
Star News (Reporter Qi Lin) young woman dating friends, drink a drink delivery to friends, he felt dizzy and in a coma for two days later, the woman found herself awake virginity,http://www.almale.jp, after the woman to the police. Eventually, the police woman and friends chats in a picture scene, restored to reality,http://vegalta7.s156.xrea.com/aska/aska.cgi/www.dasfsgfuy.com,nike air, to find the same scene,http://lauzyprygdjerwwprqqq.seesaa.net, only to find the users's company.
August 12, Xiao Zhu (a pseudonym) report that they have been through an understanding of the micro-letter man seizure, lethargy two days sober. Things happen in August 10,christian louboutin pas cher,http://aqua.sfc.wide.ad.jp, Xiao Zhu and men dating, drinking a glass of men to buy drinks after they fainted,louboutin homme, found himself in a hotel, disheveled until wake up. After the alarm,http://www.loveziyan.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=868489, since Xiaozhu affected by the drug,tiffany outlet italia, has not remember Which hotel, only remember it was in the vicinity of the Yangtze River Road, the police found one investigation was guesthouses Xiaozhu, but the suspect did not use their own ID card registration.
In this case, Xiaozhu found a suspect's life according to the chat, the display is in a company's office,http://www.buchiyama.com, based on this information, the police began near the company's investigation. August 22, police in the Yangtze River Road one office and found exactly the same with the picture of the scene,http://www.ibchina.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=285392, and photographs suspects, was sitting not far away.
Bartholomew suspects to an account from the Internet to buy two bottles of his "triazolam", it had been intended to commit suicide,http://www.leesauthenticationservice.com, but the suicidal thoughts are not strong. The incident that night, after the commission of an offense against Xiao Zhu, Miao of a return home, swallowed eighty grain "triazolam" coma after the roommate found and sent to hospital. Police are further processed.
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Yesterday, the 81-year-old grandmother asked in detail about jobs Cui told reporters subject to recruiters
Coincided with the peak of the holiday job, yesterday morning, the reporter held in Xi'an talent market comprehensive recruitment Festival first found a job extremely strong team, there is a 80-year-old.
Introverted old grandson said helped to find work
Yesterday's job fair, 54 household units provide jobs 1180. According to statistics, more than 3200 people in attendance yesterday,nike air max 90 pas cher, reached a preliminary employment intention proportion at 42%.
Recruitment site,nike pas cher, one pair of white-haired old man, in a crowded job search crowd, quite conspicuous. 81-year-old grandmother and 87-year-old Cui wife Ma grandfather to grandson came to the recruitment site looking for work. In front of each recruiting booth, two elderly will carefully review each saw involve computers in job recruitment, will be pushed in front of their advice, and then to sell their 23-year-old grandson, after leaving the employer's phone number,http://www.xn--eck4dzdy45lfpwgk8azsw.net, address .
Cui said the grandmother, grandson, very good, in 2012 graduated from Xi'an, a private college,http://jvzcfek.krtshz.com.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=3764170, have expertise in the computer, is a little introverted personality. After graduation, looking for three working, but working time is not too long, is currently unemployed.
Cui said the grandmother, their home away from hiring will be relatively close,http://tucchy.sakura.ne.jp/c/epad2/epad.cgi?mode=view&no=2922&res=1&page=20, so we came to see her grandchildren.
A unit responsible for the recruitment of Mr. Zhang Cui said the grandmother, her children, should find their own work. Cui grandmother left, Mr. Zhang told reporters bluntly, encountered such a situation, they generally do not recruit. See old grandson job,http://jfy4ghtuertfy.bloguez.com/jfy4ghtuertfy/4856010/apeboard.cgi, Wang Xi'an University of Arts students said, looking at all distressed, job proposal thing or themselves.
Why the elderly are frequent job-site "avatars"
In recent years, the job fair, has seen parents help their children to find a job, but compared with previous years, this year's two job fairs, the reporter saw the elderly to help the younger generation getting older job seekers.
Xi'an staffing service center staff analysis, the elderly for their children to find a job, there are three cases, one is just graduated not want to work, stay home, and parents anxious, carrying their children to give them the job market looking for work; s two is to find a job after repeatedly rebuffed, unwilling to find work; the third is the children working in the field,http://blog.artcoat.cn/space.php?uid=114797&do=blog&id=2625604, parents want their children to come back to work,chaussures louboutin, inquire in advance about.
Why most sales jobs but do not want to go
In the recruitment site yesterday, many job seekers, recruiters and job remains the difficult problem of matching party, although many employers say they wage growth, but job seekers compared with salary requirements, and some gaps.
Job Title 54 household units, the maximum demand for sales positions, most units have sales positions. Reporters found that many job seekers do not want to dry sales. Mr. He graduated two years, said good sales although high wages, but the risk is too great,chaussure nike homme, high mobility, and need a lot of connections,chaussure louboutin pas cher femme, he wanted to find a stable job. In the job site, Ms Ho said, before her work in Beijing,http://www.eru-collection.com/joyful/joyful.cgi, and later at home with the child two years, is now ready to come to find work, she had to do is travel,http://xy713.cn.id40736.aliasl5.doctoryun.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=400110, and now want to switch to get a job administration. Another hearing yesterday, the Minister of Xi'an talent market Marketing Xu Bo said that in February, in addition to this job fair yesterday, but they will hold six job fairs will be held on March 13 games in different sectors of job fairs, job seekers according to their own needs to go,http://jsuva.com/cgi-bin/bbs/light.cgi, free admission. The reporter Zhouyan Tao
(Original title: octogenarian old couple grandson crutches to find a job (Figure))
 (Edit: SN054)


Yesterday,louboutin, the Guangdong High Court for concern,http://moodle.ndna.org.uk/login/index.php?item/create_form/1,air max, "Shenzhen, Hiroaki extubation murder case" make a final ruling, the prosecution dismissed the protest,scarpe nike air max, maintaining the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court to three years imprisonment,http://hikumano.hama-med.ac.jp, suspended for three years verdict. & Nbsp; & nbsp;
Extubation husband wife death
9 February 2009 about 8:00 pm, Shenzhen, Wuhan woman marrying to Hu Jing,http://www.city.uozu.toyama.jp/mmagemergency/mmagMlApp.aspx, collapsed at home in Shenzhen, the Shenzhen City Hospital ICU ward inpatient treatment period has been unconscious, heartbeat, blood pressure, by the ventilator maintain breathing. Around at 15:00 on February 16, Wen Yu Zhang to the ward to visit him when Hu Jing breathing tube, blood pressure monitoring tubes and other medical devices unplugged, stop treatment and give up the treatment, 4 pm Hu Jing death. Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court on December 9, 2010 sentenced the defendant of intentional murder text Hiroaki 3 years imprisonment,http://app.wmzhan.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=36585, suspended for three years.
Procuratorate that "sentencing abnormal light"
After the verdicts, the Shenzhen City Procuratorate that "sentencing abnormal light," protest against the first instance verdict filed three grounds. One finds that the case is "less serious" is wrong; second,http://www.yiliangren.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=,nike air max femme, the defendant is found out, "wife" extubation motive is wrong; Third, although the accused have surrendered,http://www.worley.com, active compensation for economic losses and other circumstances,nike air max 95, but for probation poor social effects.
Guangdong High Court upheld the view that the implementation of the text Hiroaki impulse extubation behavior,http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/make-your-own-website-mobile-web-design-builder-digital-item-/181281492980?/shockwave/download/download.cgi, subjective vicious and harmful to society are small, are "less serious." Hiroaki later case can voluntarily surrender and confessed to the crime,http://www.xn--fiqs8sssir8u.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=399276, should be recognized as surrender, can be mitigated punishment according to law. Text Hiroaki Department of a first offense, a good attitude, full compensation for close relatives of the victims suffered economic losses, with repentance, can be given a lighter punishment according to the law, for the text Hiroaki probation does not further harm to society. Reason prosecutors protest the revision is sought can not be established, it shall not be accepted.
Tracking reports


"Dad, I was admitted to the provincial key high school, you worry." Yesterday, the Shenyang Intermediate People's Court courtroom, the Xiaofang (a pseudonym) crying for their father said.
His father Hemou was sitting in the dock, waiting for the court proceedings against him.
November 5, 2011,http://www.jdptj.cn/news/html/?160202.html, he was strangled and his own home to live with his wife for 17 years. He Shenbei to Shenyang police station to surrender: "I killed my wife."
What happened a few days ago on Nov. 5, Mou's wife wanted to see the arms of a father,scarpe louboutin sito ufficiale, "father to live in her sister's home,http://www.91865kxg.com/read.php?tid=766973&ds=1, she wanted me to take her to ride a motorcycle before just under the snow, slippery the day is still very cold, I do not want to go. It's that we see those up. "Mou represented.
17 years of marriage,tiffany collane, the two sides will inevitably also had a quarrel, but marital relations have been good, but this quarrel has brought irreversible consequences. "My arm dumped her, she would hand scratch my face, I put her to press down on the gas, a hand grabbed her neck, to pluck the moment,http://www.xiezuoji.com/kashen/home.php?mod=space&uid=5396, twelve minutes, I suppose she does not move, and that she served it,nike soldes, got up and then I went to another house to stay, and come back to see that she was still lying down, I was afraid, hand on her nose touched it and found She has no gas. "
At this time Hemou not call 120 for emergency treatment after the turn in the house for more than an hour from home pulls out a bottle of rat poison liquid,tn pas cher,http://www.winedin.com/fennel/beets/beets/pair_food_wine.php?food=register.cgi, poured into the mouth of his wife,http://guestbook.withlove.info/index.php, manufacture suicide scene.
But when heard about Uncle Brother found a purple mark on his sister neck, concealed Hemou tell the truth to the police station and gave himself up.
Yesterday morning, the case in Shenyang City Intermediate People's Court began the trial, Hemou was accused of intentional homicide.
He was brought to the courtroom after Hemou Hemou daughter, sister, and a sister Wu brother started crying.
More than eight months without seeing his father's Xiaofang (a pseudonym) In order to more clearly see my father,http://bbs.xkd.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=676467, trembling hands took the glasses from her aunt.
Sister Hemou slightly increase the volume, pointing to HeMou Xiaofang said, "was admitted to the provincial key friends, rest assured!" "Dad,hogan outlet online, I was admitted," Xiaofang also cried. Mou tearful daughter Xiaofang quietly thumbs-up.
Court, pleaded guilty to a good attitude Hemou, actively cooperate with the judge to verify the details of the incident that day,http://bbs.tt919.com/read.php?tid-392479-fpage-2.html/read.php?tid-392479-fpage-2.html/post.php?fid=192?fid=192, and when the end of the trial, his wife's sister, brother, etc. express the feeling of guilt.
"I really did not mean to kill her, and married so many years, and her daughter was still in junior high school, had also been feeling okay; was really too impulsive," Mou said.
Mou Wu's family requested a compensation for the cost of about 250,000, Mou said he can not afford to compensate. Based on the two sides are interested in mediation, the two sides after the judge arrange mediation court. "The children really did not even admitted to high school, to his brother in which transformation can feel at ease, lied to him. This child before learning good, such a big thing happened last year at home, there is no desire to learn. My second child this year ten, and can their own money,http://www.lubanye.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=49631, I do not have control. I'm obsessed with children who are in my niece, I want her to take breath, after the summer vacation, want to give her another learning environment, intend to take her to the field. "Mou's sister FIG.
Chief reporter intern Wang Junjun Sui Guanzhuo
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Beijing News (Reporter Zhang school) 15 years ago, lured Sike Trial Scheme to seal bank unit, and then forged by the accomplice Lu Feng, who plan to cheat the bank transfer checks to deposit. In less than six months, the Trial Scheme defrauded from the bank deposits of nearly 46 million yuan.
Recently, the Trial Scheme on suspicion of fraud be prosecuted or two in the hospital bill.
It is understood that Lu Feng had occurred in 1997,http://www.civilservicesaudionotes.com/index.php?option=com_users&view=registration&return=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5jaXZpbHNlcnZpY2VzYXVkaW9ub3Rlcy5jb20vaW5kZXgucGhw, "Beijing's first case of financial fraud," the principal, for committing a number of offenses have been sentenced to life imprisonment.
Trial Scheme 56, have a university education, unemployed before the incident.
According to the prosecution alleged, between October 1997 and March 1998, Trial Scheme together with Lu Feng, Zhang Chung Tak (was jailed for 15 years), with the funds in the bank to obtain high interest as bait, to lure each time Beijing Poly Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. and the State Bureau of Building Materials Industry Science and Technology Development Center will be 1,soldes louboutin,000 million, 2 million yuan deposited in a bank, respectively. Trial Scheme reserved for the use of the two units in the bank's signature card, Sike seal, or Trial Scheme together with Lu Feng Xing Hongsheng (already sentenced) and others, re-use Sike seal transfer check forgery, has lied to draw deposits from banks 11,945,000 Yuan. 195 yuan in embezzled money by Trial Scheme, Xing Hongsheng partner points.
Prosecutors also check in between January 1998 to April, Lu Feng Trial Scheme knowing, Zhang weight and Germany's intention,http://eiga.yokkaichi.org/sunbbs2/sunbbs.cgi?mode=form&no=2006&page=1, will then celebrate Beijing Beijing Real Estate Consulting Co., Ltd., Beijing Switch Factory, Beijing Huafeng Service Decoration Co.,http://www.52shuitou.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1978492, Ltd. Katy seal aside in a bank in Germany, who re-supply Zhang, Lu Feng,air force nike, who led the unit lied to draw deposits totaling more than 34 million yuan.
September 10,http://moriofan.sakura.ne.jp/petit/petit.cgi, 2012, Trial Scheme to justice.
Prosecutors believe that should be investigated Trial Scheme bills fraud criminal liability.
According to the indictment, the case because the case is significant, complex, the prosecution period extended three times each half, and twice returned to the investigation organ for supplementary investigation.
It is understood that because of Trial Scheme sickness, can not appear in court, the Court decided recently to Trial Scheme custody to court, hearing the case.
■ Background
"Beijing's first case of financial fraud": in December 2006, Xinhua reported that Beijing Heng Lu Feng in any business development company's legal representative, during the general manager,chaussure christian louboutin, and to respect conspiracy and jointly implement the 20 cases of fraud. Among them,http://www.bf8848.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=593787, from October 1997 to October 1999, the fraud they have 10 bank branch offices.
The case was the media as "the capital of the first case of financial fraud."
It is understood that a King, Lu Feng and others to pay high interest rates, to attract some business units will idle funds into a designated bank, then bought by Bank staff,scarpe hogan uomo, falsified transfer checks from a bank or financial credentials cheated out of deposit units funds in the account,http://repository.tku.ac.jp, and then proceeds to pay promised high interest rates, other illegal possession of stolen money were squandered after use.
The court found that the case involved cheated amount of up to 225 million yuan (72.5 million yuan of which belong attempted), which caused the country's economic losses of 1.2 billion yuan.
December 20,http://bbs.gamezui.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=17734,nike air jordan femme, 2006, the Beijing High Court of Final Appeal sentenced to King to death, suspended for two years; sentenced to life imprisonment Lu Feng,http://ootabrog.bast.shop-pro.jp, Zhang Chung Tak to 15 years imprisonment.
(Original title: Man forged checks cheated bank 46 million)
 (Edit: SN017)


Left man said, to spend one hundred million to buy the tomb of Emperor Kangxi. Left man money bag from a friend. The guide's feet hit the money.
"Monday, July 11, I went to play Tangshan Qing Tombs, visitors encounter three non depends not yet opened Kangxi cemetery palace, the tour guide in order to dissuade yet open grounds, they seemingly have Jigexiuqian look,http://bbs.gandafu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1144, known as To the one hundred million to buy the tomb of Emperor Kangxi, one of Shanxi accent arrogant guides take money to drop, they saw me shoot still snatch my phone and hit me,http://www.agile-times.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=20468&fromuid=5565, I'm angry! "
"This place is not that I bought my house yet, I'll give you a million enough,http://916youxi.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=38597, I bought it!" July 11 afternoon,nike air max, a tourist would like to visit the cemetery Tangshan Kang Xiling Palace, after being guided declined issued Such rhetoric.
Another tourist,http://xjwyx4.cc/home.php?mod=space&uid=7256, with a cell phone camera scene this period, and the video sent to the Internet, attracted many onlookers. Yesterday,christian louboutin pas cher,http://bbs.qlqcd.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=230881, when the Chongqing Morning News reporters Lian Ji and Shang Zheming tour, he also was surprised to this video and denied speculation, "Today (19th) have the students call me, I know there is this video!"
Tourists want to go to the underground palace refused to visit
During this approximately 1 minute 20 seconds of the video, the photographer was making a start mausoleum of Emperor Kangxi "King Mausoleum," the hall, suddenly found two men and 1 woman surrounded by three tourists who look like a tourist guide, and guides are what to say, they take advantage to shoot up.
First guide, said: "The first three can be a normal visit to the temple, behind the underground palace is not open, you can not see." Then they explained that King Mausoleum underground palace heritage of reasons, not open.
Bespectacled man then offered to have a look at the underground palace, saying "we come from Shanxi ...... you to think about nature, make an exception, we give money." Guide to "It's not about the money thing" declined.
Bespectacled man not to give up, said, "We wanted to see."
"This is where I spent one hundred million to buy"
Tour guide replied: "Look you said,http://bbs.zjw.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=699519, this is not who want to see can see, it is not your home, is not it?" Hearing this,air max soldes, after standing in the middle, has been silent man suddenly agitated up: " My family? This is not the place I bought my house yet, I'll give you a million enough, I bought it! "
After hearing this tour, he simply said: "a million, then you really have money enough." Peizhao Xiao then began to smooth things over: "You earn a money is not very easy, come out to play, maintaining a good mood, everyone happy, OK? "
This man suddenly interrupted the tour guide's words: "Shut up, small tour!" Subsequently, the eye-popping scene took place, he grabbed a pile of money from the man's bag and wearing glasses, about to drop on the foot guides and shouted: "Come on,http://wzbk.net.cn/news/html/?161509.html, give you a thousand dollars, okay?" See notes strewn all over the floor, even those who have issued video capture emotion: "! I X, real cattle X"
Guided by this scene apparently scared, but he immediately react, he said:? "It's a little too far right,nike running donna, so many people are looking at you to do this at least is that you do not respect me, not for yourself respect, you say is not it? "
Subsequently, bespectacled man found someone in the shooting, rushed over to stop, interrupt the video at this time, the whole incident lasted about 1 minute 20 seconds.
Staff are aware of this matter
Yesterday afternoon, the reporter called the Eastern Qing Tombs Heritage Management Office of the phone,basket nike pas cher,http://www.wszj365.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=9222, listening to a female staff member described to reporters, said, "This thing we all know," and called a male head of the phone.
This is the name of the person in charge said that they guide Heritage Management Office, which is what they have heard. When a reporter interview requests, staff member immediately called the video of that tour guides.
This tour guides said he Wang, the video guide is indeed him, this happened last week. Wang did not want to start an interview with reporters, said to be reported after the leadership and then decide, because the thing just appeared on the Internet video of the unit spread, leaders learned colleagues are now looking at.
Finally, the reporter to "how the money final process" as the beginning of the interview, slowly opened the chatterbox chatty guide.
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Chen Ying-wide high-definition video surveillance captured the true face of one of the suspects identified the suspect site,http://bbs.3dp-times.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=603160&fromuid=104395
Chongqing Evening News Chen Ying whole milk in XiuShanXian a wholesale grocery store when the warehouse keeper, relatives and friends often received his milk delivered, all envy,http://accdev.tsware.jp,louboutin pas cher, "or your company benefits good!"
Friends and relatives know where they milk Chen are stolen.
Chongqing Evening News chief reporter Xiaxiang Zhou correspondent Wuzhao Xia photo coverage
Often with milk home
Chen Ying full 23 years, doing the job last year,air max pas cher chine, every day is an inventory of goods in and out, to prevent leakage and other warehouses. Chen boss to pay him a monthly salary of 2,000 yuan, but also often send some approaching the shelf life of milk to him.
Kindly boss did not win his loyalty. Chen often use the identity of the librarian, the false number of losses,christian louboutin pas cher, and these "losses" were he secretly back home.
"He never lacked milk to drink,http://www.cecyteo.edu.mx/site/index.php, often received his friends and relatives to send the milk." Neighbors introduction, Chen Ying full name of the milk are issued by the company benefits.
"We certainly would envy, and said he found a good job." Neighbors said,http://gamsa.net/guestbook/index.php?item/create_form/1, in fact, they doubted, "the company every day, so you send welfare, is the boss is doing charity?"
1800 less milk
Boss Chen introduced April 28, when he was at the end of a routine inventory and found that the number of milk a warehouse does not, check into the shipping bill, confirm 1800, 10 million yuan worth of milk was missing. He reported to the police.
At this point, he remembered one episode: In April,http://www.casebook.jp, the surrounding provinces Xiushan county some agents had called him, was detected in the low-priced sales of milk.
Police investigation found that the Treasury door without any damage, no monitoring of the Treasury,http://www.fufumen.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, but there are some near the camera, because the pixels are not high, it is dark, did not shoot the suspect to the theft of the main characteristics of milk.
Treasury periphery suspects before the camera, deliberately obscured the face, police suspect this judge may be familiar with the environment of the house.
But clever thieves, or have missed time. Police See farther away from the Treasury to monitor found that the suspects had blocked the head and face, this is fully exposed to high-definition monitor. This man is the custody of another warehouse full of librarians Chen Ying.
Combining visits to milk sales counties surrounding provinces, Chen Ying congruent police identified three people suspected of a major crime, so the three people arrested.
Seven into the warehouse to steal milk
Chen Ying full account,http://blog.rcc.jp, Chen Guofu, Liu Lang and his work at the Ministry of wholesale know, two resigned last year.
2012 Spring Festival, Liu Lang also invited Chen Ying wholesale department to work together to steal the whole milk. Under Chen Ying full cooperation,http://zhuoxianke.yeyou.eu/article.php?type=blog&cid=3&itemid=356798, the two will steal more than 30 pieces of milk to the price of each sold below the market price of 2-5 yuan, the income of 1,000 yuan fence.
After the first succeeded, they find profitable, found Chen Guofu crime together. To facilitate the crime, Liu Lang door with the key to the warehouse.
In April 2013, three 6 theft of milk, sold Songtao County, Guizhou and Hunan Huayuan County township, retained a portion for their own consumption or to give as gifts. 6 crime, each share of nearly 3 million.
He knows how to take care of people
Often give us the milkman
Chen Ying is a whole 90. A surname Ran relatives told the Chongqing Evening News reporter, "they said section 90 young frivolous, do not know how to take care of people caring for people, but this guy, in our eyes very polite, very caring people know, or how he would always give Friend milkman it? "
Ran Xiansheng says they do not believe these are Chen Ying milk benefits the whole company, but can not think of a steal. "We thought that he was afraid we do not accept, said that the unit was issued,nike air max homme, no money, so we have no reason to refuse. If you know that milk is stolen, will certainly be discouraged."
Ran Xiansheng said, is willing to compensate the loss of relatives and friends of Mr. Chen, "We do not want Mr. Chen did not hold,louboutin milano, but I hope Mr. Chen was able to forgive him, came out also hired him to let the children have the opportunity to redeem oneself."
Mr. Chen said he was willing to give all former employees Correction chance, after he rehabilitation and return to work is not impossible.
(Text three suspects were all a pseudonym)
(Original title: The 90 regular guy to someone milkman)