": Gongchesiyong be considered, and only this "Gongjusiyong" too sad people up.
User "soft text": very moved very poignant scene, best to let the children now love comparisons, and let them wash a spiritual subject.