
November 1, 42-year-old Yang with a high-profile marriage farewell banquet. Network Photos
Original title: man divorced wine celebrate "Kujinganlai"
Along with his wife four years after the divorce; expert: he did not escape, so it should do the ceremony
November 1, 42-year-old Yang with a high-profile marriage farewell banquet.
Newspaper reporter Zhu Yuanxiang Changsha reported
Movie "If You Are the One 2" in between Yao Chen Honglei Li Xiangshan and mango played played, organized a "divorce ceremony." They swear no longer love each other, refund wedding rings,louboutin pas cher,http://www.eveshausen.de/cgi-bin/gaestebuch.cgi, cut together "happy" word ...... in Jinzhou Ningxiang County town, has also staged a "divorce banquet." Unlike the movies, is the only man to do the banquet, he also pulled out of the former restaurant "divorce happiness, Kujinganlai" banner.
"He said do not give gift money, but can be put up fireworks"
Yang, 42, is the protagonist of this divorce feast. On the day of November 1 this is called "small Singles" in, he used a lively banquet bid farewell to the troubled years of failed marriages, also attracted some controversy.
Ningxiang County town in Jinzhou,nike air max pas cher, Jianming restaurant has been doing well. November 1 at noon, this restaurant hosted a "first ever been," the banquet. "He said divorce wine, I do not believe, he took out a divorce certificate to me." She has said the proprietress, townspeople Yang also told her to prepare a ball arch.
This divorce banquet hall located in the restaurant,http://utomir.lib.u-toyama.ac.jp, do only two tables, inviting friends are Yang. After setting up the balloon arches in front of the restaurant, a red banner was hung up that says: "! Mr. Yang X divorce happiness, Kujinganlai"
"It was his own request to hang the banner." Yang's friend Liu said, according to the date of his request Yang, a restaurant across the decorating shop working towards this banner.
Liu attended the banquet divorce confirmed Yang requirements friends do not give red envelopes,http://0771r.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, "he says do not give gift money,hogan interactive, but can be put up fireworks." Then, Liu and two friends to town to buy a three cylinder fireworks, in time for the feast begin discharge.
Banquet,air jordan homme, friends say some of the words of Mr. Xiang Yang celebrate. Very rich feast,air max milano,http://www.caribbeanislands.us, each table has a dozen bowls of food,http://www.balibali.com/cgi-bin/bbs/petit.cgi?;, wine, beer, soft drinks and snacks seeds, everything has.
"I worked nearly 20 years in the kitchen, or the first time to make arrangements for divorce wine." Kemin restaurant chef Liu master laughed.
Some friends "I'm sorry to have a drink."
Yang divorce feast attended a total of more than twenty friends. Many communities have been acquaintances Yang verbal invitation, but some people do not want dinner.
Interview, Yang admitted two friends did not drink this wine divorce. "He has his ideas, we have our ideas." Mr. Yang's friend Yao said, do not a good thing,http://www.guixing8.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=8589, after all divorce wine, "he called me to, I'm embarrassed to go."
Community residents, Yang has no fixed job, occasionally a little business, he and 35-year-old wife was married four years ago, which is both a second marriage, the two have a child. The past two years, the two sides are not feeling well, often quarrel, by the end of October this year, the two agreed to a divorce.
While many people feel sorry, Mr. Yang was in a high-profile divorce banquet to show their friends and family as "hard work brings."
November 3 afternoon,http://www.spansion.com, reporters came Yang national community living, he was just going out. Friends get through their mobile phones, Yang expressed reluctance to be interviewed. (Award clues provided by Mr. Wang, $ 50)
Divorce wine
It is a kind of revenge
Yang divorce feast for the issue, the evening of November 3,http://0to1.info, emotional writer Lu Qi accepted the newspaper reporters.
Lu Qi think, the man divorced wine, is to take the show an attitude, "He wanted to tell the other side, you are wrong, I was right. It is a kind of revenge." Lu Qi believes that this revenge The subconscious mind, in fact, there is an emotional involvement in it. "He did not escape, only to do the ceremony." Lu Qi said that a person forget the past without any ceremony, and do not need to tell someone, "I forget."
Reporter Zhu Yuanxiang
(Man married four years after a feast to celebrate divorce banner book "Kujinganlai")
 (Edit: SN028)