
Newspaper reporter Yang Qian newspaper correspondent Zhang Yingying
Yesterday morning is Hangzhou First People's Hospital of Clinical Psychology master Ren Xiejian specialist clinic,http://billtran-moo.seesaa.net.
A high school girl from Fuyang to see a doctor: "Doctor, I want to die, that does not make sense to live, not happy." After listening to this, Xie Jian bow thought, and began his professional inquiry and progressive counseling.
If the average person, heard here will emerge in a cold sweat. In Xie Jian seems, is just an ordinary case, he has become accustomed.
End clinic, his long-boo breath, shake her head. "Now kids, really elusive. A lot of people are thinking about suicide, it has become the leading cause of unnatural deaths of young people. Parents, really good care of the child care."
So that he always wanted to share the story of two girls. One of them, now also periodically ask him to counseling. Girl is obsessed with death from the start of the game gradually Mistakes.
High school girls addicted "Game of Death"
A sleeping pills a wrist
In late December,http://books.boatdesign.net/bookstore/books.cgi, the hospital emergency room sent two young female students, have been in a coma. A large number of sleeping pills served, a keep deep marks on the wrist. Later I learned that two people are high school students, classmates, it is better.
Mexican girl named Little sleeping pills (a pseudonym), after gastric lavage and other rescue, finally saved the back. Granddaughter looked pale and lying in bed, 70-year-old distressed tears left.
Grandma said that the small ink very young, parents are separated,nike chaussure femme, and then follow her. "She usually well behaved, did very well. She is not dead school children, hobbies is relatively broad, calligraphy,nike air max tn requin, zither,http://itunes-how.seesaa.net, Go are good." Speaking of children, as a retired teacher's grandmother is a look of pride, but she how did not expect, granddaughter would come this far.
After the small ink sober, tells the truth. Her Internet, inadvertently into a paste, which people are discussing "Game of Death", it seems very exciting. She and friends together to experience a bit that really makes them an eye-opener. "That feels really as dead."
Maybe began his love of this "death" of pleasure, the two girls eventually embarked on this step. Also at this time, parents know that he most loved children seek death.
Her fascination with "death" because "bipolar depression"
Teenagers are more likely to suffer from this disease
Today, the small ink regularly to the hospital to find Xie health counseling.
Small ink obsession "death" because of suffering from a "bipolar depression."
Xie Jian explained, it is generally single phase, that is, in the traditional sense of depression, but also depression episodes. The two-phase, then there are two aspects of the performance, you can show to become depressed, it can also be expressed as emotional over-excited, very manic. Bipolar depression from the onset to diagnosis requires nine years.
"A lot of people mistakenly think that people will be frustrated depressive tendencies,http://www.chrisadamsperfumes.com/index.php?item/create_form/1, they do not. Now a lot of very good, very smart people,bracciali tiffany, will suffer from bipolar depression." Xie Jian said, compared with patients excitement time,http://club.miyazaki-mu.ac.jp/gvolun/bbs/fbregi.cgi, will be particularly creative,http://237.newfine.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, there are many poets. So, like a small ink such excellent children suffering bipolar depression is not surprising.
Of course, the reason for the disease is also more complex, resulting in a comprehensive variety of factors. The reason in each case will be different. Take small ink it, because it is inter-generational band support, so the child's growth resulted in more serious impact.
According to foreign epidemiological statistics, the incidence of depression and bipolar depression is 1: 1, but bipolar depression younger than mere incidence of people with depression, the greater the harm caused to the high suicide rate. The prevalence of depression peak age was 25-30 years old, and bipolar depression is 15-19 years old, depression, suicide rate is about 10-15% of patients with bipolar depression 25-50% of people have committed suicide attempted suicide mortality rate is 11-19%.
"In recent years, bipolar depression has been among the forefront of adolescent deaths of unnatural death." Xie Jian had to say such a conclusion.
Restless youth, children face
The parents what to do
Xie Jian said,http://joseikinacchi.com, now the parents busy with work,http://www.88822.com/#87788/read.php?tid=980, to grasp the child's situation is not comprehensive enough.
Faced with child depression performance, always think it is an excuse to avoid learning, obsessed with the network, lazy, and some simply think this is the rebellious performance, normal.
It is not.
In fact, parents often neglect the child's manic period, mistakenly thought it was normal, but when the child begins to depression, parents think that children only need psychological counseling. Doctors can not observe all of the child's illness, it can easily be misdiagnosed.
"A lot of parents find child emotional problems,air jordan femme, it will automatically escape, because of mental illness is very resistant, reluctant to acknowledge the fact." Xie Jian believes that there is a problem when children, parents have not shirk responsibility.
"We must focus on the child's emotional changes, such as world-weary, reluctant to talk, do not want to eat,nike air jordan pas cher, the general mood appears more than two weeks so we should go to a doctor as soon as possible to Clinical Psychology. Adhere to medication, prevent timely diagnosis and treatment because they can not bring more damage. "Of course, he also said, parents can rest assured that as long as with the treatment, children are able to recover up.
(Original title: High school girls addicted "Game of Death" both into the suicide astray)
Edit: SN123


Wang Zhongrong for the villagers to see a doctor. Reporter Long Damme Photo
The village doctor a little "strange": No drug money returned to the patient subsidizing travel expenses
"Dr. Wang,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, to get the drug treatment of bronchitis."
"I have long been ready, you go to eat at noon to return."
At 11:00 on October 22, when the reporter went to the village clinic persimmon Jiangjin Baisha town, village, happened to see the villagers Wang Fusheng to get the medicine. But the strange thing is, the village doctor Wang Zhongrong not only confiscated drug money, but also took five dollars to Wang Fusheng.
See curious reporter, is fluid villagers laughed: "It's what's curious village doctor never came here five households do not want money, I left,http://yamaha-sdr.com/bbs/ASKA_BBS_/aska.cgi, Dr. Wang also fall to the tolls it!."
Practicing medicine for 22 years,nike air max femme, just to save a 20000
Wang Zhongrong 50 years old this year, when the village doctor for 29 years. In 1981, he studied Chinese medicine hospitals in Baisha Town,http://nx.tcmjy.org/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=587346, was 18-year-old Pan-phase meter, three years after the apprenticeship, became Tian Pa barefoot doctors. Although young, Wang Zhongrong very welcome by the villagers,http://www.tianuo.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=24751, because he is never too far way, the villagers live further away so long as a message, he will be carrying medicine cabinet over the mountains to door treatment.
2004, Tian Pa and beach village,nike shox, as well as part of a two villages merged into cold water Kawamura persimmon village. The village's population of only 3,http://bbs.963110.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=149415,500 people, but covers an area has reached 16 square kilometers. Wang Zhongrong suddenly expanded scope of practice three times,nike blazer femme, and some patients live far away, he would have to spend half a day round trip, so the villagers urged the establishment of village clinics.
In 2006, the village designated a piece of land to , so he built a new house. He took out all the savings practicing medicine for 22 years --2 million, but the village bricklayer told him that the money can only build one floor,http://www.wifigx.com/forum.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, "you did 20 years, Lang was saved so little money thing ? "
"Village folks, the conditions are not good, we have received only medicine money." Wang Zhongrong honest smile.
No way, by his wife and children for many years of wage income, Wang Zhongrong only scrape together $ 50,000, built this building of the first floor of the new house, the first floor will be used to the period from the village clinic.
Send the patient home,scarpe nike uomo, on the road and fell off his leg
After the clinic is built, the villagers see a doctor more convenient. Baisha hospitals gave clinics equipped with three village doctor, Wang Zhongrong greatly share the workload, many villagers can still pointing to Wang Zhongrong doctor.
One afternoon in 2006, two groups of Xiongde Huai persimmon village due to lumbar injuries,http://bbs.yhb8.com/apps.php?q=diary&a=detail&did=1429&uid=510, helped by his family to the village health clinic. Wang Zhongrong carefully help him pack on the drug, the delay did not see the bear family, he will be escorted Xiong Dehuai sent him home. On return, it was dark, Wang Zhongrong foot slipped, fell under a heavy bottom ridge, then they stand up. Or crossing the villagers took him back to back home, and urgently called back to work outside of his wife and son.
Rest at home several days later, Wang Zhongrong still stand. Thus, the 43-year-old the first time in his life in the hospital due to illness - Baisha Center Hospital. Doctors diagnosed his legs fractures, gave him a surgery on the plate.
Because seriously,http://www.sugowaza.jp, Wang Zhongrong no longer walk normally, and even standing will need to find support. Zou Jingming wife had to give up work, to concentrate at home to take care of him, but also a large portion of household income less. Because no longer climb the stairs from the second floor bedroom Wang Zhongrong moved to the first floor.
Five Guarantees medication do not want money, he also subsidizing travel expenses
After the injury, Wang Zhongrong difficulty walking. He did not even own law to take the small courtyard threshold. Ordinarily, this no longer visits, right? But when the emergency villagers, he was not life be washed out.
One day in September this year, 82-year-old villager Jing Shao Hui 20:00 more sudden stomach, his head sweating big stars big stars, the eldest son of the family hurriedly sent to your visits.
Wang Zhongrong said nothing, leaning on crutches out of the door. Normal walk more than 10 minutes away, he limped to walk more than an hour. To the King family, view the symptoms diagnosed as stomach bleeding, Wang Zhongrong by transfusion and other emergency measures to stop the old stomach bleeding continues, the King family also keep all night, determined safe before leaving the elderly. This trip visits, plus medical expenses, he received only a total of 30 yuan.
Wang clinic doctor fees low, the villagers know. Although from 2011 onwards, the city of Chongqing village clinic has started the implementation of the national essential drug system, all village health post Drug zero sales, but still find ways to help the villagers to save money. Some drugs, due to different manufacturers, pricing is also different,nike air max 90 homme, and he is always on the pricing of drugs cheaper for everyone to save money.
Several of five households in the village are suffering from bronchitis, hypertension and other chronic diseases. These people here in his doctor, not only do not drug money, he will have to lose a meal and go home fare, why? "! Dry doctors this line, can not find the money diagram" Wang Zhongrong smiled and told reporters:. "As long as the patient cure disease, than to find the money still comfortable"
Reporter Long Damme
 (Edit: SN010)


9:35:07, the king of the old man with the last effort, the son pushed 9:35:08,nike air max femme, his son was pushed open, Wang old man was involved in the round bottom 9:35:09, pushed his son to safety area, his father rolled
Son carrying him into town to do some of the veterans of the relevant procedures, the way home,http://www.tukipie.net/comono/index.cgi, a large truck to turn right into the gas station, their electric car knocked down.
At this critical moment, 71-year-old villager Wang Nan Yang old man under the bridge officer with the last effort to launch his son that he was involved in the wheel end, was twice rolling died on the spot. Yesterday 9:35,http://www.healthcarehall.com/viewnews-53730.shtml, which is regrettable and moving scene, took place in 324 State Road Jinjiang Cizao Xin'an Village section.
After the incident, the driver of Henan Wang has been controlled. Reporters from the mouth of witnesses and surveillance video, learn about trouble the attack.
After the accident the father has been guarding the son
Wang old man was a veteran. Because they can receive certain veterans benefits, early yesterday morning, 46-year-old son would use electric car with him, to guanqiao township relevant procedures. Both men were wearing helmets. 9:35, Henan Wang driving large trucks to turn right to the incident in the oil gas station to refuel. King was the old man of the two electric cars drive on the right. It may be due to the electric car in the large truck blind eye, when Wang to the right,http://www.osake-ichiba.com, knocked down electric vehicles. Also, due to the large trucks faster speed, large trucks continue to tow the electric vehicle and two.
Gas station surveillance video display, 9:35:06, Wang old man dragged along in the process, in order to prevent his son injured his hand and hugged his son, foot cross to the son. After just a second, the king of the old man's right front leg was large trucks roll into, seeing their bodies should get involved, change positions on Wang horse, foot drop, exhaustion of the last effort, the son pushed out, Together with his son in case he caught under the wheels.
The driver panic reversing lead to secondary rolling
Is a second later, his son was pushed to a safe area, and Wang old man was caught under the wheels,http://total-depart2.seesaa.net, the body is subjected to the first rolling. In this case, the video can move the king of the old man's body.
Soon, the son of struggling to get up, immediately around the vehicle in front, the driver shouting "stop." However, according to the traffic control department of Jinjiang staff, driver arrested after Wang explained, he realized after running into people, that people were stuck under the second wheel and tried to reverse the car, good people out. I did not expect, because the next panic did not control the car and location,air max, and from the first wheel vehicles rolling past the king of the old man who also dragged a few meters,http://www.divorcesource.com, leading to Wang old man died on the spot.
Since his son's cell phone was damaged,air jordan homme pas cher, station staff immediately to help the police. "Too tragic, and we have a female colleague was scared to cry. The old man's son was unable to control, squatting on the ground crying for a long time." Gas station employee said, "When I saw the surveillance video,http://www.healthcarehall.com/viewnews-22013.shtml, the father can in that time The son pushed out,http://wx.jazzsynth.com/wxcgi/kizai/sunkizai.cgi?mode=form&no=95&page=2, it is really so moved. "
The old man in his early years raising seven children to join the army
"In that moment of life and death, the nature of the parents, to my uncle in the unconscious or conscious of the situation, pushed my cousin." A nephew of the king of the old man rushed to the scene to understand the situation completely, she said with tears.
According to Wang introduced the old man's nephew, the old man had been in the early years of the military. After the war, he went to the village supply and marketing cooperatives had been a staff member. Later meager pension, their own kind of point,http://aws.keicode.com/aws/ses-dev-tool-scripts.php, the support a large family. Home a total of 4 women and 3 men seven children, the youngest daughter, 25 years old, not married. "Before the accident, his body has been very good."
Accident,louboutin scarpe, Wang old man's eldest son suffered multiple abrasions, currently in Quanzhou hospital for treatment. "Time of the incident, too urgent, I just heard 'bang' is heard, did not realize what happened,louboutin milano, do not know because he pushed me, I roll out." Eldest son recalls . After he got up and immediately went to the front of the driver to stop shouting, "I never thought, the driver actually has the reverse, I quickly shouted him to stop, but it was too late!" He said, saw his father after being run over by a second off the gas, he what was Lianku cry of grief.
Currently, the driver Henan Wang has been controlled, the suspicion has XingJu traffic accident. The accident is under investigation. (Reporter Lin naive text / Chart)
(Original title: father and son was pushed volume vehicle seventy father son was killed twice RCC)


Students kneel & nbsp; & nbsp;
& Nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Nanchong Jialing High School Campus well-off (a pseudonym) said, when the teacher comes to the school to ask parents to co-education, he involuntarily kneeling on the ground. The remaining seven students followed his knees.
The teacher has been approved
The teacher said that was a little angry, let them kneel on the ground; the school is criticized education students should pay attention to the ways and means. When they kneel and must be stopped promptly.
Parents Support
Two school work department to the reporter quoted the parents of several students involved believes that voluntary kneel student, teacher on ways and means of fault does not exist. Some parents told reporters that, thank a teacher.
Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporter Deng Chengman
Stone hills & nbsp; & nbsp,http://www.biology.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~chromosome/gwbbs/gwbbs.cgi;
Foreign teachers discipline manner & nbsp; & nbsp;
■ United States and includes the disciplinary discipline, corporal punishment, a penalty not to go to school a few days,tiffany roma, dismissed, ordered to change schools and so on.
■ Chancellor Singapore, vice principals and disciplinary matters is entitled to use the cane for illegal corporal punishment of students.
■ Korea allow teachers to use more than 100 cm in length, thickness of not more than one centimeter ruler.
■ Japan still retains smack, disciplinary measures of solitary confinement.
■ Australia some of the public schools have two guard chambers, by specialized teachers to communicate with students.
Yesterday morning, friends "dream life cloud life" through Sina Weibo, posted a "collective teacher scolding students to compel him to kneel," the micro-Bo, the incident Nanchong Jialing high school campus.
Schools, said eight break school students take the initiative to admit mistakes kneel, but the teacher did not promptly cried. It has been criticized for its proposed. Two school work department responsible relayed to reporters, parents of several students involved believe that the teacher student discipline matter of course, kneel voluntary student, teacher on ways and means of fault does not exist.
Student: a person to follow the rest kneel kneeling
According to the microblogging users, 9 pm, in Nanchong Jialing high school campus,http://chaos-file.jp/bbs2/bbs.cgi?room=48, several students of four classes of third grade teacher due to mistakes by kneeling up to one hour, was also hit! Microblogging with map display: Several boys kneeling outside the room, next to a middle-aged man sitting in the chair.
Yesterday afternoon, the Chengdu Chinese Commercial News reporters Qian Wang and Gai Jiao, the parties found a teacher and some students, to restore what had happened:
At 17:25 on the 9th,http://www.bq114.cn/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=273387, after school after school, third grade four classes of eight boys boarding school "use" supper time, slipped far from the school Internet cafes to play games. "I have to inspect every day after school hours, when looking for a few cafes along the campus, they eventually found eight people." Their teacher Hanjin said, "I walked up to them and knocked computer table, said nothing He says on the left. Jinjiao and found them 8 behind me. "
Korean teachers back to third grade office, the students also came along. "The office was small, another teacher at the office, I tell them to stand at the door, and then began to criticize the education."
Student well-off (a pseudonym) said: "It was the Korean teacher is very strict tone of voice, I was very scared when the teacher comes to the school to ask parents to co-education, I involuntarily knees, mouth said the teacher I was wrong I will. change, please do not tell their parents. "kneel down to see well-off, and the remaining seven will follow the boy knelt in unison request teachers do not find their parents.
Well - that very strict discipline of their parents, heard his own Internet would scold even beaten. "Please hear Han teacher said parent, I worried beaten." Several children to rest and said, parents are humiliated thing, but also worry about beating training. "Kneel pleading see well-off, we will hold him together."
Teacher: I was a little gas is absolutely no abuse
"It's eight children of parents in five or six people have told me that children love the Internet, please me strict discipline, especially to help them kick the addiction." Hanjin said, "I was a little angry, just let They knelt on the ground, this procedure has ten minutes, during which I absolutely did not call, but did not play. "
Several students interviewed told Chengdu Business Daily reporter, the teacher did not abuse them, knelt time is not long. "Kneel, I found a high school student pulled out a cell phone in front of us was a teacher back to him, did not find someone to take pictures."
The students interviewed said,http://www.webngardha.blogdehi.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi, kneeling also impulsive, definitely not as criticism against the teacher education. "Now let teachers and school embarrassed, we are more regret." Well - said.
School: Parents should avoid table kneel understanding
"The school is found this morning network information, the principal shall immediately notify us of investigation." Shu Xun work department director in charge of junior high school, said, "After the investigation, the Korean teacher to student discipline were criticized, did not play curse behavior, student-based initiative to kneel to admit. "
"Hanjin teacher is responsible for the work, after recovering from illness to attend school, currently serves as head of the third grade,nike requin tn pas cher, he taught four classes of junior school teachers and students · recognized as' good classes',http://www.baibingbing.com/viewtopic.php?pid=320264#p320264, students' conduct and academic in Full year are top-notch. "Shu Xun told Chengdu Business Daily reporters," We have made criticism of the Korean teachers, asking them to educate students in the future when the note ways in when they kneel, must be stopped in time. "Hanjin this acceptance,nike air max soldes, saying that in the future students will not be allowed to make such derogatory kneel move.
Well - who lives in the suburbs of Nanchong, his father told the Chengdu Business Daily reporters, "the teacher education students a matter of course, love the Internet should be subject to the wanderers 'management wipe' children so that teachers bother, because he will not kneel to generate ideas for teacher, Instead, I would also like to thank a teacher, ask the teacher to teach children to continue to strengthen. "Shu Xun and school work department director relayed to reporters, parents of several students involved believes that voluntary kneel student, the teacher does not exist the way fault methodology.
News extension
From the ruler, the pointer to the sugar
Look evolution of teacher education
Available ruler of ancient punishment of students teachers
Pointer, in the education of children and grandchildren, when Prime Minister Humpbacked Liu called "Disciplines", called "ruler" in Sanweishuwu Lu Xun attended, in the hands of Mr. Cai Yunzhi teacher Wei Wei called the "pointer." "Education" and "teaching" the word "the Fan" section has always been "hand sticks" look.
China's feudal society in all types of schools, teachers can use the ruler and so punish students. Ad hoc by the Imperial College of Ming Chinese culture Jiancheng responsible for the "rope trespass Hall", solely for their physical punishments. Qing Dynasty also recorded in this regard, Wang Yu-chang, "Chongzhen Palace word" Note: "has committed teacher, approved of the prison at the Admiral responsibility, ranging from seniors to fight ruler palm, while kneeling before the saint."
Modern Tao "4 of candy," the wisdom of the discipline
The big educator "Four candy story," is a model of discipline of wisdom.
One day, when he Yucai Primary Principal Tao see a male classmate hit with mud, immediately stop, and told him to go after school to the principal's office. After school, the boys early to the principal's office door, waiting Aixun bow. Tao Jiaochang way, side and handed him a piece of candy, she replied: "This sugar is awarded to you, because you arrive on time, I was late." Somewhat startled boy. Then,http://www.hiybg.com/apps.php?q=diary&a=detail&did=1184585&uid=41463, Taoxiao Zhang took out a piece of candy, said: "This is awarded to you, I will not let you beat the students, you immediately stop,nike tn femme, and this shows you have great respect for me." Skeptical boys took second candy . Then he took out the first three pieces of candy, said: "I investigated, and you hit that guy with mud, because he did not play by the rules, bully girls, that you honest, kind, dare to fight the bad guys !, should reward you, ah, "took the third piece of candy from the hands of later, the boys cried and said:" The principal, you hit me twice, and I was wrong, I they were not bad, but their ! classmates ah "At this time, Otto took out the first four pieces of candy handed him, gently said:"!. You have admitted the mistake, and then reward you with a sugar prize is over,http://wangxinchunw.com/news/html/?198215.html, the conversation has an end "
In recent years, the controversial disciplinary education
Our education department in 1950 Orders abolition of corporal punishment or corporal punishment in disguise. "Teachers Law",http://www.yiliangren.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, "Compulsory Education Law" also banned corporal punishment on students. "Protection of Minors Act" expressly prohibits corporal punishment of minors. Meanwhile, students and parents to raise awareness of rights, but also makes the teachers on the "educational discipline" this legitimate authority to use in perpetuity. Director of the China Youth Research Center, Sun Yunxiao wrote that there is no punishment that education is not complete education; also with a view of discipline is to educate the students and teachers of wits. Open the discipline "gap",air jordan pas cher, but also to guard against corporal punishment "dike." We need a wisdom "ruler." (OM Express, Luoyang Daily, etc.)
& Nbsp;
 (Edit: SN091)


Last year, Chaohu City, a remote small factories to recruit workers, new workers monthly salary as high as 50,tiffany outlet italia,http://www.vaswim.org/cgi-bin/rcalc.cgi,000 yuan. However, after the workers into the plant, but we do not know what the products are. Until more than two months later, the local police will this factory closed down, the workers learned that the factory was actually easy to produce toxic substances hydroxyimino. At present, per capita involved in the commission of five toxic substances jailed for the crime of illegal trade system.
A monthly salary of 50,000 also Baochizhu
In July last year,chaussures louboutin,http://blog.rcc.jp, Zhu Moumou and Peng Moumou to a township Chaohu rented an abandoned factory in the production of organic fertilizer, and then converted into a workshop.
Zhu Moumou Huang Moumou promised the workers that produce a product, you can commission 1,http://hasehiro.info/ticket/ticket.cgi,000 yuan. Because of the fast money,http://apple.nb265.com/bbs/thread-11444-1-1.html, introduce a friend Pang Moumou Huang Moumou other new workers into the plant. Zhu Moumou tell you,http://blog.jplayers.jp, a monthly salary of 50,000 yuan, but also food, accommodation, travel expenses can be reimbursed dealings. September 13 official production, when the Mid-boss gave workers made 10,000 dollars. To get such a high salary, the workers motivated.
What not to say in production
Workers said that,air jordan, in general,christian louboutin pas cher, Zhu Moumou contact materials are sent over from the field, 10 to a worker, every day can produce about seventy-eight products,http://chaos-file.jp/bbs2/bbs.cgi, 25 kg per bag. As for what the product is produced, the workers do not know, "the bag did not explain." Workers have also asked the boss Zhu Moumou,http://hernia8.umin.jp, "said the boss of production is a raw material." Moreover, Zhu Moumou also specifically explain, things do not just ask, "If a stranger asked say that they are in the production of paints."
Gradually,http://auto.henan.cc/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3527837, the workers speculation, "certainly do illegal things, otherwise how would so much money?"
A check is easy to produce toxic substances
By the end of September last year, Chaohu police seized the factory. Survey shows that this plant was actually easy to produce toxic substances hydroxyimino.
Reporters learned that hydroxyimino catalog of the varieties is included in Schedule "precursor chemicals Management Ordinance," the first category of precursor chemicals, the drug-manufacturing state control. Once into illegal channels, hydroxyimino may be manufactured drug ketamine (commonly known as "K" powder).
Yesterday, reporters learned that a few days ago, Chaohu City Court to the crime of illegal trade in making drugs Peng Moumou five people sentenced to four years and six months imprisonment sentence ranging from probation. Meanwhile,scarpe nike uomo, Zhu Moumou and other people were handled separately.


Luo police intercepted on the highway, but he just refused to help police at the beginning. (Correspondent for map)
The man, help him contact his family Jiangmen traffic police found on highway in Enping
Express News correspondent correspondent Jane Li Hongyun Li Liang reported that 15-year-old students to work outside the home,http://www.baseball-reference.com/games/standings.cgi,louboutin femme, 13 years never home, recent work and get wages in Guangzhou,http://www.actipages.net, working young people from Bama Luo decided to walk along the highway 900 kilometers home. April 14, when he went to walk more than 200 kilometers Well usually, be rescued Jiangmen high-speed traffic police squadron of the Third Brigade Second, the police help him contact his family, April 15, the family reunion in Enping, Luo with mother Come back home.
Walking 200 kilometers by the traffic police rescue
Jiangmen City,http://point.infoseek.co.jp, three high-speed traffic police brigade squadron Sen told reporters yesterday, April 14 afternoon, he led the Association in Kaiyang Highway Patrol, in Enping Shahu section and found a young man walking on the highway shoulder,http://cmkj88.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=295501, spirit a little tired, the body clothes are tattered.
Sen said that when the man stopped to ask him to stop, the man does not care for him, but said:. "Do not rush me, I did not do bad things, just along the highway I had no money to go home."
Through the exchange, the man knot slowly opened. He said he called Luo, Bama man, 15 years old to work in Guangdong, it has been 13 years. He is not married, has never contacted the family, never went back home.
Luo said that last year he was working at a construction site in Guangzhou,http://www.as-if.jp, because the boss "go guys," he did not get a year's wages. No money, life distress, he wanted to home, like family,http://markt.vaart.nl/cgi-bin/vaart/markt/classifieds.cgi, and decided to walk home along the highway.
From Guangzhou to Bama Yao Autonomous County is about 900 km. April 13,jordan pas cher,http://151.shyiqi.org/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=715686, Luo from Guangzhou, the 14th went Enping Shahu town until noon was the police found on the highway. At this point, Luo had gone about 200 kilometers.
Police help, the family eventually reunited
Through the exchange, Sen Luo feel sane,louboutin outlet italia, so open to grace the city police will Luomou toll Administration placement. Because Luomou lost identity,scarpe nike air max, Sen and help him contact relatives. Bama in helping the police, the police contacted Luo's mother.
Since then, Luo's mother from Bama overnight ride to Enping. 15 am, Luo and 10 years did not meet the family reunion, the family cried.
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 (Edit: SN091)


BEIJING,nike jordan femme, November 21 Jingmen Power (Wuqi Yong Li Yu Liu Weijia) that "heaven a diamond bachelor", Jingmen public Liu eyebrows. However, she never dreamed this condition is very good,http://www.f-plan.co.jp/no-tie/bbs/light.cgi,chaussures nike pas cher, "Municipal Committee director" was actually a liar, cheat Liu 105,http://sportsfan.jpn.org/cgi-kban/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=136&page=1,000 yuan. Ultimately,louboutin soldes, the man was guilty of fraud by Dongbao District Prosecutor's indictment, was sentenced to three months imprisonment and fined 50,http://acupuncture.jp,000 yuan; 75,000 yuan ordered restitution.
April 2013, Sharon met online a surname into a man, the person claiming Jingmen Municipal Committee, director of the Department,bottes louboutin, in Jingmen city has two suites. Two in the chat,http://syrup.mints.ne.jp/diary/diary.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=5/, as a revealing Interested Ms. Liu.
After a period of time to understand, to a proposed marriage with Sharon,http://pipiham.pos.to/minidiary/apeboard_plus.cgi/apeboard_plus.cgi?command=read_message&msgnum=10/, and expressed a desire to transfer to the two houses Liu name. Since the housing transfer required to pay more than 10 million transfer fee,chaussures louboutin, Sharon from the field back to Jingmen. Into a band Qukan Fang Liu,http://www.bic-bed.jp, Liu was satisfied, the next day it will be handed over to a 105,http://www.ma.ccnw.ne.jp/deai/asobi/bbs2/joyful.cgi,000 yuan. Soon, Liu found that cheated,http://www.guate360.com, then alarm.
In September 2013, he was arrested as a public security organ. Into an account of his real name is Wang, 47 years old, which would like to transfer to the house is also a friend of Liu.
After the incident, Wang Miss Xiang Liu restitution of $ 30,000, made understanding.
Dongbao District Prosecutor's Office sponsored the trial prosecutor that Wang illegal possession for the purpose of fraud, other people's property, a huge amount, his behavior constituted fraud. The court then made the above decision. (End)
(Original title: liar fake "Municipal Committee director" of fraud 100 000 jailed)
Edit: SN146