
Birdwatchers close-up shots to black stork. hao photo Pied Avocet. Jinling old summer photo
International migratory birds 8 international channels, there are two through Jiangsu, of which Nanjing wetland is an important stop on the channel. It's like an international airport as greeting sent the migratory birds from around the world, "airborne" here, and even some of the most dangerous species of birds can soar over Nanjing.
Wetlands along the supply for the birds
Jiangsu Wild Bird Society of birdwatchers, told reporters in Nanjing, winter can watch more than 100 kinds of birds species and these migratory birds 'international routes', there are two through Jiangsu, one of Australia - Siberia,http://www-ya.magma.ne.jp/~y-jc/cgi-bin/yjcbbs/honey.cgi, one is Jiangsu - Japan line. Is the farthest from the distant Siberia and other places.
In Nanjing, a regular migratory birds have migrated from Siberia to the geese and ducks birds: bean goose, white-fronted goose,nike tn femme pas cher, whooper swan, Little Swan, Pintail, Green-winged duck, Baikal Teal, Tufted Duck,http://tuonela.s138.xrea.com/lightbbs/light.cgi?res=6070, duck, magpie duck, common merganser, as well as migration from Northeast Asia to the forest birds: In addition to a wide variety of flycatchers, bunting, but there is a common threat to blue-tailed Robin Red,hogan sito ufficiale, North Redstart, songbirds like.
In order to reserve energy for long flights migratory birds need to transit in some places, to stay at least one week, as many as 15 days time, while waiting for favorable winds to take off again,http://numizmat.ru, Nanjing is an important transit point for migratory birds. And along the wetlands, and multiple forest areas along Eura, migratory birds are the most likely place to find supplies.
Pied Avocet large build in wetlands
Over our heads migratory birds, in fact, after the first death in the face, experts told reporters that migratory birds had to be easy, migratory birds flying over the sea and the mountains, its weight tends to reduce the half, 30% of birds No end to migration will die.
According to the faithful to observe birds,nike tn pas cher, rare birds Pied Avocet recently gathered in the Yangtze River wetlands, they traveled from far away as Australia, "Pied Avocet relatively rare, large numbers of the Yangtze River is a wetland attractive." Jiangsu Wild Bird Society member said, Pied Avocet generally along the coastal urban migration, its mouth black and slender, upward turn, is easier when such prey, sounds like a whistle. He also said, "This bird is also very loving, willing to sacrifice their lives for their children. When attacked chicks, adult birds will pretend to do off the fin will distract predators from chicks around."
Black Stork and the large forces may become separated
The birdwatchers Fan Ming had photographed a wetland rare black stork, or chicks,hogan sito ufficiale, which caused an uproar in the bird world. I thought only black stork had left, but birdwatchers yesterday but found it still in Nanjing. As the world's endangered rare birds,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, it exists only in the total number of about 3000 worldwide. Start to finish,http://www.rockclimbing.com/cgi-bin/routes/jump.cgi, it is left alone,http://www.jocurios.eu, is likely to become separated with great force, began the "independent life."
Statistically, in the Yangtze River wetland birds winter has arrived rather the type and quantity increased over last year. Increase the number of bean goose populations most common, such as geese, spot-billed duck,http://www.xmas-card.net, green-winged duck,tiffany outlet, Baikal Teal,http://www.boatbuilders.us, Lark, etc. all come.
Some rare or rare winter migratory birds come to Nanjing "guest" of the. Friends of the Wild Bird Society of birds had been found along the wetland a "national treasure," the black-faced spoonbill, as well as a lesser white-fronted goose, they Arctic from Siberia, is the world's vulnerable species.
Our reporter Juan