
Incident bus station in ruins. Zhang Zhishan / photo
Lize Bridge,nike air max homme,http://www.mt-plan.com/index.php?option=com_contact&Itemid=3, the Gold Cup car suddenly into the bus lane.
Gold Cup car crashed into the front of the bus station. The wounded, said there are two direct hit of a car, three people are injured Zhuangfei car guardrail.
After a man was Zhuangfei car, drop Lize Bridge, died on the spot.
16:00 yesterday, more than a golden cup into the bus lane, then hit 300 Lize Bridge Road station platform, waiting for the bus passengers hit a fall Lize killed and four passengers were injured.
"Even the brakes do not take"
When reporters rushed to the scene, the vehicle has been towed away,http://www.npo-ama.or.jp, still alert with cone in front of the site with a small blockade enclosed area.
Reporters found that nearly 100 meters south of the station at Lize Bridge bus lane to shunt the vehicle with society,air jordan pas cher, after the bus into the bus lane here need only reach the platform. At a time when Lize 300 Station Road, more than 20 meters of the site rickety fence, has been completely destroyed,http://kubikino.ne.jp/cgi-def/admin/C-002/sekikawa/visit/main.pl?PAGE_NUM=1, the ground is full of broken glass and debris body, a wheel and mark "Beijing E66965" yellow license plate front windshield scattered on the ground.
After the incident, two men and two women a total of four injured were sent to the right Tiananmen Square Hospital. "16:00 and more, I'm 300 other car Station Road saw a commercial vehicle speed quickly entered the bus lane,http://www.palau-oerc.net, I was also wondering,boutique jordan, this is not illegal it? I did not expect the platform in front of the car without warning hit directly on the site. That speed brakes are they even did not take. "You'anmen hospital, accident victims Sarkozy recalled to reporters,http://tucchy.sakura.ne.jp/c/epad/epad.cgi?mode=view&no=6236&res=1&page=80," I heard a scream on the platform, my hand was down Cuts under the platform railing, hit by a car that had amazing two meters before it stopped. "
Man killed falling bridge
In the emergency room of the hospital, the injured Mr. Ju told reporters that the incident occurred, he had just get off the 300 bus stop, not enough time to stand, the accident occurred. "I saw a car crazy straight hit me from the side bus lanes, fence crashed down down, the car directly hit by two individuals, one person suddenly fly out, and the other a woman also fell on the platform,http://azumano.sakura.ne.jp, I never too late to hide,air jordan, he was knocked unconscious fallen stop sign on the spot. "Mr. Ju left ear bone was smashed in the accident, the body has been injured many fallen fence.
Owner Lize bridge,http://www.freebit.com/manual/ubiqmail/h.php?id=vpass, a pancake shop witnessed this act tragedy man fell off a bridge, "I heard bang bang, they saw a man on the face, suddenly fell to the main road under the bridge. I heart think that under any death. "The shopkeeper immediately go out to look and found that a 40-year-old man," was not breathing, died on the spot. "the owner said. According to witnesses, Mr. Zhang said the vehicle is a dark green small commercial vehicles, body injection with the words "Hang ."
According to the reporter,hogan interactive, admitted to hospital in the four injured chai hand injury, Ms. hip injury in Iraq, the two left the hospital after treatment on their own. Mr. Ju injury and ear, temporarily admitted for observation, a direct hit by a car and severely injured because Ms. Wang is being neurosurgical treatment. Clue: Pan
96101 Morning News site
Correspondent charges Xin
■ traffic control communications
The driver has been tested and is not drinking
Morning News (chief reporter Wang Bin) reporter learned from the police, the accident occurred at 16:00, with a medium-sized passenger Gold from south to north to near the West Third Ring Bridge in Fengtai District, suddenly into the bus Road front of the vehicle and crashed into the site after the rollover, causing damage to the facility site,http://www.hanazonohifuku.com, a platform to bridge the waiting man knocked dead and one wounded.
After the accident, the traffic control department immediately open a green channel, collaborative health departments promptly treat the wounded, while the flow of traffic. Another three people to the hospital after the diagnosis affect leave on their own.
After police investigation, the Gold Cup car driver driving license normally not detected by the breath alcohol, the traffic control department is handling the accident investigation.
(Original title: waiting passengers bumped drop Lize Bridge)


The man still in the rescue,louboutin scarpe. The scene in the second floor.
Huizhou newspaper news (reporter Qin Zhongyang photo coverage) yesterday morning, Huizhou City outlet street offices occurred a tragedy of human relations: A man suspected of killing his wife and son before committing suicide, now the man is still in hospital.
Middle-aged man suspected of killing his wife and children at midnight
2:00 yesterday, more than a two-story building is located in City outlet Hui Yao Subdistrict Office house in the old village,http://www.ad-visor.net, suddenly heard screams. Before long,louboutin soldes, the police rushed to the scene and found three people in the second floor bedroom, lying in a pool of blood,nike tn pas cher chine, which is a couple two adults, a child is their four-year-old son. 120 ambulance arrived and found his wife and child had died,http://www.cecyteo.edu.mx/site/index.php, a man in critical condition.
Neighbors said,http://tzffmx.96303.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=171023&extra=, the family from Jiangxi, a man surnamed Liu, about 40 years old, a woman surnamed Wu, the three seventeen or eighteen,hogan interactive donna,http://www.kobaaki.com/diary202/diary/diary.cgi, they are here to open a small furniture factory, has seven or eight years. A four people,http://joomla.templaza.net/titania/index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=24538, has two sons,http://www.michieki.jp, 13-year-old son, 4-year-old son. And the eldest son of the narrative from the scene, it is clear this is a man committed suicide after killing his wife and children.
Why men do not understand the tragedy of manufacturing
According to the woman's uncle Wu introduced his midnight 2:00 niece suddenly received more phone eldest son, arrived on the scene around 3:00.
Son said, that night he slept on the first floor, my parents and brother on the second floor, middle of the night 2:00 and more, he suddenly heard the ring upstairs, went upstairs and saw his brother lying in bed, mom and dad lying on the floor on blood everywhere, he scared the workers immediately wake up downstairs, but call his uncle, hit 110.
Wu said that after a niece came from Jiangxi Province-City outlet run this small plant,http://www.01ny.net/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=248817,tiffany outlet, never left to do is the most common office equipment, primarily chairs, invited two workers, rented this building ordinary houses do plant , name at all.
He said, usually heard two loud losing money due to play mahjong, but no big problem, can not figure out why he suddenly kills wife and son. Now nephew-in-law cut the wrists artery, his face cut several knives. The case is under further investigation.
(Stringing people: Mr. Xie; Bonus: $ 150)
Yao house in the old village scene, police blocked the yard. This is an old two-storey building, there is a large courtyard in front of buildings, inside and outside the yard there are two gates,http://68901.vhost15.cloudvhost.cn/news/html/?495541.html, the right office chair decorated with a lot of finished or semi-finished products, build a temporary house on the left as a workshop. Liu family lived on the second floor, first floor and yard used to wrap a chair, the scene in the second floor room.
 (Edit: SN034)


Disgusted father no clothes, defecation
97-year-old son to Alzheimer's father was living in the basement
Southern reported Reuters & nbsp; (reporter Wang Rong Wang Chengbing) 97 years, four generations, should be enjoying their later years, when the streets but in Liuhe District ChangLu jade district, a 97-year-old son was sent to the stenosis dark basement to live, just a thin quilts on the bed, toilet all in bed.
Yesterday, the newspaper 4008885998 information hotline received after people reflect, reporters rushed to the streets in Liuhe District ChangLu jade cell information.
Site: old curled down on wood
Yesterday morning, the reporter who led the rebellion, came to the jade cell 2 a unit of the underground garage.
Down the stairs down the narrow dark basement, while the smell lunged. The reporter saw that the basement area of about fifty-six square meters, with a bed and a desk. Cupboard stocked with a bowl and a pile of debris, spread the messy bed with a quilt,http://www.idbren.com/thread-13702635-1-1.html, the old man huddled in the quilt.
Approached the bed, the reporter saw the elderly gray-haired, upper sleeve of a jacket, lower body wearing nothing. More surprising is that he turned out to be lying on the floor board. Nanjing changing the temperature these days, sometimes only a few degrees of temperature, bed old stuff without any cushion, urine will flow along the bed mattress gap, which is the root cause of the odor.
"He lived here for a month." A neighbor told reporters that the old man named Yao Baozhong, today 97 years old, is son to the basement, rarely son sent him to eat. Then,http://lond840moth.seesaa.net, the neighbor took out a few cookies, quickly took the old man in his mouth.
Son: four generations, it is inconvenient father was away
In the second floor of a building next to the reporter saw the family elderly.
"We did not take care of him three meals a day are sent on time." Old man's son explained to reporters.
"Why do you want 97-year-old father to live in the basement,http://jfy4ghtuertfy.bloguez.com/jfy4ghtuertfy/4856010/clever.cgi?"
"He had been living at home, but not his toilet toilet, in bed."
"These days quite cold, even how he slept on the bed mattresses are not, and wearing a coat?"
"I bought him cotton sweaters pants,nike jordan pas cher, washed properly, he does not wear, I have no idea."
Old man's son told reporters,http://www.ko-mens.tv/news/search.cgi, in addition to his father,air jordan soldes, and two daughters, but the two sisters in addition to his father about the Chinese New Year holiday to visit, usually basically do not come, not to mention caring for the elderly, the whole burden of serving the elderly in his pick shoulders. He did not want his father sent to the basement, but he lived in his home, his son and grandson, three generations, the elderly not only open defecation, but also do not want to wear the clothes, the family much, it is not convenient,nike mercurial, there is no way to live together, he It is no way, and only then to the basement of his father lived.
Doctor: frail elderly, malnourished
See the silent old man has been lying in bed, worried about his physical problems, reporters invited ChangLu Valley neighborhood hospitals doctors, the elderly a simple physical examination.
Valley the doctor to the medical examination that the elderly with normal blood pressure, but suffering from senile dementia, in addition, his body is very weak, malnutrition, need nutritional supplements, but also an urgent need to improve the living environment.
"Father base body itself is very good, if family members take care of well,http://www.qphya.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=29399, live to be 100 years old should be no problem." Gu said the doctor.
ChangLu street Tongjiang set village director, told reporters that the 80-year-old or older, the government has fixed subsidy each month, in addition, the elderly demolition division of the room, there are a few million relocation compensation,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1, arguably, the elderly On the economy should have a certain ability to self-sufficiency.
If you live in the home is not convenient, nursing homes can not put the old man to do? Old son has said he did not know how much money his father, his limited economic capacity, did not afford the cost of a nursing home, "I can promise is that his father deliver meals on time,http://seweb.siogon.com/1004/news/html/?426106.html, clean room,http://beer.dramamusicschool.com/item/create_form/1, clean bedding for the elderly."
In so many of persuasion, son or father unwilling to take home, he heard his son's answers, the old man had a very dazed eyes, tears slowly fall.
Lawyer: other children to the court on behalf of the elderly
China's "elderly Protection Act" prohibits discrimination, insult, abuse, or abandon them. Then, the 97-year-old father suffers from Alzheimer's throw in the basement, be considered abuse of old people?
Jiangsu and loyalty Lawyer Huo Guoping said, lived with family members for the elderly long-term physical torture, such as bundling,louboutin milano, beatings, Donge, not to cure illness, or insult, ridicule and other mental torture, which can constitute abuse sin. In the case of elderly, if there is conclusive evidence to prove that their children have these behaviors, they can sue through the judiciary.
"Vile abuse of family members shall be liable to two years imprisonment, criminal detention or control, if resulting in serious consequences, such as causing the victim serious injury, death,nike shox nz, more than two years shall be liable to seven years imprisonment." he said, taking into account elderly suffering from senile dementia, his other children on behalf of the elderly to the court can, in addition, the village also can defer proceedings.
& Nbsp;


(Reporter Wang Qiang) Two planes nearly collided in the air, but fortunately the aircraft anti-collision system automatically starts, in time to avoid a tragedy,nike air max femme, but the horse is inside the cabin aisle and Granny but falls lead to fractures. Yesterday afternoon, which played for the first time on the basis of our citizens, "the Montreal Convention" put forward personal injury compensation cases in the East Court. THAI defendant represents reasonable compensation expenses, but does not agree compensation for moral damage.
Two years ago in July,hogan donna,http://www.goti-death.com/ayane/BBS/apeboard_plus.cgi/-chine/chanel/, nearly sixty years, Ms. Ma to air transport personal injury compensation disputes the cause of action to sue the East Court, requiring the defendant to Thai Airways International Public Company Limited based on "the Montreal Convention", compensation for operation expenses, medical expenses, mental solatium. Since the defendant raised objection to jurisdiction Thai Airways to make the case "stranded" more than a year. . East Court now has ruled out an objection to jurisdiction hearing the case yesterday afternoon.
By Zhang Qi Huai plaintiff lawyers, horse riding Granny is Beijing's international flights to Bangkok, Thailand, was a family of five going to Thailand. In flight four hours later, Granny Ma got up and went to the bathroom with a granddaughter, when the plane suddenly start emergency anti-collision system, the number of kilometers in the air rapidly pulled down the gap,basket nike air max pas cher, causing the plaintiff fell and injured. "Before the flight attendants do not have any tips, including stopping the use of toilets and other cabin service, are not prompt, indicating that the unit is not ready, even the captain were startled."
THAI defendant's attorney had no objections, explained that was very sudden, so there is no warning, no hint. Attorney believes that because the case of emergency,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, Thai Airways is not at fault.
After the plane landed, Granny Ma was taken to Bangkok Thai hospital, he was diagnosed with a right ankle fracture, and do the first surgery. Thai Airways was paid tens of thousands of surgical fees. But Granny Ma returned home, the two sides have differences on compensation costs, Thai Airways refused to pay other expenses.
Late last year,http://tuonela.s138.xrea.com/lightbbs/light.cgi?res=5248, Ma Granny finished second surgery, remove the nail ankle, ongoing functional rehab, she asked THAI to pay medical expenses, care, lost income, mental damage compensation expenses totaling 61 million Yuan, in which the amount of compensation for moral damage of 35 million.
Zhang Qi Huai lawyer, the plaintiff asked for medical expenses, mental damages, is the basis and the provisions of China in July last year implementation of the "Tort Liability Act," the "Montreal Convention." In accordance with the "Montreal Convention", as long as the cause of death or injury to passengers on board an aircraft accident or the upper and lower aircraft,http://www.8264.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the carrier should bear responsibility. For each passenger is not more than about $ 135,000 for damages, the carrier shall not be exempted from liability. Moreover, China's "Tort Liability Act" provisions,http://www.naati-translators.com, the party causing serious mental harm to others, has been infringed may request compensation for moral damage.
Thai Airways lawyer said the defendant, the plaintiff agreed to pay reasonable losses, but does not agree to pay lost wages,scarpe nike air max,http://www.ace-ace.co.jp/cgi-bin/pet_bbs/tkbbs1.pl, mental damages and other expenses.
Granny Ma's son introduction,http://www.aaeafrica.org/cgi-bin/home/index.cgi, when he booked a round-trip ticket from Beijing to Thailand Thai Airways route to a family of five,http://www.005005.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=734440, ready to Thai seaside vacation of a warm family to. However, no one thought the mother suffered unexpected calamity. A person's travel plans and it has been interrupted. Although the elderly present injury recovered, but still need to make the appropriate functional exercise and physical therapy.
The defendant refused to compensate for lost income, mental damages and other expenses, the plaintiffs and their families,nike air max, expressing anger, Judge mediation failed. The case is still under trial. J178


People's Daily on June 4, according to Taiwan News Today reported recently in Kaohsiung,http://www.youjizz-ba.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1699009,veste nike femme, Taiwan has one of disabled persons, he went to the office to apply for social grants,http://1973523.info/cgi/memo/apeboard_plus.cgi/, that "Social Affairs" of the supplementary allowance is too small,, the gas out in a furious female social body. Originally a wheelchair, he even stood up holding a sickle knife stabbed the other 5, hurriedly fled scared of all those present. Fortunately, after a female social worker hospital emergency uneventfully.
It reported that the man surnamed Jiang, 42 years old, suffering from liver cancer, acute renal failure and other medical history, although they can not stand long standing, normally begin with a wheelchair. He licensed disabilities manual,nike free run, Kaohsiung 'Social Affairs' listed him as counseling objects. "Social bureau" original will he placed a downtown hotel accommodation in, but because of poor living habits,http://www.exstreams.org/discussion/636915/eiq0ema367, which makes the room filthy,spaccio hogan, the hotel could not bear him to move out.
Jiangmou in March to apply for a living allowance, Zheng Xing female social workers to assist the contractor,nike shox, but repeatedly complained Jiangmou disability allowance too, because the placement of the hotel recently and asked him to move out, Jiangmou thought it was "Social Affairs" do not want to help him pay 3 pm He first hardware store to buy a sickle, then to the "Social Affairs" and "barrier-free home",http://tsubame-jnr.bglb.jp, saying the class looking for long, but the lesson was out a long business trip, he stayed in the office to wait.
Victim Jeong time just returned to their seats, Jiangmou seeing the sudden flick wheelchair close to each other,http://moodle.ndna.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1,scarpe hogan prezzi, then suddenly stood up holding a sickle to cut the right arm Zheng female 4 knives,http://www.juziyisheng.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=9040, hip knife, fortunately no serious hospital after first aid. Other colleagues rushed quickly to police. Police arrest person eligible report also Jiangmou arrested after shouting "'Social Affairs' killing on me to make." Police judged that the supplementary allowance Jiangmou too,http://www.als-net.com/cgi-bin/keijiban/als-keijiban.cgi??U?閿熸枻鎷�?I?, with him to move out of the hotel, will let him disgruntled, after hearing Jiangmou been treated in accordance with attempted murder. (Liu Rong)
(Original title: Taiwan a "wheelchair man" too little subsidy actually got up the knife and chopped social 5)


Seismograph model is presented in textbooks
Yesterday, the hottest topic of microblogging What is it? That Zhang Heng seismograph. Sign Yan Tao said: "until yesterday that I know, that the national treasure Zhang Heng seismograph,chaussures nike tn pas cher, is the last century fifties made out, Wang Duo, according to 196 words ancient depiction, combining British scientists earthquake theory, design and invention of The Zhang Heng seismograph,http://xmruidi.com/news/html/?103466.html, as elected to the materials,http://hisamatsu-online.org, people thought it was Han stuff, in fact, that the beads fall out ...... "in elementary school textbooks, we familiar with the Zhang Heng seismograph. But yesterday, most people know, we can see that the seismograph is a modern system that ignited controversy.
Experts say Zhang Heng seismograph really
But no one has seen long-sawed
Textbooks seismograph is a modern production
Original seismograph Nobody seen long-sawed
"Seismograph and Ian national museum is being manufactured!" Topic on the microblogging is crazy reproduced, and even led to netizens Zhang Heng seismograph existence questioned. User "Lianwai banana thirty-two" said: Zhang Heng seismograph is a modern Wang Duo made? I know them from primary school textbooks, and now has cheated more than ten years! "Netizens" He was Gigi "said:" China is rich in ancient literati poet, described the lack of objective and scientific, we compared the effort to get to play the permutations and combinations of adjectives. Five thousand years, the number of lost invention is true? Chances are that a cottage history of invention. "
Reporters found that, according to historical records, Zhang Heng after years of painstaking research, seismograph come in 132 years. 133 On June 18 the capital sudden earthquake, Zhang Heng letter Han emperor, the ruling must change strategy, to bless God in the world. Han emperor Liu Bao was forced to lower crime edict, Sagong Wang Gong are removed,jordan homme, and Zhang Heng has been promoted to attract, to become his assistant. Seismograph Zhang Heng as a scientific instrument is given a sacred function, became the test artifacts imperial justice.
However, the seismograph soon lost. After AD 190 to 220 years ago, the seismograph begins disappeared from sight.
How seismograph disappear? "Because it is copper, may be of the lost, may also be buried in the ground, has not been found through archeology, had seen the Zhang Heng seismograph in the end a long look like." Experts say speculation.
Recovery seismograph age of only 59 years old
Nanjing Museum's restoration experts Wang Chao said, and now we see the Zhang Heng seismograph indeed the age of only 59 years old, rather than 1800 years old, Wang Duo, made in 1951. This statue seismograph hidden in the National Museum of China, published in primary and secondary school textbooks, printed on stamps, in over half a century, we think that Zhang Heng seismograph is like this.
According to reports, textbooks, where an earthquake, and the corresponding orientation Pearl will fall in the toad's mouth on the seismograph. But half a century, the dragon's mouth was firmly in his mouth not promoted beads. This is also the reason causing users questioned,http://seweb.siogon.com/1004/news/html/?412075.html, Zhang Heng seismograph is not just a legend? The ancients fooled everybody 1800 years?
Wang Chao said Zhang Heng seismograph without any kind handed down, the information is limited. Wang Duo, according to heritage experts "Han Zhang Heng Chuan" and said "the shape Jiuzun" record design its shape, and the internal structure of historical data,http://jsem.jp, only a mere 196 words, he is only in accordance with the "hanging pendulum" principle in the design of the structure. Later,http://www.kct.or.jp, Wang Duo and modify the drawings, according to Han in "in both columns," the records and refer to the "upright pole" principle, with the year, the recovery of the wood 1:10 "Zhang Heng seismograph" model in 1951. "However, it is a model, did not say can seismoscope."
However, this wooden model by most Chinese people mistakenly thought it was a prototype, in many local museum, the model can also be used as relics to imitation and collections, not only entered the textbooks, and even China Seismological Bureau also use this recovery model done for decades flag, only recently removed.
Questioned the ancient seismograph fly it?
From 1875 to the present, the past 100 years,chaussure nike pas cher, there have been 13 kinds of conceptual seismograph restoration model, including the works of Wang Duo included, are not seismoscope. Well, the original Zhang Heng seismograph,http://www-ya.magma.ne.jp/~y-jc/cgi-bin/yjcbbs/honey.cgi?mode=howto, in the end can not seismoscope it?
"I asked myself many times in my heart, it will not be the ancient people to give themselves 'paste',http://club.chedian168.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=193443, and threw the big lie?" In order to accurately understand the scientific principles Zhang Heng seismograph, since 2002, the China Earthquake Networks Center researcher Feng Its sharp recovery group carried out scientific research Zhang Heng seismograph.
"The answer is yes, Zhang Heng seismograph certainly, but also will work." By up to eight years of efforts, Feng Rui affirmative answer.
Feng Rui said, seismograph recovery model can not work because faced with several challenges: "Han Zhang Heng Chuan" of 196 words was the only historical data, in accordance with the "solitary card can not stand" principle, should not and can not do Restoration work. Moreover, the previous recovery model are not on the Han Lingtai conducted site visits. Secondly, over the years its 138 years of Longxi earthquakes are misinformation, because with "Han" recorded "to unknowingly move" contradictions. Again, the principle decision shape, the shape of the principle of error inevitable mistakes,nike tn pas cher france, it needs to be Jiuzun Han Dynasty unearthed in order to meet the historical data, but also different from the "Wang model" shape.
People today strive seismograph really lived
Through 8 years of exploration, Feng Rui found the key to Zhang Heng seismograph work. He was assisted by the National Library of Rare Books and Special Collections library, found the country's first in mind the preservation of the seven ancient seismograph edition version, corroborated the Chinese seismograph for historical records are not solitary card. "" Han Zhang Heng Chuan "written before,http://longbai.info/longbai_info/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=12161843, our country has been in existence for the seismograph record."
Finds more data, the Feng Rui began Lingtai study trip. Historical records, 132 years after the invention of the seismograph Zhang Heng, put it in the capital in the south of Luoyang Lingtai 2 observations. Institute of Archaeology in 1975 Lingtai foundation of archaeological excavations carried out, shooting a lot of photos. "We looked believe Luo Lingtai in the south bank of the river floodplain, are relatively high background noise environments." & Nbsp;
Through these documents, Feng Rui Zhang Heng seismograph calculated height, hanging pendulum length, vibration frequency. At the same time,scarpe louboutin outlet, the group transferred to the previous waveform Longxi earthquake. Through the calculation waveform prove Zhang Heng's seismograph in 134 AD did the Longxi earthquake measured. Zhang Heng seismograph is really not a "legend" and "myth." "Now, Zhang Heng seismograph can really work."
September 20, 2009, the opening of China Science and Technology Museum, the seismograph in the new museum meet with the audience, and spit balls work in a simulation of the seismic shock waves. Viewers can hands-on button is pressed, the effects of different responses in different wave type lower seismograph - it was only the arrival of transverse spit balls, the other from the longitudinal wave of shock, it can not make any response seismograph. This rules out other disturbances such as heavy closed car transit vibration, huge guns and the like. Express reporter Hu Yumei


Zhou identify the scene of the crime. (Police for map)
Wife does not give drinks, Speed Bun case of Sa woman man, suffered storm hit Dayton suspect was arrested before the police attack
September 3 evening, Ms. King in Jimo work experience Cry scene, when she and her two sisters walking home,http://www.meiweilive.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=172980, a man riding a motorcycle scrambling suddenly rushing from the side. 3 people resist, so he even hand Zhuadai Tu, after a fight criminals fled in panic. Jimo police received a report after a quick attack, the criminals stuck in a small alley captured. According to the suspects Zhou explained that he was a contractor, usually love to eat and drink out of money, and often endure his wife's complaints, recently hand tight they thought robbery, shot just did not expect it to be captured. At present,nike tn chaussure femme, the suspect Zhou criminal detention by the police. & Nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;
Bun suffer mad grab incident Fei Juzei
September 3 nights working Jimo Ms. King and two sisters came home from work, talking and laughing along the way, when the three of them walked around Jimo Development Zone special letter squares, a motorcycle suddenly from the roadside rushed over, a man riding a motorcycle suddenly reach rob Ms. King backpack. Ms. King clung to his backpack,http://freeworld.webcrow.jp/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=7380557&extra=,chaussure nike tn pas cher, plus backpack Messenger with, and did not let the man get away. However, this time the criminals did not stop,bottes louboutin, but began to pinch Ms. King's neck, trying to get Ms. King let go.
Mend sisters looting, Ms. King's two companions also came to help. Despite the great strength criminals physically strong, three people struggling to resist, tightly grabbed the backpack does not let go, but against criminals meal mad grab his hand. After some struggle and fight the criminals ultimately did not succeed. See three women desperate resistance, criminals also panic, panic to escape.
Police blocked the attack before the attack criminals
"Some people scrambling, and Zhuadai Tu ......" In the scrambling men fled when Ms. King attend body pain cry, nearby residents heard the call for help to catch up,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, but this time the criminals have disappeared into the night. According to Ms. King introduced, was very confused, a companion rushed to call 110. After receiving the alarm, police patrol near the police station rushed to the scene, the police scene learned that the criminals who exudes an apparent alcohol.
Simple to understand the situation, the police will not analyze the suspect run too far, so the patrol police immediately bring the victim suspects fled towards the direction of the hunt, while the mobilization of additional attack a police patrol separately, along raids. 4, around midnight, a police car chase near the village mu of land, found a small alley from the front,hogan rebel uomo, out of a motorcycle Shui, the man in line to ride characteristics with the suspect, and very far away from the smelt a strong smell of alcohol.
"That's him, is he!" Ms. King sat on the police immediately recognize the man in front is suspect. Then the scene police divided intercept them on the spot in the alley arrested the suspect.
Henpecked account drunken robbery complain
Police the man was taken to the police station for investigation. Upon review,air max, the suspect 32-year-old Zhou Jimo, his robbery Ms. Kim confessed to the crime. According to Zhou confessed that he had also a "resistant people" who work for many years have seen some of the world, a plurality of types of masonry craftsmen worked. Earlier this year,, Zhou also looking for a good few workers to follow their own work became a labor contractor, income is also good. However, Zhou love to drink, smoke, and often greedy solution under the hotel, but they have to subsidize the daily spending at home, although every day to make money, you can always pinch. To this end, Zhou's wife often complain, and to control his expenses.
The evening of September 3, Zhou did not go home after work, for fear the face of his wife's nagging home, they drink alone in a small restaurant in a residential district. 23:00 been drinking more,http://bbs.sunwer.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=159957, restaurant closing time,http://goobike.com/cgi-bin/search/zaiko_bike.cgi, Zhou was crooked out, ready to go home on a motorcycle. On the way home, Zhou also want to make money thing, and grew more and more angry.
When he was close to reaching Jizhuomotuo special letter squares, he saw three young woman talking and laughing walked side by side in front and tried to rob the square sidewalk. Wine embolden the already riding a motorcycle than to Zhou and turn back, we must reach out to grab one of the woman's backpack, did not think it met with strong resistance, Zhou left arm and right chest are scratched, Then in the process of being police arrested fled.
Find someone trailing witty response
"If you want to make money through legal work should,http://blackbaseball-abc.com, Zhou garden path does not fly." Police said, Zhou had to have a happy family, the results of impulsive life of crime, Zhou take violent robbery scrambling constitute . Currently Zhou has been under criminal detention, the case is under further investigation.
"Women find someone trailing, a witty response." Police investigators remind remind the general public, when a female friend backpack trip, best to take the left shoulder or right shoulder left and right Kua Kua etc. bag,http://www.auto-tsukamoto.com/hpgen/epad/epad.cgi?mode=view&no=106&res=1&page=10, try not to shoulder bag. In addition, women walk more carefully lanes fork, if you find someone trailing or spy, may be intentionally stare back at each other or singing loudly, or a sudden change in the original route towards someone, lighted place trot, once looted, robbed To shouted for help, and catch the perpetrators.
However, if the power of the poor, victims should first try to protect their own safety, to discern the direction of escape perpetrators, note the physical characteristics of the perpetrators as soon as possible to the place where many people for help, and the first time call 110.
Reporter Xu Jie Liu Xin