
Star News (Reporter Qi Lin) young woman dating friends, drink a drink delivery to friends, he felt dizzy and in a coma for two days later, the woman found herself awake virginity,http://www.almale.jp, after the woman to the police. Eventually, the police woman and friends chats in a picture scene, restored to reality,http://vegalta7.s156.xrea.com/aska/aska.cgi/www.dasfsgfuy.com,nike air, to find the same scene,http://lauzyprygdjerwwprqqq.seesaa.net, only to find the users's company.
August 12, Xiao Zhu (a pseudonym) report that they have been through an understanding of the micro-letter man seizure, lethargy two days sober. Things happen in August 10,christian louboutin pas cher,http://aqua.sfc.wide.ad.jp, Xiao Zhu and men dating, drinking a glass of men to buy drinks after they fainted,louboutin homme, found himself in a hotel, disheveled until wake up. After the alarm,http://www.loveziyan.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=868489, since Xiaozhu affected by the drug,tiffany outlet italia, has not remember Which hotel, only remember it was in the vicinity of the Yangtze River Road, the police found one investigation was guesthouses Xiaozhu, but the suspect did not use their own ID card registration.
In this case, Xiaozhu found a suspect's life according to the chat, the display is in a company's office,http://www.buchiyama.com, based on this information, the police began near the company's investigation. August 22, police in the Yangtze River Road one office and found exactly the same with the picture of the scene,http://www.ibchina.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=285392, and photographs suspects, was sitting not far away.
Bartholomew suspects to an account from the Internet to buy two bottles of his "triazolam", it had been intended to commit suicide,http://www.leesauthenticationservice.com, but the suicidal thoughts are not strong. The incident that night, after the commission of an offense against Xiao Zhu, Miao of a return home, swallowed eighty grain "triazolam" coma after the roommate found and sent to hospital. Police are further processed.
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