
A half months ago, the North Sea, a township of Tengchong County, girls as young as 7 years old on the way home from school, young men were in the same village, a 17-year-old trick to nearby mountains raped. After committing the crime,http://cgcypt.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=363637, the man thought flawless unknown,https://fis.encs.concordia.ca/helpdesk-cgi/quota.cgi, did not think 12 days later,jordan femme pas cher, police finally based "DNA" test results locked the suspect. Yesterday, two sea village of Tengchong County, North Township Shao dry on suspicion of rape and murder girls Jingfangxingju Tengchong County.
November 16,nike femme, Hay's body double in Beihai Township 7-year-old woman was found . After the inquest investigation confirmed Tengchong, Dan is in the mountains killed after being raped.
The police task force after scene investigation and autopsy, immediately started investigation. Around a lot of investigation and the scene of the traces of evidence, the facts revealed. According to Shao dry this same village had repeatedly molested girl, the incident that day and had been the case had contact with the victim. Shao's secret police extracted fingerprint, "DNA" and other relevant information sent to the higher public security organ technology department inspection. November 27, passed technical appraisal found evidence left at the scene and trace information with Shao dry basic line,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1, the police task force immediately in the dry Shao house and arrested him.
In the irrefutable evidence,http://www.mitsubishi-club.org,jordan pas cher, the suspect confessed dry Shao,http://www.4dictionary.com, 15, at 4 pm, he was in a small village on the way home from school immediately after the encounter of Dan,nike shox, to see girls walking alone,http://vacations.galatravels.com/nexres/search/power_search.cgi, Shao dry immediately produce a rape her idea . No one around to take advantage of the machine,http://mobile.deai-fraud.com, Shao inner coax girls into the roadside woods and raped her,chaussure nike homme, after the fear in the village brought to light,http://s-131100.gotocdn.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1168307, in turn brutally murdered. Newspaper reporter Cui Min
Correspondent Sun Deco Fanzu Hua (Spring City Evening News)


Wang Luyao struggling to paddle in the Han River, the canoe next to photo reporter Ching Ming Wang Luyao victory to reach the other side of the bow of the internal structure of paper boats escort
Sports Network (Chutian Metropolis Daily reporter intern Xie to the Qing Shun Qi) yesterday 10:26, He Shan Han Jiang Hanyang segment, fast-flowing,http://www.jbyyw.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=7443759, water speed 3 m / sec. Faced with the surging river, junior Wuhan Commercial Service College of Wang Luyao, sitting in his boat with a good paper paste paper boat, the rapids. Seven minutes later, he successfully ferry to the other side of Hankou,, Hanjiang River realized his desire trials.
7 minutes across the Han River
Hanyang dragon embankment Joseph Hill marshland, paper boats trial site. "Only Unexpectedly, not impossible," "brother is not zoned boat,louboutin italia, low-carbon" and other three eye-catching banners.
10:26 yesterday, the cheers of friends and relatives, Wang Luyao wearing black jackets, wearing a pair of black sunglasses, holding a special paddle a kayak, official launching, across the river toward the planning of the past ......
After the launching, since the river flow rate quickly,http://www.efanghitao.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=536369, paper boat from side to side, he kept paddling paddle around to stabilize the hull. Kaya Qi water sports club of two escort kayak behind paper boat.
10:29, when a paper boat drift downstream to the bottom of the bridge, the river appears huge whirlpool. Paper boat began rocking around Wang Luyao desperately rowing and sprint hard to the shore. 10:33, along the Han River downstream,http://gourmettreatsforpets.com/new/member/blog_post_view.php?postId=63847, drift after about 1 km,http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=171&page=1;, paper boat succeeded in reaching the other side.
Half made a good paper boat
Paper boat ship about 1.9 meters and a width of 80 cm,louboutin uomo, 30 cm thick bottom, weighing about 40 kg, with a good paste paper, total cost of about 200 yuan. "Not only all the material is plain paper, binder is brewed with ordinary flour paste, paper boat load of this theory can be more than 150 kg,http://onigdesign.com/error.html,nike blazer,http://coname.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=3534, the actual take two." Wang Luyao introduction, he majored in equestrian professional and hobby sport. In May this year,nike pas cher, he was in practice in Hubei Sports Bureau, met Hanyuan County, Ya'an City, Sichuan Province, a water sports center coach Song Yuanqing, inspired by him, the initiation of the idea to make paper boats. "Paper boat made with paper, is environmentally a good publicity." Wang Luyao said that he would like to use paper boats to the community to promote its low-carbon lifestyle.
Wang Luyao introduction, he studied theory more than two months after the beginning of July started making paper boats, traveled around the school scrap market, buy some of the Paper, cardboard, coated paper used to make boats. Through trial and error, after two weeks, he will be a good paste paper boats, and trial success in school lakes.
Paper boat looks "fragile", how can cross the Han River? Wang Luyao introduced his draft based on water buoyancy paper boat,scarpe christian louboutin, measure out outside paper boat carrying their weight more than enough, and the ship is coated paper paste, water works well to ensure that water can not go inside the ship dipped .
"I think across the Taiwan Strait."
After successfully crossing the Han River, Wang Luyao very emotional. He said that the desire to want to achieve across the Yangtze River this year.
He said that from this trial situation, paper boats there are many flaws in the design, because the paper boat about 2 meters and a width of 80 cm, paddling in the subject of great resistance, consume a lot of their strength .
"If you want to cross the Yangtze River, so I am afraid that will make their own boat exhaustion." Wang Luyao said that he would improve the structure of the hull and reduce drag. He also considered in the paper board increased power equipment, and is known as the "Yangtze River rafting first person" Mr. Song Yuanqing together to achieve the dream of crossing the Taiwan Strait.
Wuhan Institute of Shipbuilding Technology engaged in research Wuchun Fang hull teacher said, college students dare to imagine and daring spirit hands, should be affirmed. Waste Paper manufacture paper boats used in transportation tool, although few current academic research,http://www.k-ryukoku.ac.jp, but is feasible. He also expressed support for Wang Luyao students across the Yangtze River and the Taiwan Strait ideas, willing to provide support and assistance in a professional.


Beijing News (Reporter Fanchun Xu Xu Lu Yang) 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Fengtai District, Puan North 6th district downstairs, a 4-month-old boy fell out of the stroller, was trailing taxi grinding mill head, sending doctors after she died. At present, the police in the investigation.
At 8 pm, Puan north in the district on the 6th downstairs, still left wheel outlined India, blood can still be seen.
One witness said the same day at 5 pm, are seeing the right side about 10 meters from the front gate of the road, a woman cried into tears, lying next to a baby boy, brain hemorrhage.
Area residents said the incident occurred the woman was pushing stroller walking on the road, coming from behind to avoid a taxi,http://www.healthcarehall.com/viewnews-47884.shtml,nike jordan,http://www.ma.ccnw.ne.jp/deai/asobi/bbs2/joyful.cgi, ready to be carried to the stroller on the sidewalk next to "lift up the right side of the two wheels,louboutin femme, left wheels have not yet lifted,http://www.rockclimbing.com, tilted the stroller, the child fall out. "
But the child's family said a taxi hit a stroller, causing the child fell to the ground.
"I get a taxi to stop quickly, he seemed not to hear, rolling past." Last night, when asked by police,http://www.joy.hi-ho.ne.jp/cgi-bin/user/kkkkk/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=2210&page=2, the mother said.
"After the taxi driver got off very nervous, said there did not see the child." Eyewitnesses, the taxi driver lived in Puan North district, the incident has been very slow driving speed.
After the incident, the baby was taken to Beijing Children's Hospital last night, 7:40 Xu, Beijing Children's Hospital baby death certificate issued by the police 999 emergency and the remains will be sent to the forensic autopsy.
Children's aunt introduced, the baby's parents are from Hubei, there is a more than 10-year-old son, currently in Hubei home school.
"I'm afraid son alone, only to this child." The child's aunt,http://inetauto.ru, said little of the Lunar New Year (January 16), the children at home in Hubei birth by Caesarean section.
In the aunt's eyes, this four-month-old boy is very smart, and sometimes when you do not listen, just take 'Da Pipi ", then scare him, so that he could not immediately trouble.
■ risks
Residential sidewalk was diverted car
After the incident, district residents talk, if not for parking on the sidewalk is more,http://repository.osakafu-u.ac.jp, the mother can push the stroller down the sidewalk, "this tragedy would not have happened."
"The mother carried the stroller on the sidewalk just parked car, may lead to steady the mother did not look up." Area residents said.
Last night,basket nike pas cher, reporters in Puan north in the district found that security had locked on the sidewalk, parking lot of vehicles. Reporters on the residential parking problems trying to contact community property, but as of press time did not contact.
At 7:00 pm, only four months old Jill (a pseudonym) lying on a gurney Beijing Children's Hospital Medical rescue chamber, has passed away, a piece of blue cloth covered his little body less than half a meter.
When the police came to inspect the remains, he opened a blue cloth, you can see how Jill yellow block blood on the clothes,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=94&page=",scarpe louboutin outlet, head swollen signs at the forehead and nose and lip with blood.
"Jill did not see the sun for several days." Jill aunt said, there is a small park in the district of North Puan before the accident Jill mother pushing a stroller with Jill to the sun, I did not expect trouble ,http://www.24jq.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, "the boy said no no."
"After being rolled, he has not crying,nike mercurial, no crying." Last night, the face of his son's sudden departure, his mother Jill limp in the arms of relatives. Beijing News reporter Fanchun Xu Xu Lu Yang
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Qiu police officers on the spot in a coma after the incident, five hours after waking. taken his son's violent resistance to law XingJu. photo
Information Times (reporter Tong Dan) both father and son in the east on the road cyclists were stopped traffic wardens,nike pas cher, the two sides in conflict, who heard the police were heavily punched,nike squalo, lost a tooth on the spot, and the spot coma, five hours after waking. Yesterday afternoon, the father and son on suspicion of violent resistance to law and XingJu.
Coordinators: the rider was blocked on beatings
Yesterday, the traffic wardens Chen recalled in an interview with reporters, said 9 o'clock yesterday morning, he saw the father and son Yang each riding a bicycle along the route south to north into Yuexiu Dongfeng Road. "According to regulations, bicycles can only be implemented in the east on the road can not ride, then stepped forward to stop." Wardens Chen said, the other not only do not listen to advice, instead of acrimony, "father and son live a violent reaction,http://dc.ruifengbr.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=392794, the two together Father raincoat caught my head, after two hard-fought together for a while. " -Duty police officer Qiu near Yuexiu police brigade immediately rushed to the scene to stop, but, also suffered a fist.
Witnessed police officers: police rushed to Yang positive hoop neck
Yuexiu brigade police officers yesterday morning Chen Hao Yin Road on duty, 9:03, Dongfeng brigade radio call saying the road traffic was hit. "I rushed to the scene and saw positive with his elbow tightly hoop Qiu officer's neck." Chen said police,air max tn pas cher,http://bbs.shexiangjiw.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1705688, he shouted, "let go, let go fast," and then there are five or six police rushed to the scene, About seventy-eight minutes later, police said Qiu dizziness, ataxia, then fainted.
Party Police: no manipulated
Afternoon, the reporter in Guangzhou First People's Hospital saw lying on the bed Qiu police officers. "It still feels pain and vomiting." Qiu said police doctor. According to the site to doctors, police officer Qiu facial soft tissue contusion,http://www.rda-gl.cv.ua, left thumb joint disorder, accompanied by slight brain damage. Qiu officer coma five hours, until 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon consciousness gradually clear,http://www.sugowaza.jp/reports/get/1/9150, teeth knocked one.
Yesterday afternoon, Qiu police officers are taking note, sane, but it is very weak, talk loud enough. He recalls,, rushed to the scene found two positive and coordinators scuffle he stepped forward to stop when the other side has also been a punch, the most important of a punch in the left side of the face near the location of the temple. He insisted he was not abusive to the scene after the father and son, but also did not manipulated.
Sons parties: the coordinators first hands
Yesterday afternoon, the reporter saw police station in the Yuexiu District Datang perpetrators son Yangmou Qing and Yang Mouwei. Father Yang Mouqing 52 years old,http://my.5754.cn/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, looks Bangdayaoyuan burly, 24-year-old son Xiao Yang, lean look gentle. Yang Mouqing argued,hogan rebel, is the first hands-coordinators, and came to the police "tried to mediate not like to." So just beat the traffic police, often because usually exercise, so too heavy shots.
Reporters learned that the incident was video surveillance blind spots, no surveillance video reduction event. Reporters learned from the Yuexiu District Datang police station, beaten by the police because of the father and son is also suspected of violent resistance to law,http://tonzawa.godream.ne.jp/cgi-bin/aska/aska.cgi, both XingJu.
Dialogue beating his son
Reporter: What about the incident?
Yang Mouqing: My son and his wife riding a bicycle on the road in the east, the street wardens to see we catch up, push my son's car, but also to force my son pulled down from the bike.
Reporter: Then you came to the traffic police, is how to deal with?
Yang Mouqing: After a little there will be a traffic police rushed to the field, but he is not coming and tried to mediate, apart from anything else on the fork lived my son's neck, and then again pinched my neck (in this case a little emotional Yang Mouqing excitement). More than anger that I made a move to fight the police.
Reporter: Do you sell heavy police knew the injury was playing it?
Yang Mouqing: I usually exercise regularly, who saw his son being bullied,hogan rebel, thought the consequences could have very heavy shot.
A quarter of violent resistance to law detained 18 people
Sons incidents and occurred yesterday is not the case. City Traffic Police department statistics, in order to discourage violent police carrying out public duties in cases in the first quarter (January to March) there were 27, there are 18 people involved were to be detained according to the law, in which 11 people were to be legally administrative detention; seven people were sentenced to criminal detention according to the law, the police will be held accountable for their criminal liability according to law. According to reports,http://www.gabugabu.net/i/cgi-bin/bbspatio/patio-i.cgi, in which 27 cases of violence to obstruct traffic police enforcement, there are 13 people was the driver "five car" illegal vehicles, the other 14 parties are accidents or road traffic law violator.
Police said the police on duty to perform official duties according to law shall be protected by law, the parties should actively cooperate with the law. In case of doubt, the parties concerned may be made to the public security organ for administrative reconsideration, appeal or complaint to be addressed directly to the people's court to draw the legal means to litigation; any vexatious, malicious obstruct and even violence to obstruct the police carrying out public duties of illegal people, are will be punished by law, the police will be punished under the law.


WASHINGTON (Reporters Huanghai Lei) last November, just married less than a month Ms. Sun received the bad news that her husband was found suffering from acute leukemia,air max pour femme, long-term treatment so that the two honeymoon reach. Recently, Ms. Sun on the microblogging (address:
"If you're in the field or foreign,http://mm18.s15.xrea.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1550207&extra=page%3D1,christian louboutin uomo,http://meriammaji.com/blog_entry.php?user=olsbfz45951&blogentry_id=264417, if you have friends in foreign or foreign, if you have time, help me to send photos to my husband local postcards it?" July 29, Ms. Sun, who lives in Changping microblogging hair the letter said she and her husband Mr. Xing married last October, intended to start the honeymoon A month later, Mr. Xing was found suffering from acute leukemia. More than six months of treatment,http://coordisnap.com, the vast majority of the time Mr. Xing hospital stay, she hopes with the help of friends,http://www.leesauthenticationservice.com, the more fun to her husband and expectations. Finally, she left home address in Changping.
Ms. Sun said that her husband Dao Pei Hospital for treatment, bone marrow transplant has been completed and is now in rejection of the disease,louboutin prix,http://ceo.johobuilders.co.jp, although to get some control, but at any time may face new dangers. "We can not go on a trip, to see the landscape around the world, to understand where the culture will feel the same happiness." Ms. Sun said, recently,http://lady-tina.com/cgi/livbb/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=90/, her husband's treatment has not improved much, feeling a bit depressed. "I heard someone send photos, he was very moved,hogan interactive, I want his life full of hope,http://forum.dzltzq.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=315361, so that he can go on to better fight with the disease."
Ms. Sun told reporters that initially she just wanted to make a few acquaintances sent a photo,hogan uomo, I did not expect much attention after the issue of thousands of users in microblogging. "I thought the worst, but as long as the intention to do, do not regret it. There are so many people help, we feel very happy."
Yesterday, the micro-Bo has been forwarded nearly 3,http://vacations.travelocity.ca/cgi-bin/queryforf.cgi,000 times, many people have been touched by his wife loving behavior, he said he's willing to send a blessing. Reporters noted that the body in Lhasa, Jiuzhaigou, Sydney, Paris and other places of multiple users a message, has issued a photograph.
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● hostess was the incidence of death light
● strong hold men sentenced to bear responsibility for one percent
Sensual place, cuddly about nothing? Wrong!
One night in February 2013,http://www.balibali.com/cgi-bin/bbs/petit.cgi?, the Xiaoliao and three friends went to a hotel in Guangzhou Panyu ktv rooms play. See four men very boring, foreman of the hostess Mary brought to add to the fun.
After friends have left the private room on the left and Mary Xiaoliao two. Xiaoliao persuade Mary to drink, pulled chat, emotional place I want to hold her hand ......
Waiter rushed to stop, get out of Mary sad sad to cry out: "He bullied me,scarpe nike, trying to take advantage of me ......"
Mary placed elsewhere rest. I do not want, in the early hours,, her black lips,http://sauce-oyster-extract.ya-china.com, unconscious,nike air force one, after first aid or killed.
Identification Display, Mary because of heart disease. And that heart disease was nine years old then checked out,http://jiaxinliy.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=86733, the doctor told her not to participate in strenuous exercise,http://www.foss.lk/comment/profile.php?uid=100, not to mention the emotional or alcohol fueled.
Mary's parents think this matter hotels, foremen and Xiaoliao a pedestrian has a responsibility on the court for compensation.
After the court investigation found that Mary actually under 16 years old! Parents explained that Mary and relatives living in Guangzhou a few months, they had no idea she went to the hotel. The court then sentenced them to three percent should own responsibility. The hotel and the foreman,chaussure nike air max 90, employ underage girls drinking Peiqia, also bears responsibility for three percent.
As Xiaoliao et al., The court held that they are not only drinking and Mary, even stronger hold Mary,http://bbs.v5yw.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3902260, Mary by alcohol stimuli also lead to emotional biggest fault,http://www.uco.es, should bear 40 percent responsibility.
I do not know who called innocent, Xiaoliao wronged, who represented the moment: spend money to buy happy,http://www.zuitaian.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=444594, who knows run minors also provoke any death come? Moreover,christian louboutin pas cher, some of them did not even touched a finger Mary! They appealed the revision is sought.
Location: Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court
Results: commuted hotel and foreman bear 60% of the responsibility, should be compensated a total of 130,000 yuan. Xiaoliao bear 10 percent responsibility, compensation for more than 20,louboutin france,000 yuan, and the remaining three men without compensation.
By: Xiaoliao others to hotel entertainment, is foreman initiative to Mary into the room hostess. As a customer, who do not know Mary Xiaoliao minors consistent with common sense, period did not force Mary to drink, so no need to be responsible.
 (Edit: SN067)


At 3:00 on September 12 more than in neonatal vocational Xi'an International Studies University Xu Chang, suddenly hurt my stomach, and hurried up the toilet. NOW toilet sleepwalk he was to break into the two students to play, and the body was taken away just over thirty dollars. In the next over one hour, the male dormitory floor vocational dormitory door was knocked on more than one unit, around about six students robbed.
Unexpected is the batterer who actually live in the same Robbers upstairs two seniors. Beating, money,http://www.acoh-re.jp/post_mail/postmail.cgi,tiffany collane, intimidation ...... lasted more than one hour, robbed children have no one to police.
4th floor of the dormitory door was knocked one by one
Yesterday, the reporter went to Xi'an International Studies University. A door by the left hand of a building,http://vegalta7.s156.xrea.com/aska/aska.cgi/news/nationworld/aska.cgi, is the school's vocational department. Higher unit freshmen are just graduated from junior high school, mostly in the age of about 15 years, where the five-year, you can get a college degree. Robbers and robbed of all students in vocational section. Higher unit happened to the male dormitory building.
Reporters informed the leadership of the students came to the male dormitory floor. According to reports, before the male dormitory floor because they are renovated, so we temporarily moved and Adult Education students who live in an upstairs, "we are all living on the fourth floor."
Incident, 2011 newborn Xu Chang NOW toilet, he was the first person to be attacked. Subsequently, the two upstairs Robbers hit another student dormitory door, "the kids are freshmen started going to school,bracciale tiffany,http://5ainj.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=2332, have no experience, someone knocked on the door,http://zazna.com/selection/index.php?item/create_form/1, there's the baby who gave without asking to open The result is hit into two is stealing money. "An anonymous counselor said.
According to informed students said that on the 4th floor of the dormitory door one by one knock, knocking about 5 dormitory door, a total of six students robbed. Most beaten, but some light, some relatively little heavier, "like Xie Xin, he was robbed of more than 300 dollars, he can tap beaten."
Robbed the teacher did not report the alarm
"? You know you beat the students" interviewed one boy said: "Do not know, but it seems to have lived on our floor, higher than our grade, I first came in, usually occasionally a face to face, What is the name but do not know. "Several adult education institute live on the third floor of the student,http://www.ma.ccnw.ne.jp/deai/asobi/bbs2/joyful.cgi," That night I heard movement upstairs, but did not think! "" Why not report the students robbed a teacher,http://www.4x4smap.com/cgi-local/ikesbbs/glight/glight.cgi, or the police do? "This question of reporters, some teachers say, the baby who did not have this sense from the first robbed Xu Chang, had never been seen more than 3:00, beating Robbers behavior continued into the early hours 4:00 and more, in this more than one hour, the two men entered more than dormitories,nike requin tn pas cher,http://pswa.moo.jp/kaigi/joyful.cgi?mode=res&no=130, and even children were forced to knock on the doors of other students dormitory, male teachers who also lived on the fourth floor, but no one robbed children to Reports teacher, let alone the police.
Informed students say, 4:00 for a long time, some teachers may be heard movement, and it put an end to the two men's behavior. But there are claims that the beating of seniors back to the dorm and went to sleep, the teachers learned later. Different versions of the above, Matilda door Alarming police station does not describe, just say the incidence is 12 am,scarpe louboutin, two baby can Robbers is the 13th by the school to the police station. Why so late to the police station, not very clear. A teacher said the school, the school agreed that this matter is very bad, decided to discuss the requirements of police intervention.
Mingde Gate police station in the investigation
Reporters learned that two students Robbers vocational section 2010 students into the school last year, a 16-year-old, a 18-year-old, robbed students with words, "They look very strong!" There is a was beaten students said, was like resistance, but do not know each other and have not brought the weapon, so put up with.
The next day when the teacher then asked the students are robbed of the actual situation, there are many children can not speak, one respondent teacher is very mixed feelings: "do not ask, let into the knock on the door, he was hit yet dare not report the teacher no problem,http://www.newsbit.info, even the police are not conscious. "
Currently,louboutin paris, Matilda Gate police station in the investigation, preliminary verification 6 student was taken away altogether more than a thousand dollars. The reporter Miao Ying
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